PAB, Episode ∞

Fuckface McCTraitorson, leader of the Grand Old Chucklefucks party, to give presser claiming TOTAL innocence and vindication, after losing all his money & assets due to his own criminality, stupidity and hubris.


#TraitorTrump #GuiltyAF #GrifterTrump #TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump

If it walks like a clown, and talks like a clown …

Then it must be the GOP impeachment team.
And nobody even got a damn hummer this time. 

Here we go again, America.

Fuck these guys!
Vote every last one of these clowns out at the first opportunity.
Literally, the entire planet is counting on it.

James ‘Chucklefuck’ Comer (left) seen here discussing the Biden Impeachment plans with renowned Ohio pedo enabler Jim ‘the Shower King’ Jordan.

A necessary P.S.A. …

that we really shouldn’t need to be doing, FFS, but, alas kids, here we are …


dear mediaNO2SIDES

@Fox @MSNBC @CBS @NBC @CTV @CBC @Global @NEWSMAX, @OANN and all you other $$ driven news agencies: knock off the “Both sides are the same” bullshit.
It’s a fucking lie, and all y’all fucking know it. The so-called two sides are more like 50 now, and they haven’t even been from the same fucking planets since at least the mid-eighties, never mind ‘the same”. Do your damn jobs for a change and deliver some fucking ‘NEWS’ not your ratings driven opinions. Leave that for all us dumbass, loud mouthed bloggers. That’s OUR job.
And, the bullshit should be left to those who chuck it best, the pols.
Pardon moi Français, but this shit pisses me off, no end.

Thanx for coming to my Fed-up Talk

Know Yer’ GOP: Speaker Johnson Goes Full Moses Edition

These fuckers just get scarier and crazier and more hubristic by the fkn day …
Be afraid America, be very very afraid.
These fuckers are serious, and coming with intent.

mike johnson moses

When Johnson took to the stage, he thanked the NACL for banning media from the event, claiming that the media loves to “pick my comments out of context.” Of course, banning the media from attending doesn’t accomplish much if the event is livestreamed on social media, which is exactly what NACL founder Jason Rapert did on his Facebook page.

Johnson began his remarks by claiming that weeks before he became House Speaker, God began preparing him to lead the nation through “a Red Sea moment.” Johnson said he didn’t know what that meant at the time, but assumed it meant that he was to serve as an Aaron to someone else’s Moses. But, it turned out, God intended for him to be that Moses.

“The Lord impressed upon my heart a few weeks before this happened that something was going to occur,” Johnson said. “And the Lord very specifically told me in my prayers to prepare, but to wait.”

“I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and in the county at large,” he continued. “[God] had been speaking to me about this, and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready.”

Johnson said that once Rep. Kevin McCarthy was removed as Speaker of the House, God began to wake him up in the middle of the night “to speak to me, [telling me] to write things down; plans, procedures, and ideas on how we could pull the [Republican] conference together.”

“At the time, I assumed the Lord was going to choose a new Moses and thank you, Lord, you’re going to allow me to be Aaron to Moses,” Johnson declared.

As one candidate after another stepped forward to run for Speaker but failed, Johnson said that “the Lord kept telling me to wait” but “then at the end, when it toward the end, the Lord said, ‘Now, step forward.”

“Me? I’m supposed to be Aaron,” Johnson said. “No. The Lord said, ‘Step forward.’”  from Right Wing Watch

NEW! at the Trump Store


The only foundation the ex-resident of the White House wears!

feces by trump3

People who bought this crap also liked this other crap …



(Top Secret Extra)

You might also enjoy this product from the Trump personal care product line …

russian formula for men




Ass Clown Moments From the Hill

Today’s GOP – “We’ll bite your dick, if given the chance.”

ass clown news

You can’t make this shit up …

U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin rose from his seat and challenged Teamsters President Sean O’Brien to a fight, before the committee chair stepped in defuse the confrontation.

The verbal sparring began after Mullin, an Oklahoma Republican, paraphrased from a June tweet posted by O’Brien about the senator: “What a clown, a fraud. Always has been, always will be. Quit the tough guy act in these Senate hearings. You know where to find me. Any place, anytime cowboy.”

After yesterday’s antics on the hill, we get this …

On a RWNJ/MAGAt ‘pretend radio show, the clown show rolls onward and downward.

Markwayne Mullin: And by the way, I’m not afraid of biting. I will bite.

