d-bag apocalypse–Outstanding Performer

dbag apocalypse outstanding performer award header by hip is everything

Okay, not even a contest on this one … this throwback to a much darker age just up and ran with the GOP platform, OUT LOUD! … wow … usually these motherfuckers at least pretend to hide the misogyny, but noooo … not Scotty, he just blurted it out, and then his GOP komrades fell in line and voted approve a bill that would prevent health insurance plans for state employees from covering abortions.

Wisconsin GOP lawmaker says women should be forced to give birth to grow the labor force (yup, in 2017)

Image result for scott allen wisconsin politician
Our hero, seen here with fellow misogynist, liar and vote suppressing grifter Scott ‘the Lone Deranger’ Walker … (when there’s so much shit you need 2 assholes)

“Often in public debates people are afraid to say it, but let me just say it: Abortion is wrong,” “Although it may be legal we should in no way shape or form should we provide public funding for abortion.”

Allen then went on to argue that abortion was wrong for economic reasons, essentially saying that all women should be forced to have babies in order to grow the labor market.

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines. Labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services and infrastructure. In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

Democrats in the Wisconsin State Assembly tried to add two amendments to the bill — one to clarify that the measure would not impede the use of contraception, and another to get rid of the requirement that the victim of sexual assault or incest report the crime to law enforcement before being eligible for an abortion. Both amendments were rejected; those votes also were split strictly on party lines.

Note: It is worth noting that the Wisconsin state assembly maps are considered to be the result of some of the most aggressive partisan gerrymandering in the country – in fact, they are currently under review by the Supreme Court. It is also worth noting that Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) announced earlier this month that Wisconsin’s total labor force reached an all-time high in September.

Scott Allen, Congratulations you misogynistic prick, YOU are our d-bag apocalypse Outstanding Performer today … please accept every “Fuck You!” I can possibly muster!
hip is everything salute

and for anyone else who would like to share their thoughts on this matter with old Scotty, here’s his 411 …

Contact Scott Allen

Phone: 262-442-8695

Email: scott@allenforwisconsin.com

and remember kids, let’s be polite to this asshole Scotty boy.


the gop knows by hip is everything

gop repeal it all by hip is everything


d-bag of the week … the merry misogynists o’ michigan


again, another week full of lying politicians and incoherent, ass kissing, windbag broadcasters …
a week that was full of some of the slimiest, slithering, scuzzball serpents the world of partisan politics, religion and big business has to offer …
we’ve seen these soldiers of the new confederacy wreak their wrath on the state of michigan for some time now …
what with their attempts at killing democracy with their “emergency managers”, their attempts to put women’s right back 50 years with their truly victorian and misogynistic approach to women’s health, contraception and abortion, and their 1940’s approach to voter suppression and bigotry and anti-democracy inspired management style …
but this past week they truly outdid themselves, making even florida’s favorite health care fraud, governor rick scott look moderate …
introducing some of the most regressive legislation in the free world with regards to abortion, women’s health, voter suppression, and tax breaks for the right wing wealthy, these bagger shills have shown the teathuglican party to be what many have suspected for some time …
petty, arrogant, condescending and greedy hypocrites and liars, intent on preserving a “permanent republican theocracy beholding to no-one except their oligarchic overlords and benefactors” …
shills for the 1% and corporate whores with no peer … 
but, after this week’s performance of true misogyny, racism, fear mongering, election manipulation, vote rigging, lying, arrogance, condescension and pure fascist behaviour in which our winners  were shown for the tiny, scared, petty little men they truly are, and have always been, we really can only have one winner …
and rather deserving winners, if I do say so myself …
true masters of douche-baggery, ignorance, sexism and all out lust for power  …
and without a doubt, true douche bags … 
taking good ole’ boy, redneck bigotry and plantation owner condescension to a whole new level …

