Fuck you Donald J. Trump, Fuck You.

Puerto Rico has been levelled by Hurricane Maria, and the Mayor of San Juan makes an emotional plea for the Trump administration to save her people, saying “please, anyone who can hear us, save us, we’re dying.”
And THIS (tweets below) is what Americans on the mainland wake up to this morning … a petty, self-centered, insecure little man who is so incapable of even pretending humanity exists within himself that all he can do is lash out and whine like the whiny little bitch he is. And he sends this message to the American people while he hides (at the taxpayers great expense) at his country club. (ya’ wouldn’t wanna be at the White House, at least pretending to be president during this catastrophe, would you Donnie?)
ANYONE who still supports this fake president after this is every bit as hateful, racist, petty and ignorant as he is. Period.
I, like millions of others can’t wait Robert Mueller to lead your despicable, traitorous ass on a ‘perp walk’ on your way to rot in a cell for the rest of your miserable, irrelevant, worthless life.
And when that’s done, may you languish in Hell. You, more than any human being in my lifetime, deserve it.
Fuck you Donald J. Trump, fuck you.





Oh, one final thing asshole – the networks (and everyone else) are not ‘disparaging the first responders, or the soldiers  – they are disparaging YOU because of who you have shown yourself to truly be. YOU are despicable. It will be the first responders, police, soldiers, the incredible mayor of San Juan that you have now attacked, and the amazing Americans in Puerto Rico who will save these people DESPITE your petty, loathsome interference and finger pointing. Look in the mirror Donnie, if you dare.

p.s. @realDonaldTrump, While you tweet from your golf club, the Mayor of San Juan is saving lives. You’ve done NOTHING.

This is the Mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulin Cruz, she is a hero. Period.

Fuck you Donald J. Trump, fuck you.


A Word From The Resident

“Believe me, the relief effort in Rico Suave is going incredible, it’s a beautiful thing, incredible, incredible stuff. Many people, in fact everyone, is saying that is is the biggest anything, anywhere, anytime, and I must say, I have been magnificent, really, really magnificent”
“If it weren’t for all that water all around the island, I’d already have everything fixed and better than Obama ever could have. Believe me.”
“Actually if Barack “HUSSEIN!” Obama actually loved America and hadn’t made everyone of ‘those’ people start kneeling, and disrespecting me, then this whole hurricane probably wouldn’t have happened. I’m probably gunna have Trey Gowdy, who’s a very fine person, and Jeff Sessions, who by the way is NOT a member of the KKK, any more, look into him and crooked Hillary. Her and her deep state, George Soros funded, chem trail mind control attacks on me need to be looked into, I tell ya’, believe me. She’s only doing this because I schlonged her good in the election – here take an electoral college map.”
“But over all, and everyone agrees, I have been spectacular, maybe the most spectacular ever. Better than Obama I tell ya'”

Trump’s Moral Limbo

It’s Limbo time, how low can you go?

Apparently, pretty fucking low …

Now, the asshat in chief is measuring his success by how many people he DIDN’T get killed yet …
and he wants props for it to boot.
What a whiny, incompetent, impotent, insecure little bitch this one turned out to be.

“Fuck me Mabel, that kid just ain’t right in the head”


The ‘Moran’ In Chief Speaketh, National I.Q. Drops 23 Points

Ladies and gentlemen, the Resident of the Divided States …

This guy is completely unable to together a coherent sentence, or uttering 5 straight words without bragging and lying.
I WISH this was satire, but unfortunately for us all the only joke here is him.
What a fucking embarrassment …
Paul Ryan, when are you and Snitch McConnell gunna do your job and remove this man?
He’s unhinged and dangerous and you both know it.
Or, is it that you and Snitch are so far up Russia’s ass that you have to cover for this loser?



D-Bag Apocalypse – The ‘It Must Be Friday’ Edition

Well, that was quick huh?
We didn’t have to wait very long for another “Outstanding Performer” from the kids that bring ya’ the ‘douchebag apocalypse’ to surface did we?

So, Puerto Rico has been devastated and they are begging for help, and this asshole is going golfing again???!!!???

Donald Trump is headed to his Trump National Golf Club in in Bedminster, N.J. on Sept. 29, spending the weekend there before he makes a likely Sunday appearance at the 2017 Presidents Cup. His Friday arrival will mark the 66th time the 45th President has visited one of his 17 golf clubs (and, for most of them, presumably played some golf) since becoming President on Jan. 20, 2017.
With a potentially free schedule, a round of golf is likely before dusk. Trump is expected to be at his club on Saturday and a portion of Sunday as well.

I mean, I get it, you’re a low energy grifter and a empathy free prick, and you’ve long ago made it perfectly clear that you doesn’t work weekends, but, really Donnie?
On Monday though punk, when the media world and your beloved Twitter is raining much deserved hate down on your ever-aging, giant orange ass for disappearing/hiding like a punk/golfing while a couple of million Americans are in peril, do us all a huge favor and shut the fuck up about how “yer’ the fucking victim in all of this”, okay?
Just go hide at your club, and walk around all weekend inflating your wounded ego by being the center of attention, Brag a bunch to the assembled sycophants and paid admirers about how great you are, and how much you’re getting done as “The Man” and then sneak back into the White House on Monday morning, knowing that REAL men and women, and REAL adults, stepped up and took care of your latest clusterfuck tire fire. Just stfu and try not to break any more stuff, k asshole? You think you can handle that? If you can, we all promise to not scream at you for a couple of hours. Now, pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er punk, it’s tee time!

p.s. Fuck you Donnie, and the лошадь you rode in on.


New Trump Spokesman, Sum Dim Phuc, To Handle Future Pressers

Baghdad Donnie by hip is everything
Resident Rump, seen here explaining how amazing he is, and “Oh, by the way, there’s like a buncha brown people in trouble on some island or something … anyways, my ride is here, it’s Friday and you guys know how hard it is to get a great tee time!”

Washington: This morning the Glorious Leader, Sum Dim Phuc, announced that from now on he would be conducting his own daily press briefings. Scary Huckleberry Slanders, who has handled the daily lies, over the top exaggerations and overt racial dog whistles since the departure of Sean Sphincter will be reassigned to the ‘Sycophant Squad’ a new group headed up by Kellyanne Cons Way, whose sole purpose will be to hit all the TV shows and “Glorify the Exalted One as well as polish his daily hourly turds.” Huckleberry Slanders will be in charge of all lies and propaganda having to do with the Emperor’s new clothes and his ‘renowned sexual prowess and stamina.’ As well, she will be tasked with spray painting the Resident every day before he leaves his ward room in his now famous, and very distinctive, Cheetoh orange, thereby relieving V.P. Mike ‘White Bred’ Pence of a job that he truly seemed to enjoy, but had problems with due to his relationship with his wife/mother.