Q: Biting? Mullin: I’ll bite 100%. In a fight, I’m gonna bite. I’ll do anything. I’m not above it. And I don’t care where I bite by the way.

The Vermin King

Borrowing lines from Mussolini and Hitler and adopting a ‘tude from Pol Pot, ‘Soon-to-be-fucked-Florida- Man’ summons his full Fascist/Nazi this weekend at his Gravy Seals rallies.

Be afraid America, be very afraid.
He’s fkn serious about this stuff, and his idiots WILL vote!

vermin king

Trump’s Threat to Handle the “Vermin” Is Straight Out of the Nazi Playbook

On Saturday at 10:25 a.m., he posted on Truth Social: “In honor of our great Veterans on Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American dream.” Then, at a rally in New Hampshire later that day, he repeated those words essentially verbatim, promising to “root out the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country”, and then doubled down on it: “The real threat is not from the radical right, the real threat is from the radical left, and it’s growing every day, every single day. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave than the threat from within. Our threat is from within.”

Fuck this guy!
He’s a Nazi in every fkn sense of the word. Aim higher, America.

Welcome, my friends, to the show that never ends …

Welcome to the New Republic of Gilead …
It shall be known as Trumpistan.

enemy from Gilead

Pay attention!

There WILL be tests.

Lots of them!

And rules.

Lots and lots of rules.

A few examples …

  • Women Can’t Vote.
  • Citizens Do Not Have The Right To A Fair Trial.
  • Women Can’t Write.
  • Women Can’t Read.
  • Women Can Be Deemed “Unwomen” .
  • Competing Religions Are Outlawed.
  • Women Can’t Own Property.
  • Contraception Is Illegal.
  • Male Next Of Kin Rule Women And Children
  • Abortions will become retroactively illegal.
  • “Gender Treachery” Is Illegal
  • Pre-marital and Extra-marital sexual relations are prohibited and punishable by imprisonment.
  • Divorce will be solely at the discretion of the husband.

And we’ve got a whole shitload of other regressive, antiquated, punitive laws scheduled for next year, so buckle the fuck up, kids!
It’s about to get ugly.

Still Empty After All These Years

sooo empty …

The new MTG bio drops any time now …

there aren’t enough LOLs or ‘FAKE NEWS’ warnings  to cover this puppy off …

“Spew baby, spew!”


Kraken Down! … Kraken Down!

"The Kraken bitch ONLY drinks Dr. Pepper!"

MAGA Lawyer Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty, Flips on Georgia Co-Defendants

Sidney Powell has agreed to a plea deal with Futon County, Georgia, prosecutors over charges brought against her in a sprawling RICO case
in which former President Donald Trump and 17 others have also been charged for allegedly meddling in the state’s 2020 election results.

TL;DR: Trump’s fucked!

BREAKING … Whiny, supposed billionaire needs your $5, NOW!

With the latest, and I stress latest, indictments dropping any minute now, that rotund, Russian-adjacent retired guy from FLA needs some money … yours.
He sure begs a lot for $5 for a fkn billionaire. Just sayin’.

SCARED AF ... as usual

Definitely NOT A Witch Hunt

Okay, let’s just set he fkn record straight, once and for all.

It is NOT a fucking ‘WITCH HUNT’ as a certain twice impeached, thrice divorced (and counting, apparently), God only knows how many times indicted by this writing, ALWAYS insecure, completely disgraced, small dicked, ex resident of the White House, who now spends his days golfing and selling state secrets from his hideouts at Maralagofuckyerself Grift & Cunty Club and Bedbugminster Bed & Brothel, seems to keep spewing.
This morning we got the latest angst ridden toilet prose from Dim Donnie …
Desperate Insecure Cryout #36,765 I believe.

Screenshot 2023-07-27 093022


And it’s almost over.

Jack Smith has the warlock cornered, alone, and terrified, cornered. And said WARLOCK WILL be spending the rest of his insecure, pathetic, useless life in a prison cell.

BREAKING: Donald Trump is informed by Special Counsel Jack’s office that the ex-president is going to be indicted.
                     The charges relate to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

So, pack up yer’ brooms and hair dye, fat boy, a Fed-Max-Sec cell awaits your treasonous, cowardly ass.

Sayonara, asshole!

