Bat Shit Crazy Alerts … The ‘It’s Only Fucking Tuesday’ Edition

bat shit crazy header by hip is everything2

Wow, and it’s only Tuesday …
Very impressive work by the Doucherocketry Brigade again this week …

Alex Jones: ‘Candy-Ass’ White Globalists Are Using NFL Protests To Make America Racist
Nope Alex, that’s being taken care of by yer’ boy Donnie Bad Touch …

Rick Wiles: National Anthem Protests Are Part Of A Communist Revolution Orchestrated By Barack Obama
someone has obviously been derelict in checking the purity of their ‘shine’ …

Ann Coulter Thinks ‘Death Squads’ Could Be The Only Hope If Trump Supports Immigration Reform
it’s hard to believe that this deranged hate-ogre is still walking free …

Michele Bachmann: God Sent Trump As ‘Reprieve’ From Trans Rights
hey, ya’ can’t even begin to discuss bat-shit crazy without Babs “psycho eyes” Bachmann
(bitch truly be crazy)

The Real Threat is no Longer the Russians But Our Own Hypocritical Establishment on the Left
yep, you keep on buying that Cletus … “nothing to see here, move along, would you like some KoolAid with that dog whistle sandwich sir?”

End of world still coming soon, Christian numerologists say — it was just postponed
Saturday passed without the world coming to an end but we’re not out of the woods yet kids.
(my “plan for the end” HERE)

Roger Stone: Mueller Has Told Manafort To Lie About Trump Or He Will Be Railroaded To Prison
Fuck me Mabel, that kid just ain’t right in the head …

Hillary Clinton Wanted to Craft Voodoo Dolls of Congress, Media
I don’t know when she’d have the time, between all the murdering and the child sex rings, and all her ‘underage lesbian affairs’, she must be fucking ex-haus-ted! Oh yeah, we can’t forget the “Hillary Burps Out Alien Babies Into A Glass On stage!” incident. Wow, the girl has got some energy.

and like I said, it’s only fucking Tuesday …



trump treason by hip is everything


7th sign of the apocalypse revealed

Michele Bachmann: “I’m advising Trump on foreign policy.”

In a sure sign that the apocalypse is now upon us the always psychotic, ever fearful, bat-shit crazy Michele ‘Crazy Eyes’ Bachmann says “she is now advising Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on foreign policy” … The former Minnesota congresswoman who has turned into a ranting and raving religious fanatic since leaving office and narrowly avoiding prison, now appears to have entered a permanent state of religious hallucination and speaking in tongues (or as we like to call them here: GOP talking points) … Michele and her husband Marcus (who, it appears, was not successful in his ‘pray away the gay’ sessions) were attending a fundraiser in the state for GOP presidential nominee Tang Ridiculous on Saturday, when she revealed to the press that she has old Rust face’s ear on foreign policy … several members of the press were treated on scene with oxygen and sedatives due to uncontrollable laughter and choking … Before leaving the interview Ms. Bachmann recited her now familiar Frank Luntz authored fever swamp propaganda, spewing wave after wave of nonsensical, fact free near sentences and half-baked semi-thoughts … she followed that up with her now famous “constant tears of impotent rage” speech, before descending completely into what almost looked like a meth fueled, Palinesque word salad all the while staring at the wrong camera  …  She was last seen huddled in a corner of the Faux Noise studio with Hannity the Manatee and his live in lover Billo the Clown O’Really desperately trying to get her to stop screaming and sobbing … best of luck on that Sean.

