“Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more”

or “Here we go again, with the fuckin’ dimbulb patrol! Fuck me!!!”

danielle trek
Danielle Smith (in red, of course) seen here doing what she does best … being an out of touch, reality denying grifter and Scump wannabe.

Okay kids, buckle the fuck up!

Here we go again.

Yep, COVID’s back, and the RWNJ’s that run this province have decided that less science (but hey don’t worry, science is still ok, kinda, just not too much of it), and a little more Jeebus, ‘alternative theories’ and “an opening up of the types of treatments” are where Danielle the MAGAt wannabe Smith is taking her cues in case of any future “health issues” … oh yeah, and she and her buds, and ONLY they, will decide on everything that concerns said future (like now) “health issues”. Who needs science when there’s money to be made.

Alberta COVID-19 panel urges consideration of ‘alternative’ scientific theories