A necessary P.S.A. …

that we really shouldn’t need to be doing, FFS, but, alas kids, here we are …


dear mediaNO2SIDES

@Fox @MSNBC @CBS @NBC @CTV @CBC @Global @NEWSMAX, @OANN and all you other $$ driven news agencies: knock off the “Both sides are the same” bullshit.
It’s a fucking lie, and all y’all fucking know it. The so-called two sides are more like 50 now, and they haven’t even been from the same fucking planets since at least the mid-eighties, never mind ‘the same”. Do your damn jobs for a change and deliver some fucking ‘NEWS’ not your ratings driven opinions. Leave that for all us dumbass, loud mouthed bloggers. That’s OUR job.
And, the bullshit should be left to those who chuck it best, the pols.
Pardon moi Français, but this shit pisses me off, no end.

Thanx for coming to my Fed-up Talk