What’s on tonight

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The Shady Bunch is an American horror/farce created by renowned autocrat and sociopath Vladimir Putin that aired from November 8th, 2016, to T.B.A. on Fox. The series revolves around a large group of grifters who move from living in a gilded tower of hate in New York City to Washington D.C. when the ‘father’, with the assistance of a foreign power steals the 2016 American presidential election and sets out to rob the country of every last fucking dime it has while simultaneously destroying everything in his path.
Airing constantly ad nauseum on CNN and Fox Noise the story follows the misadventures and hijinks of a large family of thieves and liars united by an insatiable desire for money, power and attention.

On tonight’s episode … Melania is back, & she’s pissed; Rudy meets a porn star he CAN love (well, afford); Sean Hannity drops everything to cheer up Donnie who is very upset that Robert Mueller is “always stalking him”: Traitor tot & his moron brother get indicted & Ivanka grabs the family Rubles & breaks it to the family that she’s moving to Sochi to be with her new beau Vladdy. Jared finally give in to his innermost feelings and loses his virginity to ‘Mikey P’ while ‘Mother’ watches (Michael Pence makes a special guest appearance as ‘himself’); Donnie professes his love for Hannity the manatee. (Warning: Intimate scenes between Donnie and Sean NOT suitable for family viewing – actually, to be honest, none of this clusterfuck of a  performance is.)

Some violence, nudity, gay penetrative but consensual sex, ‘water sports’, treason, doucherocketry, racism and strong language. 18+
Warning: some pretty skeezy shit here, so set those PVR’s kids.

Rated ‘R’ for ridiculous | Ages 5 and up | 1280px-4_stars.svg

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