d-bag of the week … “gishing for dollars”

d-bag of the week by hip is everything

lewd gord, what a week …
there has been so many d-bag moments and antics to choose from for the “d-bag of the week” that i feel like a five year on red bull who’s just come down the stairs on christmas morning to find that santa has literally exploded in my front room, spewing the whole neighbourhood’s gifts …
and “they’re mine, all mine!” …

i know, lately it seems that there is no a shortage of contenders, dead-enders, pretenders and offenders …
and it seems that every week is another week so full of scheming, lying politicians, incoherent, ass kissing, dog whistle blowing, windbag broadcasters, pointless, prevaricating pontificators, and d-bag extraordinaire performances from around the world that i can just toss a dart at a board and BINGO!, ‘we have a winner!”

but, this week was even better than most …
exceeding the nauseating norm it seems …
with more douche bag dancing, mendacious manoeuvring, sleaze-ball slithering and out and out treasonous and treacherous tantrums than you could shake a large pointed stick at …
especially by the “1% is the only peeps that count” gang and their egocentric, self-centered, self entitled and greed driven proponents …

it was a categorically and conclusively colourful and copious cornucopia of craven cretinism, doused with dollops of devious douchebaggery and an astronomically abundant allotment of ass-hattery to choose from to say the least …

we had the gop/romney/fehrnstrom gang and their antics in florida and several other swing states proving that there really is voter fraud … and they’re the ones committing it …
toad “the wet fuckit” akin leaping back into the slime light with his latest video, where he states, on the floor of the house no less, that abortion doctors are “terrorists who are performing abortions on women who aren’t even pregnant” … wtf? … someone break out the grade seven biology texts please …
paul “ayn” ryan, with his newest video release, where he writes off most americans as “takers, not makers” and claims that only 70% of americans want the “american dream” and the rest just want to lay around on the government dole …
the ”joseph mccarthy paranoid asshat of the year award winner” allen west (R-FL) reportedly asking his wife to be his "porn star" in a hand-written letter from iraq in 2003, detailing "non-negotiable" sex acts she was to perform on his return and ordering her to wear only two-piece bathing suits …
mittens, channelling clint “the chair whisperer” eastwood and getting his neocon on while letting rip with another one of his “i have no fucking clue what i’m talking about, but here goes anyways” spiels, in which he said that if he’s president he will press for an indictment of iranian president mahmoud awkmydinnerjacket on charges of inciting genocide
yeah, that should help the negotiations …
mitt, you moron … just stfu! for a change …
let the adults handle the “adult things” …
why don’t you just get on that dancing pony you rode in on and hit the trail …
paul “lyin’” ryan claiming in an interview on "fix noise sunday" that the plan would drop taxpayers’ bills by 20 percent without costing a dime, due to closed tax loopholes, then when pressed to “explain the math” by one time news man and full time faux noise mouth piece chris wallace, bailing out of his bullshit boat by stating that “It would take me too long to go through all of the math”
rush limpballs going on another of his vile and bile spewage fests, dredged from deep within the desperate, dank chasm of that hate filled racist shithole he calls his heart, railing and bloviating about how obama just skated his “affirmative action ass” all the way to the whitehouse and calling him an “angry black man with a chip on his shoulder” while trying to resell a video on youtube from 2007 that the sludge report and faux noise is touting as “breaking news” and evidence that obama is anti-american to their low information, bigoted, ditto-head followers …
and in one of the strangest, and certainly most desperate and blatantly insincere moves in the 2012 run for the whitehouse, the romney/ryan gang sending out a flyer in northern virginia pledging to fight lyme disease, which they describe as a “massive epidemic threatening virginia” in a carl rove like whip up the fear and “vote for us – we’re the only guys that can save your sorry asses” campaign …

yup, quite a fucking frantic and frenzied festival of fallacy, lunacy, idiocy and mendacity indeed …
a real douchebagapalooza from the right …

so, just who took their act to the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the slimiest of the slimy? …
who was the king or queen of douchebaggery in the last seven days? …
in a week that was full of some of the slimiest, sleaziest, slithering, scuzzball serpents the world of partisan politics, religion and big business has to offer …

without further ado …

ladies and gentlemen …

the envelope please …

our latest winner …
of the sometimes coveted, always deserved …

golden d-bag award

and this weeks award goes to …
drum roll please …

the malevolent master of mendacity and misdirection …
that ranting, roiling and railing raconteur reprobate from the “regal right” …
an imperious, instigator of indifference, intolerance, ignorance and insensitivity …
lower than a ball-sack in a sauna …
and more conniving and condescending than newt gingrich at cpac …
he makes detestable, despicable and delusional seem like a higher calling …
that disgustingly dastardly darling of the defiantly disreputable …
a craven, contemptuous, condescending, cuckolded cockhead of conservatism …

a true bastion and bulwark o’ brazen bullshit and bluster …

mr roboto himself …

mitt “mendacity be my moniker” romney …

for his starring roles in  “the masterdebater” and “the lyin’ king” …

romney debate tactic by bagley @ salt lake tribune

The Romney Strategy – Gishing Your Way To The White House

The Gish Gallop, named after creationist Duane Gish, is the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time. The term was coined by Eugenie Scott of the National Center for Science Education.

The formal debating jargon term for this is spreading. You can hear some mindboggling examples here. It arose as a way to throw as much rubbish into five minutes as possible. In response, some debate judges now limit number of arguments as well as time. However, in places where debating judges aren’t there to call bullshit on the practice, like the internet, such techniques are remarkably common.

The gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority, as it appears to paint the "galloper" as an expert in a broad range of subjects and the opponent as an incompetent bumbler who didn’t do their homework before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating opinions.

It is often successfully combined with the "point refuted a thousand times" (PRATT). The gallop must consist of as many points as possible, and even old and worn out arguments are useful in overwhelming the respondent and bamboozling the audience. The technique also takes advantage of the one single proof fallacy, since if a respondent only manages to refute 99 out of 100 points there is still one point that proves the galloper correct. The galloper takes to heart Joseph Stalin’s advice that "quantity has a quality all its own."
from wikipedia

then, there was romney blatantly cheating at the debate …
caught on tape …

"No props, notes, charts, diagrams or other writings can be used by the candidates; however, they can take notes on the type of paper of their choosing.”  – from the debate rules, agreed to by both candidates before the debate …

and finally, maybe mitt’s most desperate, ridiculous and blatant lie of the week …
truly sealing the deal for this week’s award …
proving once and for all that mitt firmly believes that the american people are just plain gullible and stupid …

let the etch-a-sketching” commence …

double-down-double-back from democratic underground


mitt “mendacity be my moniker” romney …


this week’s  golden d-bag award  winner


this week, i thought we’d end with a little something to lighten the mood a bit …
i’ll leave you with a joke that is making the rounds on the old interwebz this week:

Snow White, Superman and Pinocchio are walking along.
They see a sign: "Contest for World’s Most Beautiful Woman." Snow White goes in, later comes out smiling, wearing a crown.
They walk along and see another sign: "Contest for World’s Strongest Man." Superman goes in, later comes out smiling, wearing the belt.
They walk along and see a sign: "Contest for World’s Greatest Liar." Pinocchio goes in, later comes out with his head down crying.
"Who the hell is Mitt Romney?" Pinocchio sobs.