D-Bag Apocalypse Outstanding Performer

dbag apocalypse outstanding performer award by hip is everything

Donnie Bad Touch and the Turd Reich

First, Dickwad Donnie, everyone’s favorite racist president, ignores the disaster in Puerto Rico for most of a week, and instead spends his time bloviating, blathering, bullshitting and blowing dog-whistles about some ”ungrateful, spoiled, BLACK!, millennial, millionaire” football players … I mean how dare those black men defy him, Donald J. Fucking Trump, fucking president of the United Fucking States of Goddamned White America and protest in public …In public??!? … How dare they!! And why can’t their ‘owners’ get a handle on this and make them do as Donnie sez? Fuck me, my head hurts …
When the president finally did acknowledge the crisis in Puerto Rico – on the fifth day after Hurricane Maria made landfall – he offered no expression of empathy for, or solidarity with, the island’s American citizens. Instead, he sought to disavow responsibility for their troubles; defend the adequacy of his administration’s response; and insist that Puerto Rico would still have to pay its debts to Wall Street.
But in a typical Trumpian moral limbo to see how low the bar can be set, the Trump administration did their absolute best to “fuck this up bigly” when DHS rejected a request to grant Puerto Rico a waiver from the Jones Act – a law that requires all cargo carried between U.S. ports (including those in Puerto Rico) to be transported on ships made, owned, and staffed by Americans.
The law showed up after World War I, as a way of ensuring that America would retain its naval capacity during peacetime. Ever since, it has provided America’s shipping industry with a prized buffer from foreign competition government corporate welfare handout. But in the aftermath of hurricanes, DHS waives the law for disaster areas, so that economic nationalism corporate whoring and greed don’t get in the way of maximizing the relief effort. George W. Bush did this for New Orleans after Katrina, Barack Obama did it for much of the East Coast after Sandy – and Trump did for Houston and Florida after Harvey and Irma, respectively.
And surprise, surfuckingprise the Glorious Leader Sum Dim Phuc declined to do the same favor for Puerto Rico. When asked why, the feckless bloviator did his usual, clueless, “umm, We’ll hafta see, I’ll look into it” shit and told the press “a lot of people that work in the shipping industry… don’t want the Jones Act lifted.”
So, basically, “profits over Puerto Ricans baby!”
(Resident Rump has just now, as I am writing this, waived the Jones Act after being nearly beaten into submission by the media and social media – about fucking time punk! Notice the theme here though – he ain’t helping out or doing his job until he’s forced to)
And all of this going on as Trumpcare v.3 or 4 or 67 fails, the prez gets into a nuclear standoff pissing match with the only leader on Earth that has a mental and emotional capacity similarly deficient to his own, and his entire fucking dumbass family and inner circle gets caught using ‘private e-mails’ to do official government business. These pricks will be the death of irony.
Now, the leader of the Turd Reich brings you the latest episode of his hit reality show, “Fuck You People of Color!” with this shit show tire fire …


Go on, tell me there’s no race based decisions being made by Trump and his klannies. And he’s not dog whistling to his MAGAKKKids.

Congratulations Donnie Bad Touch,Glorious Leader of the Turd Reich, you are our d-bag apocalypse Outstanding Performer for today!

Note: I have stopped doing the d-bag of the week award because it seems odd to me to have a ‘weekly’ winner when the shit shows, tire fires, cluster-fucks and other Trump Crime Family fiascos are occurring literally by the hour. Maybe once this asshole and all of his cronies are in prison we can start to have nice things again and we can get back to just weekly d-bag alerts and the like. Sigh.

the coup by hip is everything

To Pre-order Tix:trump store

Tax Time In Fantasyland

After a week of self inflicted wound after self inflicted wound, and in an effort to deflect away from just how fucking bad at being a president he really is, Bad Touch Donnie is out with his new tax plan. Working with Snitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and Sergei Kislyak, the Velveeta Raccoon, Liar in Chief and Emperor of the Turd Reich and all he sees, promised an “amazing, beautiful, spectacular” tax cut for super rich, empathy free pricks like himself. “The largest tax cut, essentially in the history of our country. It’s going to be something special.” he told the assembled press pool. In fact, if the Dongald is to be believed (hey it’s fucking satire, go with it) “many people, many, many people are saying that it is the greatest tax cut in the history of history! Believe me!”
Trump said he hopes to “pass this plan, or fucking anything!” before he is removed forcibly from office and begins his life sentence for treason, tax fraud, money laundering and multiple sexual assaults.

trump TAX REFORM plan by hip is everything

tax time by hip is everything

The Most Dangerous Man In The World’

Finally, the experts are starting to speak out …
This Newsweek article in full, is a must read whether you love or hate this guy …

‘The Most Dangerous Man In The World’: Trump Is Violent, Immature and Insecure, Psych Experts Say
By Dr. Lance Dodes, Gail Sheehy, Philip Zimbardo, Rosemary Sword AND Dr. James Gilligan – 9/27/17

Some prominent experts put Donald Trump on the psychiatrist’s couch and come up with really scary observations that might have you hiding under your sofa.

A Persistent Loss of Reality

Because Donald Trump has been a very public figure for many years, we are in an excellent position to know his behaviors—his speech and actions—which are precisely the basis for making an assessment of his dangerousness, whether we assess him using the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria for antisocial personality disorder, as below, or whether we apply our knowledge of malignant narcissism, both of which include the signs and symptoms of sociopathy. Let us consider these in turn.

Lack of Empathy for Others; Lack of Remorse; Lying and Cheating

Trump’s mocking the disability of a handicapped reporter, unconcern for the safety of protesters at a rally (“Get rid of them!”), sexually assaulting women, threatening physical harm to his opponent in the election (alluding to gun owners eliminating her), repeatedly verbally attacking a family who lost their son fighting for the country, degrading people who criticize him (calling them insulting names, as he did in both the Republican primaries and the general election), a history of cheating people he’s hired by not paying them what he owes, and targeting and terrifying minority groups all provide overwhelming evidence of profound sociopathic traits.

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Loss of Reality

Trump’s insistence on the truth of matters proved to be untrue (“alternative facts”) is well known, even when such denial is not in his interest. He has falsely claimed that President Barack Obama is not an American and that he wiretapped Trump’s building, that his loss in the popular vote of the general election was caused by illegal aliens, that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history and so on. Together, these show a persistent loss of reality.