CNN Signs Off On Final Broadcast As News Outlet

Well, it’s officially over, kids!
CNN is now officially the Fox News of OANs …

And I say, block the channel, fuck ‘em!
Boycott ANYONE who, after the last 6 years, supports the traitor Trump in ANY way.

trump cnn 2024 a fkn mess

Under the Bus Mofo!

New CNN reporting: “Trump has specifically been counseled to cut contact
w/his former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.”

Well, it’s Friday, so it’s time for Dim Donnie Dementia down at Bedbugminster
to toss someone under the bus, because Dim Bulb needs an alibi!
This week is no exception, and boy oh boy the stuff’s gonna be ALL over that fan,
because it looks like it’s gunna be everybody’s favorite turd statue, Mark Meadows.

Mark Meadows! Come on down!

1 under the bus meadows



In a long anticipated move, the Roberts Court has announced the final takeover of America by the GOP,
dark money, Russian ‘interests,’ really old. empathy free, rich, white men who pretty much hate everyone,
and are still really fucking pissed off about that whole “Y ’all lost the Civil War” thing.


Dear SCOTUS, GOP, reprehensible, dominionistic, fascist fuckwagons everywhere;

What’s next on the list?
(Bills already being written and proposed)
Equal marriage?
The right to even exist if you are LGBTQ2SQ+?
(Or brown, black, aboriginal, Asian, anything but really white, and really rich?)
Removal of any separation of church & state?
Forced re-segregation?
A woman’s right to vote?
(You think I’m kidding about this one? Get to Googlin’ …)
Child labor laws?
Kill the EPA, Department of education and all the other agencies Rick Perry can’t remember?
The right to peaceful assembly, free speech, political or religious choice?
Enforced one party rule? (The ‘permanent Republican majority’ wet dream)
Work safety regulations?
Holidays, workplace regulations, overtime, sick leave, unions, etc?
Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare?
(THEY were NEVER coming for your guns, it was always THIS!)
Mandatory arming of ALL Americans over 2?
(The only way to protect a baby is give that baby a gun, right?)
You’ve talked about all of it.

As we’ve seen today, of particular interest in their ‘Plan for America,”  … women.
You are, after all, the majority in America, and that means these fuckers will
NEVER, EVER stop coming for you.
Nothing terrifies these guys more than you and your allies.
Look at the laws they pass.
The rampant and open, almost proudly misogynistic stances and comments.

So, buckle up,  it’s gunna be a rough decade or so.
These assholes are deadly serious about this.
And so are their bosses.
And the rubes and morons they’re manipulating are even more so.
The rest of us had better be too.

Thanks for the memories …

Unfortunately most great love affairs come to an end.
And then it just gets all ugly and angsty, and all those nasty things like ‘restraining orders’ and ‘statutes of limitations’ rear their ugly head.
Just when you thought you were done with the whole Heard/poop/cocaine/freak show/Depp thingy, here we fkn go again.
One of the greatest lust love stories of our time has hit the skids, or in this case, maybe it’s more like the skid marks..

Today on “Under The Bus Motherfucker! – The Ivanka Edition” …

1 under the bus

This morning, the throw down …


and next up, no doubt, will be the ‘Tell All’ memoir …

Skeletor responds …



Graham: “Oops!”

melania yer homw earlyAudio tapes have emerged revealing Sen. Lindsey Graham praised Joe Biden as “the best person to have” as president in the wake of the January 6 attack while criticizing Donald Trump for his rhetoric.
Graham made the remarks on January 6, 2021, soon after the mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol.
“We’ll actually come out of this thing stronger. Moments like this reset. People will calm down. People will say, ‘I don’t want to be associated with that.’ This is a group within a group,” Graham said. “What this does, it’ll be a rallying effect for a while, where the country says, ‘We’re better than this.'” Graham is then asked if Biden would be able to make that happen, to which the senator replies: “Totally.” “He’ll maybe be the best person to have,” Graham says.
“I mean, how mad can you get at Joe Biden?”   

from Newsweek

Oh Lindsey …
You gots a yuge problem now Bucko!
The fat kid’s comin’ for ya’ now, and we all know how much that shit scares ya’, right?
Plus, with John gone, and Big Daddy Shroomnazi about to publicly rip you a new orifice, who are you gunna fluff and fetch for now?
Everybody in D.C. has seen your act, so there may not be many ‘job openings’ for a terminally scared, stammering, shivering, ex-Trump-humper and ‘shroom shiner/professional sycophant.