more b.s. spews from santorum

more fantasy talk and fear mongering from rick santorum …
how in the world can republicans believe for a minute that anyone would want this low life grifter to represent them in the white house? …
day after day, lie after lie, with the lies getting more far fetched and bizarre by the day, this self proclaimed “christian” stokes the fires of fear and hatred …
how very “christian” of you ricky …
(did you forget about that “thou shall not lie” thing rick? )
it seems like every time this wannabe theocrat opens his mouth out pour more lies and fear mongering …

j.f.k. makes him “want to throw up”
death panels are back” …
obama rightly asserts that americans need to at least get some education beyond high school to compete in the tech world of tomorrow and rick says “what a snob”, and that “he (obama) wants to remake you in his image and that’s why he wants america to be educated” …
his claims that “he was talking about bla people not black people” when he said that he doesn’t want to help poor black people with white people’s money when commenting on welfare reform…
his comments about satan “targeting america” over it’s social policies …
his "gay marriage will lead to “man on dog” rants …
his claims that “americans with special needs won’t survive under obamacare” …
his constant and numerous lies about iran
the list goes on and on
didn’t we just recently have 8 years of a “liar in chief”? …

and now this …

The Dutch Embassy in Washington declined to comment on Wednesday on recent remarks by Rick Santorum, the Republican presidential candidate, in which he claimed, falsely, that forced euthanasia accounts for 5 percent of all deaths in the Netherlands. An embassy spokeswoman, Carla Bundy, explained that the Dutch government preferred not to intervene in an American political campaign. But Ms. Bundy did provide The Lede with documents and official statistics showing that there are no provisions of Dutch law that permit forced euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia, which has been legal since 2002.


As Jonathan Turley, a legal blogger, explained on Monday, the Dutch law permitting euthanasia is unambiguous about the requirement that it be voluntary, and lawmakers mandated that each case be carefully reviewed by an expert panel…. As the Web site Buzzfeed reported, Mr. Santorum’s erroneous comments, made at a public forum hosted by the conservative leader James Dobson on Feb. 3, failed to attract much notice until they were fact-checked, and mocked, in the Dutch press last weekend…. [A] video showed Mr. Santorum claiming that elderly Dutch people wear a bracelet reading “Do not euthanize me.” Over audible gasps from the audience, he continued:

Because they have voluntary euthanasia in the Netherlands, but half the people who are euthanized every year — and it’s 10 percent of all deaths for the Netherlands — half of those people are euthanized involuntarily, at hospitals, because they are older and sick. And so elderly people in the Netherlands don’t go to the hospital, they go to another country, because they’re afraid because of budget purposes that they will not come out of that hospital if they go into it with sickness.

As Buzzfeed noted, Dutch journalists found it easy to refute Mr. Santorum’s statistics, and made fun of his “fact-free” claim that euthanasia was forced on anyone, but they had no idea where he got the idea that the nation’s elderly wear “Do not euthanize me” bracelets…. Mr. Santorum’s campaign did not respond to a request to explain who or what the candidate’s sources were…. At the end of his post, Mr. Turley, the legal blogger, concluded:

Putting aside these tiny factual disagreements, it is good to finally see a politician willing to take on our greatest threat: the Dutch. Dutch propagandists like Rembrandt, Vermeer and Van Gogh have already infiltrated our schools and museums. Our leaders (except Santorum) are deaf to the growing sound of their wooden-shoe stomping, marzipan-eating hordes.


want more of bat shit crazy ricks out and out lies? …
click hereor hereor hereor hereor here

reminds me of that old joke,
Q: “how do you know when santorum is lying?”
A: “his lips move” …



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