Rage Reactions and Impulsivity

Trump’s rages have been reported on multiple occasions, leading to sudden decisions and actions. He fired and subsequently threatened the director of the FBI after hearing him testify in unwanted ways before Congress; launched more than 50 missiles within 72 hours of seeing a disturbing image on the news, reversing his stated Middle East policy; precipitously violated diplomatic norms, creating international tensions (as with reports of threatening to invade Mexico, hanging up on the prime minister of Australia, antagonizing Germany, France, Greece and others); and issued illegal executive orders, apparently without vetting them with knowledgeable attorneys.


While there have surely been American presidents who could be said to be narcissistic, none have shown sociopathic qualities to the degree seen in Trump. Correspondingly, none have been so definitively and so obviously dangerous. Democracy requires respect and protection for multiple points of view, concepts that are incompatible with sociopathy. The need to be seen as superior and a lack of empathy or remorse for harming other people are in fact the signature characteristics of tyrants, who seek the control and destruction of all who oppose them, as well as loyalty to themselves instead of the country they lead.

The paranoia of severe sociopathy creates a profound risk of war, since heads of other nations will inevitably disagree with or challenge the sociopathic leader, who will experience the disagreement as a personal attack, leading to rage reactions and impulsive action to destroy this “enemy.” Trump’s sociopathic characteristics are undeniable and create a profound danger for America.

Dr. Lance Dodes is a training and supervising analyst emeritus at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society.

The Insurmountable Trust Deficit

The fundamental bedrock of human development is the formation of a capacity to trust, absorbed by children between birth and 18 months. Donald Trump has boasted of his total lack of trust: “People are too trusting. I’m a very untrusting guy.” “Hire the best people and don’t trust them.” “The world is a vicious and brutal place. Even your friends are out to get you. They want your job, your money, your wife.”

His biographers have recorded his worldview as saturated with a sense of danger and his need to project total toughness. As we know, his father trained him to be a “killer,” the only alternative to being a “loser.” Trump has never forgotten the primary lesson he learned from his father and at the military school to which he was sent to be toughened up further. In Trump’s words, “Man is the most vicious of all animals, and life is a series of battles ending in victory or defeat.”

As president, Trump is systematically shredding trust in the institutions he now commands. In the nearly two years that Trump has been in our face almost daily, he has sown mistrust in all his Republican rivals, alienated much of the conservative Republican bloc he needs in the House for legislative success, ignored congressional Democrats and viciously insulted Democratic leaders, calling them liars, clowns, stupid and incompetent, and condemning former President Barack Obama as “sick” and Hillary Clinton as “the devil.” Having discredited the entire 17-agency intelligence community as acting like Nazis, he also dismissed the judiciary because of one judge’s Hispanic background and another’s opposition to his travel [née Muslim] ban. Even his Supreme Court justice, Neil Gorsuch, said it was “disheartening” and “demoralizing” to hear Trump disparage the judiciary. Not content to smear the media on a daily basis, Trump borrowed a phrase used by Lenin and Stalin to brand the American media as an “enemy of the people.”

The nonmedical definition of paranoia is the tendency toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others. By his own words, Trump operates on the assumption that everyone is out to get him.

We hear repeatedly that Trump as a manager likes chaos. I asked a deputy White House counsel under Obama, a decorated former officer in Iraq and former White House counsel to Obama, how such a management style impacts trust. “Trump explicitly or implicitly manages the situation so it’s never possible for his advisers to know where they stand,” he said. “It’s the opposite of what you want in a high-functioning organization.”
To the dismay of even conservative observers, Trump appears totally indifferent to the truth. Time gave Trump an opportunity to clarify his refusal to correct his long string of falsehoods. What the interview produced instead was an astonishing revelation of his thinking: He states what he wants to be true. If his statement is proved false, he is unfazed and confidently predicts that the facts will catch up with his belief: “I’m a very instinctual person, but my instinct turns out to be right.”

Beneath the grandiose behavior of every narcissist lies the pit of fragile self-esteem. What if, deep down, the person whom Trump trusts least is himself? The humiliation of being widely exposed as a “loser,” unable to bully through the actions he promised during the campaign, could drive him to prove he is, after all, a “killer.”

Gail Sheehy is an author, journalist and popular lecturer.

A Frightening Venn Diagram

Through our observations, it was glaringly apparent that Donald Trump embodied a specific personality type: an unbridled, or extreme, present hedonist. As the words suggest, present hedonists live in the moment, without much thought of any consequences of their actions or of the future. An extreme present hedonist will say whatever it takes to pump up his ego and to assuage his inherent low self-esteem, without any thought for past reality or for the potentially devastating future outcomes. Our assertion that Trump is among the most extreme present hedonists we have ever witnessed comes from the plethora of written and recorded material on him.

The extreme present hedonist’s impulsive thought leads to an impulsive action that can cause him to dig in his heels when confronted with the consequences of that action. If the person is in a position of power, then others scramble either to deny or to find ways to back up the original impulsive action. In normal day-to- day life, this impulsiveness leads to misunderstandings, lying and toxic relationships. In the case of Trump, an impulsive thought may unleash a stream of tweets or verbal remarks that then spur others to try to fulfill, or deny, his thoughtless action.

Case in point: Trump’s impulsive tweet, “How low has President Obama gone to tapp [sic] my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!” caused members of his staff to scramble to find evidence to make the false and slanderous claim “real.”

Another concerning characteristic of extreme present hedonists is the often unwitting—we like to give some extreme present hedonists the benefit of the doubt—propensity to dehumanize others in order to feel superior.

The Bullying Kind

In the early 1900s, Sigmund Freud introduced narcissism as part of his psychoanalytic theory. Throughout the ensuing decades, it was refined and sometimes referred to as megalomania or severe egocentrism. By 1968, the condition had evolved into the diagnosable narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissistic people are out of balance in that they think very highly of themselves while simultaneously thinking very lowly of all those whom they consider their inferiors, which is almost everybody. Narcissists are emotional, dramatic and can lack compassion and empathy.

What lies underneath this personality type is often very low self-esteem. Narcissists can’t handle criticism of any kind, and will belittle others or become enraged or condescending to make themselves feel better when they perceive they are being criticized. It’s not unusual for a narcissistic personality to be blind to his behavior because it doesn’t fit his view of his perfect and dominant self.

Research indicates that some bullies may suffer from narcissistic personality disorder, while others may have difficulty interpreting or judging social situations and other people’s actions—they interpret hostility from others when none was meant. For example, a person unintentionally bumps into a bully, who views this accident as an act of aggression; he therefore overreacts, which triggers the bully response of seeking revenge. Bullies have often been abused or are driven by their insecurities. They typically want to control and manipulate others to feel superior.
In Trump, we have a frightening Venn diagram consisting of three circles: The first is extreme present hedonism; the second, narcissism; and the third, bullying behavior. These three circles overlap in the middle to create an impulsive, immature, incompetent person who, when in the position of ultimate power, easily slides into the role of tyrant, complete with family members sitting at his proverbial “ruling table.”