so without further ado …

ladies and gentlemen …

the envelope please …

our latest winner …
of the sometimes coveted, always deserved …

golden d-bag award

and this weeks award goes to …
drum roll please …

the guys who brought you the new plantation bosses or as they like to call them – “emergency managers”… 
the new overlords of hypocrisy and bigotry …
the new emissaries of the “old confederacy” …
the zealots who brought you the “death of democracy in detroit”  dressed up as an exercise in voter fraud defense …
the leaders of their own imaginary kingdom where only what they believe in is allowed …
where democracy, voter’s rights and fair representation is a thing of the past … 
those brazen, back biting, brokers of barefaced, blatant, bold and bald faced bigotry …
the kings of “rosaries for your ovaries” …
those baggers for backwardness …
those minsters of malevolence, maliciousness, malignity and malice  …
the prevaricating and pirating, priggish proctors of purge for profit …
holier than thou whores for the haughty …
envoys of the entitled elite and their exaggerated, exclusive elegance …
those rectors of regression, relapse, and retro-gradation …
those malicious masters of misogyny and mendacity …
those fuckers from flint, demons of detroit, bastards from benton harbour and letches from lansing …


rick “we like to call him dick” snyder and the the michigan state republicans …

rick snyder michigan

head d-bag and corporate lackey, governor rick snyder


Voter suppression is the new law of the land in michigan and democracy is out …

a transcript from the rachel maddow show on msnbc

Here’s the story in a nutshell: In the early 1960s, the state adopted a constitutional amendment that slowed the implementation of new laws so that they wouldn’t take effect until three months after the end of the legislative session in which they were passed. They did, however, allow for passage of emergency legislation, provided the legislature could get a two-thirds majority vote on the legislation. With a two-thirds vote, a law could go into effect immediately. In an emergency.

As Maddow reported last night, that’s not how it’s been working lately.

The Democrats in Michigan say that since Republicans took over the Michigan house, they’ve passed 566 bills. We have looked into that count ourselves. It does seem accurate and the Republicans are not contesting it.

Of those 566 bills, 546, all about 20 of them, were passed under the immediate effect clause — 96 percent of the bills they’ve passed have essentially been an emergency. Almost everything they’ve done has been done under this provision of the constitution that let’s you put things into effect immediately because you’ve got a super majority. They’ve been designed to rush from the legislature to Governor Snyder for a quick signature and into full immediate effect that day, that minute, right now.

This is new in Michigan governance. This is not the way Michigan was set up. This is not the way it was supposed to be.

They have used that procedure to pass massively undemocratic legislation: the emergency manager law that lets the state take over towns, boot out the elected town or city officials, and just take over; the stripping of public employee benefits to domestic partners; blocking the expansion of the graduate students’ union. They will almost certainly use it to pass pending voter suppression laws.

And how they’ve done this is remarkable. These "immediate effect" laws are supposed to get a two-thirds majority. That’s numerically impossible in the House, because Republicans don’t have two-thirds majority and Democrats have remained united as a bloc against them. The House Republicans simply ignore the two-thirds part of the law. They hold a separate "immediate effect" vote after voting in a bill, and rather than doing a roll call vote, just simply eyeball the assembly and call it two-thirds.

Michigan Democrats, after a year of this, finally sued, and on Monday got a county judge to issue "a temporary injunction ordering Michigan House Republicans to follow the law, to follow the constitution, to let the minority vote even though the minority are Democrats." Why it took state Democrats so long to figure that one out is a bit of mystery, but they did, and they got the attention of the courts which is going to be critical in the next steps of the fight.

But what is remarkable here is the extent to which a democratically elected legislature and governor have overturned democracy. They have stripped the votes of all of the people living in the cities and towns who have been taken over by emergency managers by removing the officials they elected. They have stripped the votes of legislators in their very state government. They are about to prevent untold thousands from even being able to cast a ballot in November.

Undoubtedly, all in the name of freedom.

