D-Bag Apocalypse – The ‘It Must Be Friday’ Edition

Well, that was quick huh?
We didn’t have to wait very long for another “Outstanding Performer” from the kids that bring ya’ the ‘douchebag apocalypse’ to surface did we?

So, Puerto Rico has been devastated and they are begging for help, and this asshole is going golfing again???!!!???

Donald Trump is headed to his Trump National Golf Club in in Bedminster, N.J. on Sept. 29, spending the weekend there before he makes a likely Sunday appearance at the 2017 Presidents Cup. His Friday arrival will mark the 66th time the 45th President has visited one of his 17 golf clubs (and, for most of them, presumably played some golf) since becoming President on Jan. 20, 2017.
With a potentially free schedule, a round of golf is likely before dusk. Trump is expected to be at his club on Saturday and a portion of Sunday as well.

I mean, I get it, you’re a low energy grifter and a empathy free prick, and you’ve long ago made it perfectly clear that you doesn’t work weekends, but, really Donnie?
On Monday though punk, when the media world and your beloved Twitter is raining much deserved hate down on your ever-aging, giant orange ass for disappearing/hiding like a punk/golfing while a couple of million Americans are in peril, do us all a huge favor and shut the fuck up about how “yer’ the fucking victim in all of this”, okay?
Just go hide at your club, and walk around all weekend inflating your wounded ego by being the center of attention, Brag a bunch to the assembled sycophants and paid admirers about how great you are, and how much you’re getting done as “The Man” and then sneak back into the White House on Monday morning, knowing that REAL men and women, and REAL adults, stepped up and took care of your latest clusterfuck tire fire. Just stfu and try not to break any more stuff, k asshole? You think you can handle that? If you can, we all promise to not scream at you for a couple of hours. Now, pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er punk, it’s tee time!

p.s. Fuck you Donnie, and the лошадь you rode in on.


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