Everything Can Fall Apart

In presenting our case that Trump is mentally unfit to be president of the United States, we would be remiss if we did not consider one more factor: the possibility of a neurological disorder such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, which the president’s father, Fred Trump, suffered from. Again, we are not trying to speculate diagnoses from afar, but comparing video interviews of Trump from the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s to current video, we find that the differences (significant reduction in the use of essential words; an increase in the use of adjectives such as very, huge and tremendous; and incomplete, run-on sentences that don’t make sense and that could indicate a loss of train of thought or memory) are conspicuously apparent.

Whether Trump suffers from a neurological disorder—or narcissistic personality disorder, or any other mental health issue, for that matter—will, undeniably, remain conjecture unless he submits to tests, which is highly unlikely given his personality. However, the lack of such tests cannot erase the well-documented behaviors he has displayed for decades and the dangers they pose. When an individual is psychologically unbalanced, everything can teeter and fall apart if change does not occur. We believe that Trump is the most dangerous man in the world, a powerful leader of a powerful nation who can order missiles fired at another nation because of his (or a family member’s) personal distress at seeing sad scenes of people having been gassed to death.

We are gravely concerned about Trump’s abrupt, capricious 180-degree shifts and how these displays of instability have the potential to be unconscionably dangerous. Corporations and companies vet their prospective employees. This vetting process frequently includes psychological testing in the form of exams or quizzes to help the employer make more informed hiring decisions and determine if the prospective employee is honest and/or would be a good fit for the company. These tests are used for positions ranging from department store sales clerk to high-level executive. Isn’t it time that the same be required for candidates for the most important job in the world?
Philip Zimbardo, professor emeritus at Stanford University, is a scholar, educator and researcher perhaps best known for his landmark Stanford prison study.

The Many Danger Signs

Psychiatrists in America today have been told that they have two diametrically opposite professional obligations, and that if they violate either one, they are behaving unethically. The first says they have an obligation to remain silent about their evaluation of anyone if that person has not given them permission to speak about it publicly. The second says they have an obligation to speak out and inform others if they believe that person may be dangerous to them, even if he has not given them permission to do so. From both an ethical and a legal standpoint, the second of those two trumps the first.

The issue here is not whether President Donald Trump is mentally ill. It is whether he is dangerous. Dangerousness is not a psychiatric diagnosis. One does not have to be “mentally ill” in order to be dangerous. Trump may or may not meet the criteria for any of the diagnoses of mental disorders defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, or for many of them, but that is not relevant to the issue we are raising here.

The most reliable data for assessing dangerousness often do not require interviewing the individuals about whom we are forming an opinion. The most reliable data may come from the person’s family and friends and, just as important, from police reports, criminal histories, and medical, prison and judicial records, as well as other publicly available information from third parties. In Trump’s case, we also have many public records, tape recordings and videotapes, as well as his own public speeches, interviews and tweets of his numerous threats of violence, incitements to violence and boasts of violence that he himself acknowledges having committed repeatedly and habitually.

Sometimes, a person’s dangerousness is so obvious that one does not need professional training in either psychiatry or criminology to recognize it. One does not need to have had 50 years of professional experience in assessing the dangerousness of violent criminals to recognize the dangerousness of a president who:

Asks what the point of having thermonuclear weapons is if we cannot use them. For example, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough reported that Trump had asked a foreign policy adviser three times, “If we have them, why can’t we use them?”

Urges our government to use torture or worse against our prisoners of war. Throughout his presidential campaign, Trump repeatedly said “torture works,” and promised to bring back “waterboarding” and to introduce new methods “that go a lot further.”

Urged that five innocent African-American youths be given the death penalty for a sexual assault years after it had been proved beyond a reasonable doubt to have been committed by someone else.

Boasts about his ability to get away with sexually assaulting women because of his celebrity and power. Trump was recorded saying, of his way of relating to women, that “I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet…. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Urges his followers at political rallies to punch protesters in the face and beat them up so badly that they have to be taken out on stretchers. In an editorial, The New York Times has quoted the following remarks by Trump at his rallies: “I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell you”; “I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks”; “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. OK? Just knock the hell… I will pay for the legal fees, I promise you.”

Suggests that his followers could always assassinate his political rival, Hillary Clinton, if she were elected president or, at the very least, throw her in prison.

And so on, in an endless stream of threats of violence, boasts of violence and incitements to violence.

If psychiatrists with decades of experience doing research on violent offenders do not confirm the validity of the conclusion that many nonpsychiatrists have reached, that Trump is extremely dangerous—indeed, by far the most dangerous of any president in our lifetimes—then we are not behaving with appropriate professional restraint and discipline.

However, while all psychiatrists, by definition, have studied mental illness, most have not specialized in studying the causes, consequences, prediction and prevention of violence. That is why it is so important for those few of us who have done so to warn the potential victims, in the interests of public health, when we identify signs and symptoms that indicate that someone is dangerous to the public health. We need to recognize the earliest signs of danger before they have expanded into a full-scale epidemic of lethal or life-threatening injury. If we are silent about the numerous ways in which Trump has repeatedly threatened violence, incited violence or boasted about his own violence, we are passively supporting and enabling the dangerous and naïve mistake of treating him as if he were a “normal” president or a “normal” political leader. He is not, and it is our duty to say so.

Dr. James Gilligan is clinical professor of psychiatry and adjunct professor of law at New York University. He is a renowned violence studies expert and has served as director of mental health services for the Massachusetts prisons and prison mental hospital, president of the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy, and as a consultant to President Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Kofi Annan, the World Court, the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum.

