the conservative’s war on women intensifies

even as the transvaginal ultrasound bill in Virginia was causing national outrage, pennsylvania conservatives were quietly pushing a even more restrictive abortion bill … the legislation is designed with so many difficult and differing restrictions that long-time abortion policy analyst elizabeth nash from the guttmacher institute told raw story, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

the bill would mandate that:
– transvaginal ultrasounds be undertaken even though medically unnecessary (requirements since rejected by the state of Virginia),
– doctors and staff must strongly encourage women to view and listen to ultrasounds,
-  technicians would be forced to give the women personalized copies of the results,
-  the state would mandate how long before any abortion the ultrasound must be performed,
– so many requirements packed into the 22-page bill that it would make it logistically difficult if not impossible for abortion providers to comply with them,
– women who get an ultrasound (more than 14 days before her abortion) must view a state-approved video on fetal gestation,
– the state would be required to compile a list of ultrasound providers, which is likely to include anti-choice crisis pregnancy centers (henry waxman’s staff on the house government reform committee documented [
PDF] that federally-funded crisis pregnancy centers were often distributing medically inaccurate and intentionally misleading health information to women)

the FDA already recommends that medically unnecessary ultrasounds should be discouraged, since the long-term effects of radiation from the ultrasound machines are unknown … 
the pennsylvania chapter of the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists and the
pennsylvania medical society both oppose the legislation …

the bill faces a vote in the full pennsylvania state house in mid-march, when the legislature is back in session …
petition at has collected nearly 15,000 signatures opposing the legislation …

the erroneously and condescendingly named “Women’s Right to Know Act”, House Bill 1077 [PDF], was authored by state rep. kathy rapp (R)

even though the republicans are spinning this as an opportunity to “gather more information before making a choice”, it is nothing more than one more way to shame and intimidate women into NOT having abortions …
and it’s just one more way to force women to give up their constitutionally given right to do with their bodies as THEY see fit …
that this bill is being spearheaded and shepherded by a woman makes this whole episode, in my humble opinion, even more ludicrous and onerous …
more mandates from the same party that rails against the affordable health care act’s mandate …
and more intrusive BIG government control over women from the supposed party of “lesser and smaller government” …
the gop war on women continues full speed ahead …

sign the petition at opposing the legislation


on the 2012 anniversary of roe versus wade, rep. kathy rapp (R-warren/forest/mckean) hosted a state capitol press conference to build momentum for passage of her insane bill…
here to watch the full press conference

contact her to let her know how you feel here …
please, be polite and NO spamming …

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