Get that son of a bitch outta the White House. Right now. Out. He’s fired. Part 2

Trump Says NFL Owners Should Fire “Son Of A Bitch” Anthem Protestors

Donald Trump at Alabama rally last night: “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘get that son of a bitch off the field now. Out. Out. He’s fired!”

Hey Donnie Bad Touch … it’s more S.O.B.’s …

Image result for muhammad ali protesting
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Image result for civil rights movement
Image result for civil rights movement
Image result for civil rights movement

… and each and every one of them is ten times the man you will ever be.

So ponder this, when a white supremacist runs a women over with his car, “there’s some very good people there”, but when a black man kneels during the anthem at a football game, he’s an S.O.B. THIS is Trump’s America.