Adapted from the essays entitled “Sociopathy,” copyright 2017 by Lance Dodes; “Trump’s Trust Deficit Is the Core Problem,” copyright 2017 by Gail Sheehy; “Unbridled and Extreme Present Hedonism: How the Leader of the Free World Has Proven Time and Again He Is Unfit for Duty,” copyright 2017 by Philip Zimbardo and Rosemary Sword; and “The Issue Is Dangerousness, Not Mental Illness,” copyright 2017 by James Gilligan; as they appear in The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump by Dr. Bandy X. Lee, organizer of Yale’s “Duty to Warn” Conference, copyright 2017 by the author and reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s Press.

from newsweek.com

Bat Shit Crazy Alerts … The ‘It’s Only Fucking Tuesday’ Edition

bat shit crazy header by hip is everything2

Wow, and it’s only Tuesday …
Very impressive work by the Doucherocketry Brigade again this week …

Alex Jones: ‘Candy-Ass’ White Globalists Are Using NFL Protests To Make America Racist
Nope Alex, that’s being taken care of by yer’ boy Donnie Bad Touch …

Rick Wiles: National Anthem Protests Are Part Of A Communist Revolution Orchestrated By Barack Obama
someone has obviously been derelict in checking the purity of their ‘shine’ …

Ann Coulter Thinks ‘Death Squads’ Could Be The Only Hope If Trump Supports Immigration Reform
it’s hard to believe that this deranged hate-ogre is still walking free …

Michele Bachmann: God Sent Trump As ‘Reprieve’ From Trans Rights
hey, ya’ can’t even begin to discuss bat-shit crazy without Babs “psycho eyes” Bachmann
(bitch truly be crazy)

The Real Threat is no Longer the Russians But Our Own Hypocritical Establishment on the Left
yep, you keep on buying that Cletus … “nothing to see here, move along, would you like some KoolAid with that dog whistle sandwich sir?”

End of world still coming soon, Christian numerologists say — it was just postponed
Saturday passed without the world coming to an end but we’re not out of the woods yet kids.
(my “plan for the end” HERE)

Roger Stone: Mueller Has Told Manafort To Lie About Trump Or He Will Be Railroaded To Prison
Fuck me Mabel, that kid just ain’t right in the head …

Hillary Clinton Wanted to Craft Voodoo Dolls of Congress, Media
I don’t know when she’d have the time, between all the murdering and the child sex rings, and all her ‘underage lesbian affairs’, she must be fucking ex-haus-ted! Oh yeah, we can’t forget the “Hillary Burps Out Alien Babies Into A Glass On stage!” incident. Wow, the girl has got some energy.

and like I said, it’s only fucking Tuesday …



trump treason by hip is everything


They’re Just Not That Into You Donnie

Trump’s failed boycott leads to most watched Sunday football in seven years

More Americans tuned into NFL football than usual after Donald Trump pushed for a boycott of the league, in another instance of the country rejecting him.

Donald Trump’s despotic declaration that the NFL should punish players who protest racial injustice, and that fans should boycott the league if the organization refuses, has backfired in spectacular fashion. NFL ratings for the weekend after Trump’s tirade are up, not down. Which means millions more than usual watched players — and even owners who donated to Trump — reject his racial demagoguery. ESPN sports business reporter Darren Rovell wrote, “Preliminary ratings for NFL games on CBS yesterday were UP 4% vs Week 3 of last year. Its pregame show had highest viewership in 7 YEARS.”

Trump has been a failure at convincing a majority of Americans to support him or his agenda. He could not sway a plurality of voters to back him in the election — nearly 3 million more people voted for Hillary Clinton.

Despite his past as the host of a reality TV show, Americans don’t trust him for their TV watching habits either. from ShareBlue

So, basically he did what he always does – FAIL.
Kinda like how he has ‘done business’ for the last 50 years. A lotta bloviating, blather, bluster and bullshit, followed by a giant FAIL! … too funny. what a loser  #sad


“Some very fine people”

Here’s a guide to some leaders who insisted that their own people should be punished for not standing for their national anthem …

that’s “some very fine people” yer’ hangin’ with there Donnie Bad Touch …

Nailed it …

“He was a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasms – one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the thought police, the stability of the Party depended.”
– George Orwell

trump works on new executive orders by hip is everything
Resident Bad Touch Donnie, seen here doing what he does best – pretending to work.

Taking His Toys And Going Home

an on point description of what just went down with ‘The Glorious Leader, Sum Dim Phuc’ – Leader of the Turd Reich …

Donald Trump is taking his toys and going home

Friday it was Colin Kaepernick and the football players who took a knee in silent, peaceful protest during the national anthem. Yesterday it was Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors who became the target for world’s most overgrown toddler – Donald Trump.

Like many athletes these days, Steph Curry found himself pondering what it would mean to shake hands with Donald Trump at the White House. As per usual custom, the Golden State Warriors were invited to Washington, D.C. to celebrate their NBA championship, and the question came up as to whether or not Steph (who is the defacto face of the franchise) would go. On the one hand, this is something most kids dream about, winning a championship, getting the ring and having your picture taken at the White House while the president holds his custom jersey. However, children of color do not dream about having to shake hands with a president who panders and legitimizes white supremacists and neo-nazis.
Going to the White House and shaking hands with Trump (who happens to be the current occupant of the Oval Office) could give the impression that you’re okay with his behavior and policies. For a person of color and a role model for millions of little kids, that is something that Steph Curry couldn’t take lightly. So when asked about it, he was honest in saying he just didn’t think he wanted to go.

Queue the temper tantrum tweet from Trump, withdrawing the invitation to the entire team. Instead of acting like an adult and seeing this as an opportunity to repair things, Trump did what Trump does – he lashed out. How dare anyone not want to come kneel before him and kiss his rings? The backlash from the sporting world over this and the “son of a bitch” tantrum directed at the NFL has been swift, but it falls on deaf ears. Trump’s life is designed to make sure he only sees the positive feedback, his need for constant ego stroking and reassurance growing exponentially every day.

Trump could have taken the high road, he could have responded saying he was disappointed that Curry felt that way and that some things should transcend politics, but he is incapable of such grace and dignity. Instead, Trump was the 6 year-old bully on the playground loudly telling everyone that he was taking his toys and going home – but only because no one wanted to play with him.

from the Palmer Report


Fox News Does Science – And We’re All Fucked! UPDATE

A quick update to “Fox News Does Science – And We’re All Fucked!”


Apparently not …
well, I gotta go grab some Cheese Whiz (in a fucking jar!) and Ritz Crackers …
on the upside though, lotsa hockey on tonight, so there’s that.
Oh fuck, there’s Kellyanne Conway and the idiot Trump on the TV … arrgghh …

later peeps


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Image result for satire donald trump product ad

Image result for satire donald trump product
‘The Dongald’ Butt Plug™
Because, well, he’s already doing it to most of America so you might as well just get used to it.

trump store

#TakeTheKnee … Part 3

Here’s another piece, by a writer I follow every day (so should you) who always has an honest and well thought out and researched take, that has excerpts of it making the social media rounds today, in it’s entirety so as to retain context

Real patriotism, Mr. Trump, isn’t how you treat a flag. It’s how you treat Americans
by Sarah Kendzior

As the United States coped with ceaseless natural disasters, North Korea announced its intent to annihilate the United States, and the Russian interference investigation ushered in more damning revelations, President Trump spoke out on what he seemingly felt was a great national crisis:

“If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem,” he tweeted on Saturday. “If not, YOU’RE FIRED. Find something else to do!”

