D-Bag of the Week – The ‘Fuck ‘Em All, I Gots Mine’ Edition

Forget about the zombie apocalypse that will surely never come.
The real epidemic at hand is the douche-bag apocalypse that is already upon us.

It’s time for that always deserved, and rarely claimed award for the d-bag with the moistest.
and without a doubt we have all the scheming, lying politicians, incoherent, ass kissing, dog whistle blowing, incessantly blathering, windbag broadcasters, greedy, glamour glomming grifters and pointless, prevaricating and pontificating pricks we’ll ever need to choose from.
Even though this week’s douche-off was not without a copiously crammed cornucopia of conniving, classless, clueless, crass and cretinous challengers to that majestic mantle of  mediocrity, mendacity, meandering mindlessness and missteps we like to call the “d-bag of the week”, we do have a distinct winner.
It’s time to answer the question that seemingly needs to be answered kids.
Just who took their act to the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the slimiest of the slimy?
Who was the king or queen of douchebaggery in the last seven days?
Well, this week it was a no brainer …
Easy peasy …
He has a Masters in doucherocketry, and a heart as dark and cold as Ann Coulter’s soul.
A real regressive regent of the repugnant, reprehensible, repulsive and revolting, ranting and railing right.

Our d-bag of the week is …

<drum roll>

Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry

For just being himself it appears.

Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry said out loud what most Republican only say in private. He wants to end Social Security and Medicare. He told Charlotte Observer political reporter Jim Morrill, “I would rather have complete control of the social safety net given to the states.” “That would end Social Security and Medicare. Most Republicans would probably agree. And that’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans.”

Patrick McHenry, you ARE our D-Bag of the week!
Grats asshole and …

Fuck you sir.
Fuck you like a Trump fucks a contractor.


P.S. If you’d like to contact our boy Patrick, here’s his info …
Congressman McHenry

2334 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Telephone: 202.225.2576
Fax: 202.225.0316

1990 Main Avenue, SE
P.O. Box 1830
Hickory, NC 28603
Telephone: 828.327.6100
Toll-Free in North Carolina: 800.477.2576
Fax: 828.327.8311

Please be polite, don’t stoop to these guy’s level …
I bet he’d love to hear from y’all.