Tax Time In Fantasyland

After a week of self inflicted wound after self inflicted wound, and in an effort to deflect away from just how fucking bad at being a president he really is, Bad Touch Donnie is out with his new tax plan. Working with Snitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and Sergei Kislyak, the Velveeta Raccoon, Liar in Chief and Emperor of the Turd Reich and all he sees, promised an “amazing, beautiful, spectacular” tax cut for super rich, empathy free pricks like himself. “The largest tax cut, essentially in the history of our country. It’s going to be something special.” he told the assembled press pool. In fact, if the Dongald is to be believed (hey it’s fucking satire, go with it) “many people, many, many people are saying that it is the greatest tax cut in the history of history! Believe me!”
Trump said he hopes to “pass this plan, or fucking anything!” before he is removed forcibly from office and begins his life sentence for treason, tax fraud, money laundering and multiple sexual assaults.

trump TAX REFORM plan by hip is everything

tax time by hip is everything

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