Lawmaker barred for speaking up for women …

Lansing – House Republicans prohibited state Rep. Lisa Brown from speaking on the floor Thursday after she ended a speech Wednesday against a bill restricting abortions by referencing her female anatomy.
Brown, a West Bloomfield Democrat and mother of three, said a package of abortion regulation bills would violate her Jewish religious beliefs that pregnancy be aborted to save the life of the mother.
“Finally, Mr. Speaker, I’m flattered that you’re all so interested in my vagina, but ‘no’ means ‘no,’” Brown said Wednesday.
Brown’s comment prompted a rebuke Thursday by House Republicans, who wouldn’t allow her to voice her opinion on a school employee retirement bill.
“What she said was offensive,” said Rep. Mike Callton, R-Nashville. “It was so offensive, I don’t even want to say it in front of women. I would not say that in mixed company.”
Brown’s comments were published in Thursday’s Detroit News.
Majority Floor Leader Jim Stamas, R-Midland, determined Brown’s comments violated the decorum of the House, said Ari Adler, spokesman for the Republican majority.
“If I can’t say the word vagina, why are we legislating vaginas?” Brown asked Thursday at a hastily called Capitol press conference. “What language should I use?”
Brown noted “vagina” is the “medically correct term.”

Lawmakers barred from speaking … for disagreeing with the baggers …

LANSING – Majority Floor Leader Jim Stamas (R-Midland) today banned two Democratic women legislators from speaking on the House Floor as the House of Representatives takes up its final legislation before the summer recess. State Representatives Lisa Brown (D-West Bloomfield) and Barb Byrum (D-Onondaga) were not told why the ban was put in place, but it is widely believed it stems from their opposition to radical anti-choice legislation that passed the House yesterday.
"Both Representative Byrum and I were gaveled down without cause yesterday while voicing our opposition to the Republican’s war on women here in Michigan, "said Rep. Brown. "Regardless of their reasoning, this is a violation of my First Amendment rights and directly impedes my ability to serve the people who elected me into office. I was either banned for being Jewish and rightfully pointing out that House Bill 5711 was forcing contradictory religious beliefs upon me and any other religion. Or it is because I said the word ‘vagina’ which is an anatomically, medically correct term. If they are going to legislate my anatomy, I see no reason why I cannot mention it."
HB 5711 which passed 70-39 with one Representative abstaining addresses treatment of fetal remains, coercive abortion screening, physician liability and rules for certain abortion facilities

and the people of michigan are impressed too …

Chart from MSU Institute for Public Policy and Social Research

Here’s the trend. It’s not pretty.

Chart by Eclectablog

rick “we like to call him dick” snyder and the the michigan state republicans …

this week’s golden d-bag award winner !

“just close your eyes” … it’s open season on women … gop style

Sponsored by GOP Rep. Kathy Rapp, House Bill 1077 would force women to undergo an ultrasound, hear the fetal heartbeat, and present images of the fetus to her abortion provider before she can get an abortion. But, the kind of ultrasound required would have to be a transvaginal ultrasound. According to PennLive, “Rapp’s bill does not specify the type of ultrasound a woman would be forced to undergo to have an abortion. But since most abortions performed in Pennsylvania are done in the first trimester, a transvaginal ultrasound likely would be ordered.”

the above video shows pennsylvania’s misogynistic, bagger gop governor tom corbett reiterating his support for possibly state-mandated rape, and definitely state-mandated medical procedures on women seeking an abortion …
but hey it’s okay because women don’t have to look at the state-mandated ultrasound …
they could just … close their eyes
pardon me? …
are these assholes serious? …
just “close your eyes” … ??? …
oh yeah, that makes it so much better …
from the same liars who keep ranting about “smaller government”, “death panels”, and “making sure obamacare doesn’t get between you and your doctor” …
and now they’re going to tell your doctor that he/she must perform needless, medically unnecessary and possibly harmful procedures on women …
all so that they can try to shame women into not having abortions …
and to stand in the way of not only a women’s constitutional and law given rights to choice, but also so that they get to determine what health care they think she deserves … 
just so that they can have everyone be forced to live according to their idea of what’s right and wrong …
all the while claiming to be trying to “help women make responsible choices” …
bullshit! …
with the “personhood” laws, the contraception fights, the planned parenthood attacks and everything else the teathuglicans are up to this year concerning women’s health care and rights, these pricks still have the unmitigated gall and hubris to deny that there’s a war on women going on …
more like open season if you ask me …
these clowns consider themselves to have been duly elected to stick things up women’s vaginas, mandate rape through government (by their own recently rewritten definitions), and empower the government to practice medicine and invade the privacy of at least half of its citizens …
yup, sounds like “smaller government” to me …
I guess these are the “jobs, jobs, jobs” they keep promising …