By now, we know the routine. When Mr. Trump is flailing, he creates a battle between himself and a celebrity – a tempest in a teapot to divert attention from, say, the literal tempest that nearly swallowed Puerto Rico, and his dereliction of duty in addressing it. In the past, Mr. Trump has attacked Mika Brzezinski, Meryl Streep and others to try to change the subject from catastrophes he either created or failed to remedy.

The President’s attack on Colin Kaepernick – a black football player who refuses to stand for the national anthem as a show of protest against systemic racism and police brutality – is yet another attempt of Mr. Trump’s to distract the public from his failures, but this particular battle has more at stake. On the same day, the President tweeted that Steph Curry, who had already stated he wouldn’t be attending the White House – standard for NBA champions – would no longer be invited.

By attacking these athletes, Mr. Trump is launching a referendum on patriotism, race, and what it means to be a good American in a nation led by a man who praises dictators and refuses to outright denounce white supremacists.

America has wrestled with hypocrisy ever since it was birthed by slave-owning founders who wrote searing declarations of freedom. But never has the gulf between the hallowed position of the presidency and the hollowness of the person who inhabits it been as wide as it is today. And never has Mr. Trump faced a foe like Mr. Kaepernick, whose silent protests hit harder than any of the President’s tirades because they force Americans to contend not only with complicity, but complacency. If Mr. Kaepernick can live his values, destroying his popularity and football career in the process, why can’t we all? If we have freedom of speech, who will we speak up for?

Mr. Kaepernick kneels for the slain and for the suffering, and places that burden on the conscience of Americans in an era where the very notion of a conscience is spun as an alternative fact. While Mr. Trump brags of his wealth while stiffing charities and swindling the poor, Mr. Kaepernick has spent a year giving away one million dollars to help oppressed communities. While the President’s life has been spent desperately accumulating status markers and elite approval, Mr. Kaepernick is, at age 29, seemingly unemployable due to his controversial political views.

And what are those controversial views? That black men should not be shot on sight by white officers that get away with it. That black citizens should have the same rights, respect and access to resources as white citizens. That the U.S. flag is not worth saluting until there is liberty and justice for all.

That these views are considered controversial is a damning indictment of the inability of Americans to be reflective instead of defensive about our systemic failings. Traditionally, when an athlete takes a knee, he does so in acknowledgment of a wounded player. Colin Kaepernick takes the knee during the national anthem in acknowledgment of wounded citizens. He demands, rightly, that Americans do better.

I am writing this from St. Louis, a city where a white police officer was recently acquitted of first degree murder after proclaiming on video that he intended to kill a black man and then did so. My city is filled with masses of protesters and with police bearing military weapons, who now gloat that the streets are theirs. My city is full of mourners, because we’ve seen it all before, and because we know, under this administration, we will see state-sanctioned injustice again and again.

When Mr. Kaepernick takes a knee, when Mr. Curry refuses to visit the White House, I greet these actions with gratitude. When their fellow athletes – like Richard Sherman, Kobe Bryant, and LeBron James – back them, risking similar condemnation, I feel relief that they too refuse to tolerate abuse of citizens by the state. The real measure of patriotism is not how you treat a flag but how you treat your countrymen.

Where a conscience should reside in our capital is instead a well of hate and bigotry. We will not find moral leadership in this White House, but we can find it among Americans – ordinary citizens and celebrities alike – who reject pageantry in favour of principle.

Sarah Kendzior is a St. Louis, Mo. based commentator who writes about politics, the economy and media.                      reprinted from The Globe and Mail

#TakeTheKnee … Part 2

There is an excerpt of the following article making the rounds on Twitter and Facebook today, and it’s a great excerpt in that it perfectly describes the ‘situation’ we all find ourselves in thanks to the ‘attitude’ and comments of the president. I was just going to post that and share that, but after reading the article that it came from, I decided that part of the reason that America is so divided today is that we ALL live in our chosen bubbles and ‘excerpts’ have become the ammo for both sides, and ‘context’ has been lost far too often. So, here’s is the entire piece.

Mr. President: You Represent All of Us. Don’t Divide Us. Bring Us Together

Steve Kerr (As Told To Chris Ballard) Sunday September 24th, 2017

We knew it was coming.

After Steph spoke up at media day on Friday, we figured it was just a matter of time until the president responded. Then on Saturday morning my wife, Margot, woke me up. “Here it is,” she said, and showed me Trump’s tweet. Our invitation, he wrote, “has been withdrawn” because, “going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team” and, “Stephen Curry is hesitating.”

First off, I’m pretty sure Steph wasn’t “hesitating”. He made it clear he wouldn’t go. Second, as I joked to the media Saturday, it was like the president was trying to break up with us before we broke up with him.

Regardless, it’s a shame. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet President Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama. I didn’t agree with all of them, but it was easy to set politics aside because each possessed an inherent respect for the office, as well as the humility that comes with being a public servant in an incredible position of power, representing 300 million people. And that’s the problem now. In his tweet to Steph, Trump talked about honoring the White House but, really, isn’t it you who must honor the White House, Mr. President? And the way to do that is through compassion and dignity and being above the fray. Not causing the fray.

Would we have gone? Probably not. The truth is we all struggled with the idea of spending time with a man who has offended us with his words and actions time and again. But I can tell you one thing: it wouldn’t have been for the traditional ceremony, to shake hands and smile for cameras. Internally, we’d discussed whether it’d be possible to just go and meet as private citizens and have a serious, poignant discussion about some of the issues we’re concerned about. But he’s made it hard for any of us to actually enter the White House, because what’s going on is not normal. It’s childish stuff: belittling people and calling them names. So to expect to go in and have a civil, serious discourse? Yeah, that’s probably not going to happen.

Look, I’m a basketball coach and what I do obviously pales in comparison to what the president does. But our jobs are similar in at least one respect: If you want to be an NBA coach, you need to be prepared to be criticized. You kind of know that going in. If I coach poorly and we lose the game, I hear about it. That’s okay. It’s really where we coaches earn our money, accepting and dealing with criticism and keeping the ship moving forward. There has to be an inherent understanding when you enter into any public position of power that this is what happens. People are going to take shots at you and it’s incumbent upon you to absorb those shots. Maybe you respond diplomatically, but you maintain a level of respect and dignity. What you can’t do is just angrily lash out. Can you imagine if I lashed out at all my critics every day and belittled them? I’d lose my players, I’d embarrass ownership, I’d embarrass myself. Pretty soon I’d be out of a job. It’s a basic adult thing that you learn as you grow up: People aren’t always going to agree with you. And that’s OK.

