A Day In The Life … The Donnie Bad Touch Edition

id probably date her if i could reach her
“I’d probably date her if I could reach her.”

“Being president is super cool, I sometimes even get to stay up late and hang out with really bigly important people.”

“Like today, I got to go meet the King of Kanida, or whatever it’s called. I like him, he’s white. Not like some of those other leaders, who aren’t. So, I wasn’t scared of him.”

“He even came over to my house for a while. I told him how much I liked his socks.”

“Then my BFF Vladdy came over and dropped off my pay-check. I love money, especially Rubles. I really love it when Vladdy comes over, but then General Kelly always catches us and throws him out. Then he yells at me, and says I can’t hang out with Vladdy any more.”

Trumpbaby by hip is everything
“I hate it when the General yells at me. Everybody is always so unfair to me. I’m the boss, everyone should just shut up.”

“After lunch I get to sign restaurant menus and pretend that I’ve actually accomplished something important.”

kkk rally
“Then it’s off to some place I can’t remember or pronounce for a KKK rally with my pals ‘Whitey’ Bannon and Milo Tuckfard to get some adulation from the MAGAts. I sure do love me some adulation and fawning.”

“Then it’s a quick pout-fest and denialpalooza with that faker Anderson Cooper over at that fake news station CNN.”

“After a full hour of lying to Anderson, I head back to the white House …”

“… for a quick photo-op with my pal Mikey ‘White Bred’ Pence.”
(Kinda weird, I know, but that’s how he likes to spell it, go figure huh?)

tears of a clown
“Before turning in for another long night of self-loathing and crying. Why does that escort* make me sleep on the couch??? … Why did daddy hate me so much??? … Why can’t I sleep in Ivanka’s room, like I always did in New York??? … FML!!! … Waaahhhh …”

* Apparently, the Michael Jackson look-alike that Mr. Trump frequently likes to introduce to people as ‘his wife’ is NOT, and I repeat NOT, an escort – according to her lawyers.

D-Bag Apocalypse Outstanding Performer

dbag apocalypse outstanding performer award by hip is everything

Donnie Bad Touch and the Turd Reich

First, Dickwad Donnie, everyone’s favorite racist president, ignores the disaster in Puerto Rico for most of a week, and instead spends his time bloviating, blathering, bullshitting and blowing dog-whistles about some ”ungrateful, spoiled, BLACK!, millennial, millionaire” football players … I mean how dare those black men defy him, Donald J. Fucking Trump, fucking president of the United Fucking States of Goddamned White America and protest in public …In public??!? … How dare they!! And why can’t their ‘owners’ get a handle on this and make them do as Donnie sez? Fuck me, my head hurts …
When the president finally did acknowledge the crisis in Puerto Rico – on the fifth day after Hurricane Maria made landfall – he offered no expression of empathy for, or solidarity with, the island’s American citizens. Instead, he sought to disavow responsibility for their troubles; defend the adequacy of his administration’s response; and insist that Puerto Rico would still have to pay its debts to Wall Street.
But in a typical Trumpian moral limbo to see how low the bar can be set, the Trump administration did their absolute best to “fuck this up bigly” when DHS rejected a request to grant Puerto Rico a waiver from the Jones Act – a law that requires all cargo carried between U.S. ports (including those in Puerto Rico) to be transported on ships made, owned, and staffed by Americans.
The law showed up after World War I, as a way of ensuring that America would retain its naval capacity during peacetime. Ever since, it has provided America’s shipping industry with a prized buffer from foreign competition government corporate welfare handout. But in the aftermath of hurricanes, DHS waives the law for disaster areas, so that economic nationalism corporate whoring and greed don’t get in the way of maximizing the relief effort. George W. Bush did this for New Orleans after Katrina, Barack Obama did it for much of the East Coast after Sandy – and Trump did for Houston and Florida after Harvey and Irma, respectively.
And surprise, surfuckingprise the Glorious Leader Sum Dim Phuc declined to do the same favor for Puerto Rico. When asked why, the feckless bloviator did his usual, clueless, “umm, We’ll hafta see, I’ll look into it” shit and told the press “a lot of people that work in the shipping industry… don’t want the Jones Act lifted.”
So, basically, “profits over Puerto Ricans baby!”
(Resident Rump has just now, as I am writing this, waived the Jones Act after being nearly beaten into submission by the media and social media – about fucking time punk! Notice the theme here though – he ain’t helping out or doing his job until he’s forced to)
And all of this going on as Trumpcare v.3 or 4 or 67 fails, the prez gets into a nuclear standoff pissing match with the only leader on Earth that has a mental and emotional capacity similarly deficient to his own, and his entire fucking dumbass family and inner circle gets caught using ‘private e-mails’ to do official government business. These pricks will be the death of irony.
Now, the leader of the Turd Reich brings you the latest episode of his hit reality show, “Fuck You People of Color!” with this shit show tire fire …


Go on, tell me there’s no race based decisions being made by Trump and his klannies. And he’s not dog whistling to his MAGAKKKids.

Congratulations Donnie Bad Touch,Glorious Leader of the Turd Reich, you are our d-bag apocalypse Outstanding Performer for today!

Note: I have stopped doing the d-bag of the week award because it seems odd to me to have a ‘weekly’ winner when the shit shows, tire fires, cluster-fucks and other Trump Crime Family fiascos are occurring literally by the hour. Maybe once this asshole and all of his cronies are in prison we can start to have nice things again and we can get back to just weekly d-bag alerts and the like. Sigh.

the coup by hip is everything

To Pre-order Tix:trump store

The Hate Fairy Cometh

Donnie Bad Touch’s favorite race baiter, and ‘Murica’s resident hate fairy Jefferson Beauregard Sessions lll, took the helm when it was decided that Douche-bag Donnie was way too much of a fucking coward to do his own dirty work, and gleefully announced the “rescinding of DACA” yesterday. He seemed to so enjoy fucking over 800,000 Dreamers that many people were saying that he may have actually cum during his announcement. (see photo below) Sessions, long time Trump cuck and hate filled POS took no questions after denying a future to 800,000 people way more worthy of American citizenship than either himself or his Russian-American boss, the Velveeta Raccoon.

the hate fairy
All you need to know about the Hate Fairy is right here in one sickening photo. Sessions smiling ear to ear as he fucks over 800,000 of ‘those illegals he and Donnie hate so much’.

Sessions then wrapped up the day’s ‘festivities’ with a quick shout out and salute to “the Glorious Leader”, Sum Dim Phuc. (below)
sessions salute the Glorious Leader


P.S. Donald Trump showed more compassion to bat shit crazy racist Joe Arpaio than he did for nearly 800,000 children. Ponder that people.

P.P.S. 91% of Dreamers are employed. US would lose over $400 billion in GDP if they’re deported. They have spotless records or they are dropped from the program.

This is just racism. Period.