gop 2012


what they want …

gop dream

what they’ll settle for …

gop gagged

gop chattel

where it’s headed …

gop future



gop 2012 …

taking you back to “the good old days” …

because only they “know what’s best for you”


trudeau hits one outta the park

the following cartoon has now been pulled from a pile of newspapers due to a lot of whining and complaining from the right …
i guess the truth hurts eh guys? …
all the more reason to get this out there …
share it, spread it around …
exercise that old free speech …
and BRAVO! gary trudeau! … ENCORE! sir …

from doonesbury.com


Texas’ War on Women Includes Those Transvaginal Ultrasounds

Texas Director of Health and Human Services Tom Suehs signed into law yesterday a state ban on giving Medicaid funds to any doctor or clinic affiliated with organizations that provide abortion (government funds are already barred from directly funding abortion). The law may shut down the state Women’s Health Program, which funds basic health services such as mammograms and Pap smears for over 130,000 low-income Texas women–44 percent of which are provided by Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood responded:

Texas women and Texas taxpayers need this program. The Medicaid Women’s Health Program saves lives, prevents unintended pregnancies and saves taxpayer dollars. For many women, Medicaid WHP is their only source of health care.
The Obama Administration has warned Texas that the decision violates federal law, which states that Medicaid and Medicare cannot exclude qualified providers. But the Texas Health and Human Services Commission argues that states are legally allowed to establish their own provider criteria. If Texas does not budge, the Women’s Health Program will be dissolved when the new law goes into effect on March 14.
Texas was already on the front lines of the nationwide conservative war on women’s health. A
sonogram bill–similar to the proposed Virginia law that was withdrawn after outcry last week–was enacted in Texas in 2011. Women seeking abortions in Texas must receive a sonogram and detailed description of the development of the fetus at least 24 hours before the scheduled procedure. Doctors also must offer to play sounds of the fetus’ heartbeat. The need for appointments with the same doctor on two different days has caused massive scheduling problems for Texas clinics.
Like the failed Virginia law, the 2011 Texas bill forces women to receive the medically unnecessary and intrusive “transvaginal ultrasound.” This is because the majority of women get abortions during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus is too small to be picked up on in an abdominal ultrasound, so a transvaginal probe must be used. In other words, Texan women in need of abortion services are forced to be vaginally penetrated without a choice of whether to consent. Notably, Texas Penal Code
defines sexual assault as “intentionally or knowingly caus[ing] the penetration of the anus or sexual organ of another person by any means, without that person’s consent.”
In sum, Texas last year made abortion as difficult as possible for women and now has cut off 130,000 low-income women from affordable birth control and other health services. The war on women marches on.                    from: alternet

and it’s coming to a state near you …

As Maya Dusenbery noted a few days ago, Virginia’s new law requiring every woman to undergo an ultrasound before she can get an abortion is still terrible, even if women can opt-out of the transvaginal probe portion.
Most abortions take place within 12 weeks after a woman becomes pregnant. And if the woman has been pregnant for eight weeks or less, conducting an ultrasound generally requires the doctor to insert a probe in a woman’s vagina in order to actually see or hear anything. Virginia is not alone in its desire to subject women to invasive probes before they are allowed to get an abortion, a legally protected medical procedure. Twenty states already have laws dictating rules for ultrasounds, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Here are seven other states that have advanced similar measures in the last year:

Alabama: State Sen. Clay Scofield offered his own ultrasound measure a few weeks ago, which included a penalty of up to 10 years in jail and a $15,000 fine if doctors don’t carry out the procedure. But Schofield backed off component of the bill that would have required doctors to stick a probe in women’s vaginas, instead offering that a woman could undergo the "method of ultrasound that she would be more comfortable with."