Instead, we get Trump’s comments over the weekend about NFL players, calling them ‘sons of bitches’ for kneeling during the anthem. Those just crushed me. Crushed me. Just think about what those players are protesting. They’re protesting excessive police violence and racial inequality. Those are really good things to fight against. And they’re doing it in a nonviolent way. Which is everything that Martin Luther King preached, right? A lot of American military members will tell you that the right to free speech is exactly what they fight for. And it’s just really, really upsetting that the leader of our country is calling for these players to be ‘fired.’The hard part is knowing what to do now. Margot and I talked for a long time Saturday morning about what to say publicly. I’ve probably been as critical of Trump as anybody but maybe it’s time to take a different course. There’s no need to get into a war of words. It’s about trying to hang on to the values that are important to us as an organization, a country, and, really, as human beings.

The fact is we live in an amazing country, but it’s a flawed one. I consider myself unbelievably lucky to live here, so please spare me the ‘If you don’t like it you can get out’ argument. I love living here. I love my country. I just think it’s important to recognize that we as a nation are far from perfect, and it’s our responsibility to try to make it better. And one of the ways to do that is to promote awareness and understanding and acceptance. Not just acceptance but embracing our diversity, which when you get down to it is not only who we are but truly what makes us great. And it’s not happening.

Remember, the president works for us, not vice versa. We elected him. He doesn’t just work for his constituents and his base. He works for every citizen. Once you take that office, you have to do what’s best for the entire country. Sure, you’re going to have policies that align with your party, but that’s not the point. Respectfully, Mr. Trump, the point is this: You’re the president. You represent all of us. Don’t divide us.

Bring us together.

from Sports Illustrated

Get that son of a bitch outta the White House. Right now. Out. He’s fired. Part 2

Trump Says NFL Owners Should Fire “Son Of A Bitch” Anthem Protestors

Donald Trump at Alabama rally last night: “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘get that son of a bitch off the field now. Out. Out. He’s fired!”

Hey Donnie Bad Touch … it’s more S.O.B.’s …

Image result for muhammad ali protesting
Related image

Image result for civil rights movement
Image result for civil rights movement
Image result for civil rights movement

… and each and every one of them is ten times the man you will ever be.

So ponder this, when a white supremacist runs a women over with his car, “there’s some very good people there”, but when a black man kneels during the anthem at a football game, he’s an S.O.B. THIS is Trump’s America.


D-Bag of the Week – The ‘Fuck ‘Em All, I Gots Mine’ Edition

Forget about the zombie apocalypse that will surely never come.
The real epidemic at hand is the douche-bag apocalypse that is already upon us.

It’s time for that always deserved, and rarely claimed award for the d-bag with the moistest.
and without a doubt we have all the scheming, lying politicians, incoherent, ass kissing, dog whistle blowing, incessantly blathering, windbag broadcasters, greedy, glamour glomming grifters and pointless, prevaricating and pontificating pricks we’ll ever need to choose from.
Even though this week’s douche-off was not without a copiously crammed cornucopia of conniving, classless, clueless, crass and cretinous challengers to that majestic mantle of  mediocrity, mendacity, meandering mindlessness and missteps we like to call the “d-bag of the week”, we do have a distinct winner.
It’s time to answer the question that seemingly needs to be answered kids.
Just who took their act to the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the slimiest of the slimy?
Who was the king or queen of douchebaggery in the last seven days?
Well, this week it was a no brainer …
Easy peasy …
He has a Masters in doucherocketry, and a heart as dark and cold as Ann Coulter’s soul.
A real regressive regent of the repugnant, reprehensible, repulsive and revolting, ranting and railing right.

Our d-bag of the week is …

<drum roll>

Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry

For just being himself it appears.

Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry said out loud what most Republican only say in private. He wants to end Social Security and Medicare. He told Charlotte Observer political reporter Jim Morrill, “I would rather have complete control of the social safety net given to the states.” “That would end Social Security and Medicare. Most Republicans would probably agree. And that’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans.”

Patrick McHenry, you ARE our D-Bag of the week!
Grats asshole and …

Fuck you sir.
Fuck you like a Trump fucks a contractor.


P.S. If you’d like to contact our boy Patrick, here’s his info …
Congressman McHenry

2334 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Telephone: 202.225.2576
Fax: 202.225.0316

1990 Main Avenue, SE
P.O. Box 1830
Hickory, NC 28603
Telephone: 828.327.6100
Toll-Free in North Carolina: 800.477.2576
Fax: 828.327.8311

Please be polite, don’t stoop to these guy’s level …
I bet he’d love to hear from y’all.



Get that son of a bitch outta the White House. Right now. Out. He’s fired.

As bad as the video was of this, read it, and it gets even worse.
This man is a lowlife scumbag. The largest scumbag ever. Any where, any time. There’s never been a scumbag like this. Period. Believe me. Many people are saying that. Believe me.

9 Out of 10 Lions Say Nazis Are Tasty

and now, a few words from the Ferret …

Hey there Resisters! I know it’s Friday night, but I’m postin’ anyway!

Find me at: showercapblog.com

Whelp, in the last couple of days our dipshit President has been called a blustering chimpanzee by Jane Goodall, and a “dotard” by that one chubby, belligerent North Korean fellow. Accuracy notwithstanding, it makes one sad that William Shakespeare won’t get a crack at our artificially-tanned, inadequately-fingered, chief executive.

In other words, friends…shit be cray.

Anyhow, the Dotard Chimpanzee wants everybody to know that the whole Russia thing is a hoax, despite all the investigations and no-knock Manafort raids and whatnot.

Weirdly, this particular tweet came on the day when Homeland Security informed 21 states that “Russian government cyber actors” attempted to hack their election systems ahead of November 2016.

Anyway, we’re assured they weren’t at all successful, even though they targeted a bunch of swing states and the election was ultimately swung by about a football-stadium’s-worth of votes.

Sleep tight, is all I’m sayin’.

So, this Republican state representative in South Dakota figured that everyone would be all giggly and delighted by a little meme she shared about running cars into crowds full of protesters, because that’s what that Nazi terrorist did in Charlottesville, and if comedy has one golden rule, it’s that things Nazis do to murder people are universally regarded as hilarious.

It’s ok though. She issued roughly 38% of an apology. Consequences are for CUCKS.