Idaho: State Sen. Chuck Winder (R-Boise) has introduced yet another bill requiring an ultrasound before an abortion, expanding upon a law already in place in the state that requires doctors to offer an ultrasound by forcing them to do it and to show the woman the image. As one anti-abortion advocate in the state described it to the local press, the idea behind the law is to make women undergo the procedure because it "gives her a window into her womb."

Illinois: The House Agriculture Committee advanced a bill on February 22 that would require doctors to carry out an ultrasound and show it to the woman, unless she declines to view it in writing. And yes, you read that correctly: the "Ultrasound Opportunity Act" came from the agriculture committee. This prompted opponents to show up at the hearing wearing "Women are not livestock" T-shirts.

Kentucky: The state Senate approved a new bill requiring that a woman undergo an ultrasound before she can get an abortion, and instituting criminal penalties if the ultrasound isn’t carried out. The bill is is not expected to advance in the House.

North Carolina: This law passed in 2011 was pretty much exactly like Virginia’s, but as the local press pointed out, it didn’t get nearly as much attention because people weren’t talking about the "transvaginal" aspect. A federal judge ruled last October that doctors don’t have to show women the ultrasound image, at least.

Pennsylvania: A pair of Republican state representatives introduced the "Women’s Right to Know Act," which passed out of committee last month before the uproar in Virginia prompted the majority leader to shelve it.

Texas: The Lone Star State was ahead of the curve on transvaginal ultrasounds, passing its bill in May 2011 under "emergency" status. A legal challenge to the law failed last month, and it became effective immediately.                                                     from: mother jones

Sign here to protest the transvaginal ultrasound law!


the conservative’s war on women intensifies

even as the transvaginal ultrasound bill in Virginia was causing national outrage, pennsylvania conservatives were quietly pushing a even more restrictive abortion bill … the legislation is designed with so many difficult and differing restrictions that long-time abortion policy analyst elizabeth nash from the guttmacher institute told raw story, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

the bill would mandate that:
– transvaginal ultrasounds be undertaken even though medically unnecessary (requirements since rejected by the state of Virginia),
– doctors and staff must strongly encourage women to view and listen to ultrasounds,
-  technicians would be forced to give the women personalized copies of the results,
-  the state would mandate how long before any abortion the ultrasound must be performed,
– so many requirements packed into the 22-page bill that it would make it logistically difficult if not impossible for abortion providers to comply with them,
– women who get an ultrasound (more than 14 days before her abortion) must view a state-approved video on fetal gestation,
– the state would be required to compile a list of ultrasound providers, which is likely to include anti-choice crisis pregnancy centers (henry waxman’s staff on the house government reform committee documented [
PDF] that federally-funded crisis pregnancy centers were often distributing medically inaccurate and intentionally misleading health information to women)

the FDA already recommends that medically unnecessary ultrasounds should be discouraged, since the long-term effects of radiation from the ultrasound machines are unknown … 
the pennsylvania chapter of the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists and the
pennsylvania medical society both oppose the legislation …

the bill faces a vote in the full pennsylvania state house in mid-march, when the legislature is back in session …
petition at signon.org has collected nearly 15,000 signatures opposing the legislation …

the erroneously and condescendingly named “Women’s Right to Know Act”, House Bill 1077 [PDF], was authored by state rep. kathy rapp (R)

even though the republicans are spinning this as an opportunity to “gather more information before making a choice”, it is nothing more than one more way to shame and intimidate women into NOT having abortions …
and it’s just one more way to force women to give up their constitutionally given right to do with their bodies as THEY see fit …
that this bill is being spearheaded and shepherded by a woman makes this whole episode, in my humble opinion, even more ludicrous and onerous …
more mandates from the same party that rails against the affordable health care act’s mandate …
and more intrusive BIG government control over women from the supposed party of “lesser and smaller government” …
the gop war on women continues full speed ahead …

sign the petition at signon.org opposing the legislation


on the 2012 anniversary of roe versus wade, rep. kathy rapp (R-warren/forest/mckean) hosted a state capitol press conference to build momentum for passage of her insane bill…
here to watch the full press conference

contact her to let her know how you feel here …
please, be polite and NO spamming …

District Offices
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