Meanwhile Rambunctious Robert Mueller is apparently after ALL THE RECORDS these days, on the Comey firing, the Flynn firing, probably on the various crimes SCROTUS has committed against god-knows-how-many perfectly decent steaks.

In totally, completely, 100% non-related news, it turns out our ol’ pal Sean Spicer kept ridiculously detailed notebooks while serving as Press Secretary. Don’t worry Donnie, I’m sure it’s mostly a slam book about Scaramucci.

And Dorito Mussolini keeps talking about his cool new autocrat friend, Tayyip Erdogan, whose goons beat up some American protesters…again. Yeah, you’d generally expect the President of the United States to take sides with his own people against the foreign nationals pounding the crap out of them, but we live in…unconventional times.

Betsy DeVos officially implemented her long-anticipated Affirmative Action for Rapists Initiative. “We like our campus sexual assaults like we like our tax returns,” DeVos said, “Drastically underreported in service of maintaining established power dynamics!” Betsy’s just one short leap away from setting up free rohypnol dispensers at frat houses.

From Politico, we learned that Tangerine Idi Amin is stocking the Agriculture Department with random, comically under-qualified campaign holdovers. Once the wheels really start coming off this wagon, and the resignations start piling up, we’re gonna wind up with pizza delivery boys as Joint Chiefs, mark my words.

The Mooch went on the View to take The Dump on The Staff. Apparently he finds Reince Priebus dislikable, he thinks Sean Spicer was a liar (HOT TAKE THERE, MOOOCH), and says Steve Bannon has white supremacist “tendencies,” which makes it sound like he just occasionally burns a small cross in somebody’s lawn when he’s had one too many Zimas.

Well, it looks like the latest attempt to repeal the ACA and replace it with a Mile High Pile of Murder has run off the rails. Susan Collins is leaning no, John McCain gave Lindsey Graham the NEW JACK CITY Am-I-My-Brother’s-Keeper routine, and Rand Paul won’t support it unless it sends the poor to Dickensian workhouses or something.

We need three GOP “no” votes, and we’ve only officially got two at this moment, so it’s kinda fun to imagine the epic bribes Mitch McConnell must be offering Lisa Murkowski today. “We’ll make you Duchess of Kentucky, Lisa! We’ll make Marco Rubio dress up like a showgirl and dance for your amusement!”

Under most circumstances, repeating the same storyline over and over leads to diminished audience interest, BUT, speaking only for myself, I have a virtually limitless appetite for The Mitch McConnell Bets Big on Obamacare Repeal Only to Faceplant and Walk Away With a Giant Plate Full of Failure Show.

Not that this administration will do anything silly like embracing Obamacare or helping their constituents, or anything. Having significantly shortened the enrollment period and decimated the outreach budget, today we learned that they’ll be shutting down the enrollment website for twelve hours almost every Sunday of the already-abbreviated sign-up window.

It’s downright fuckin’ WACKY having a government that works so hard to keep its citizens away from the potentially life-saving health care they’re legally entitled to.

The (Failing?) L.A. Times informs us that the Marmalade Shartcannon went rogue during his bath-salts-and-adderall-fueled U.N. Speech, against advisor’s advice, which explains John Kelly’s Patrick Stewart impersonation.

Of course, there’s no real reason to antagonize Kim Jong-un. It puts hundreds of thousands of lives at risk and accomplishes precisely Jack Shit. Sadly, our current head of state prioritizes “A bunch of strangers’ lives” significantly below “Showing off the clever nickname I just thought up.”

In other news, “Rocket Man,” is what passes for “clever” to the most powerful human being alive. Sssssssssigh.

Meanwhile, Princess Ivanka is trying to weasel her way out of a shoe-design-theft lawsuit by claiming she’s a fancy, important, government official, which is weird, because it was just the other day when she was saying how unreasonable it was for people to expect her to influence the President from her post as a Presidential advisor.

Tom Price keeps trying to explain his way around the 300-grand-and-counting private jet bill he’s dropped in the taxpayer’s lap (we can’t afford Meals on Wheels, but we have plenty of spare $$$$ to make sure Tommy Boy doesn’t have to get Poor on him when he feels like getting away from the office for the day.) Something about his demanding schedule, or the hurricanes, or, most insultingly/hilariously to “connect” with “real Americans.”

Speaking of cartoonishly corrupt fuckheads, WaPo informs us that EPA Chief Scott Pruitt has basically been on a not-so-secret-Santa tour lately, meeting with “corporate executives from the automobile, mining and fossil fuel industries” before eagerly doing their bidding.

I tell you folks, I’m practically CHOKING on the populism, there’s so much populism.

Anyhow, the guy who was allegedly so fabulously rich that he wouldn’t be beholden to wealthy special interest donors is getting his ever-ballooning legal fees paid for by…wealthy special interest donors! Boy howdy, if buying access to government officials happens to be your thang, you couldn’t hope to do any better than a septuagenarian grifter frantically scrambling to fend off a lifetime’s worth of comeuppance.

And if I told you one of these donors has a bunch of connections to Russian oligarchs, up to and including Uncle Vlad’s bud Viktor Vekselberg, you’d accuse me of really pushing the envelope with this whole collusion thing, right? “C’mon,” you’d say, “Shartboy paying his legal fees with Russian oil money? Is that really BELIEVABLE?”

Believe it.

Oh hey, a lion mauled a Nazi. That’s somethin’.

In other good news, it looks like Milopalooza at Berkeley has more or less collapsed. Weird that nobody wants to hang out with the “Pedophiles Are Actually Rad” guy.

Well anyway, because Lil’ Donnie Two-Scoops was a very good boy and hasn’t praised any Nazis for almost week, John Kelly let him go down to Alabama for a rally. Allegedly, it was a rally for Senator Luther Strange ahead of Tuesday’s primary runoff, but Donnie made sure to let everybody know that he “might’ve made a mistake,” and would campaign for his opponent (Deranged Bull Connor cosplayer Roy Moore) if he lost, because LOYALTY. He played all the hits, from the classic “Lock Her Up” to the new, Rick Rubin*-produced “Rocket Man.” He was very high on Strange’s tallness.

He went after Colin Kaepernick, too. He’s probably just jealous, since Colin actually makes the charitable donations he pledges. Anyway, it’s really neat to have a President who thinks people should be fired for exercising their first amendment rights, innit?**

I dunno. My working hypothesis is that I live in the alternate reality where all the Star Trek characters have sinister mustaches and shit. I’m trying real hard to get back home to a place where things make some semblance of since, but until then…

…shit be cray. Vote in the Goddamn Midterms.

*I don’t mean to disparage Rick Rubin.

** It is not actually “neat.” I say this because some folks on the internet have a little trouble with sarcasm.