TL,DR: Oh my, fuck me Mabel, this is scary …

d-bag of the week … the douchenami edition

golden d-bag of the week award by hip is everything

it’s been a week where I can’t even keep up with the right wing douche-rocketry and d-bag behavior of this week’s contenders …
sort of a douchebag tsunami … a douchenami if you will …
so slap on the wellingtons so you don’t get any on ya’ and let’s just wade right on in shall we …
careful though my friends, some shit just don’t wash off …
is everyone comfortably seated? …
good, then we’ll begin …
”Once upon a time … in a mystical make believe land where idiocracy, tiny little hands and bigotry rule the day, there lived a whole bunch of bat shit crazy, angry, fearful, bloviating liars, er, prevaricators if you’d prefer …”
first up, the queen of bat shit crazy vile and bile herself …


gop must be crazy by hip is everythingMichele Bachmann Says God Sent Brussels Attacks to Humiliate Obama

by Tommy Christopher

Have you ever wondered what it would look like if Sarah Palin were held at gunpoint and forced to drunk-tweet slam poetry? Well, then former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann‘s (R-MN) latest WorldNet Daily column is for you. The rambling, stream-of-what-can-only-loosely-be-called-consciousness blog post touches on a wide range of horrible Obama failures, but most notably posits that maybe God sent the terrorists to Brussels to humiliate President Obama:

Or maybe our president’s humiliation comes in a manner so devastating it makes one wonder whether the Creator of humankind isn’t reminding this world of the inferiority of foolishness in the face of wisdom.
The president once again mocked his nemesis, the Jewish people and the nation of Israel, by cleverly turning the international press corps toward his brilliant work in Cuba, instead of covering ongoing Islamic attacks against the Jewish state as outlined that very same day at the annual pro-Israel AIPAC meeting in Washington, D.C.
History changed less than 24 hours later in the blink of an eye, and the rug was pulled out from under his well-laid plans.
Obama’s slavish press corps was forced to turn their uncritical gaze from adoring him to revealing the newest carnage in Brussels.
Our eyes were spellbound.

No, they weren’t, Michele, you’re just looking at the wrong camera.
If this truly is a clash of civilizations, as Bachmann believes, then telling the world that God sent terrorists to make Obama look bad is not great PR for Christianity.

You can read the entire loopy thing here.

then we had Rudy “911!, 911!, 911!!!” Giuliani crawling out of his slime filled bog to make that fucking semi-human noise he likes to make in his ongoing effort to find a reason to keep breathing …do slugs breathe??? …

Giuliani: Hillary Clinton Could Be Considered ‘Founding Member of ISIS …

Rudy 911! Giuliani seen here with long time friend and fellow piece of shit Donald ‘the Fuhrer’ Trump

In an effort to attack Hillary Clinton on foreign policy tonight, Rudy Giuliani told Bill O’Reilly that “Hillary Clinton could be considered a founding member of ISIS.”
He said that Clinton hasn’t shown leadership in the war on terror, saying she had her chance when she was Secretary of State, when she was “part of an administration that withdrew from Iraq.”
O’Reilly pointed out Clinton couldn’t have forced President Obama to do anything short of resigning. Giuliani added, “Which is what a patriot does.”
A little later, O’Reilly took a guess Giuliani’s getting ready to endorse Donald Trump. Giuliani didn’t completely deny it…

trump by hip is everythingTrump Retweets Someone Insulting Heidi Cruz’s Looks

by Josh Feldman

Donald Trump tonight, not content with mere threats, re-tweeted a fan tonight who posted an image insulting Ted Cruz‘s wife’s looks.
Trump is angry at Cruz over an ad an anti-Trump Super PAC (that has nothing to do with Cruz) ran showing a picture from his wife Melania‘s nude photoshoot.
Here’s tonight’s crazy Trump retweet:

in case it’s taken down:

Screen Shot 2016-03-24 at 12.19.09 AM


UPDATE –– 12:40 pm EST: Cruz responded:


stay classy guys, stay classy! …

The GOP …

There’s a petition to allow ‘open carry’ at the GOP convention …
and it’s not from the Onion!!!!

Believe it or else: Some one has actually posted a petition on to allow open carry of firearms during the RNC convention.

RECOGNIZE OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO OPEN CARRY FIREARMS AT THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION AT THE QUICKEN LOANS ARENA IN JULY 2016SUMMARY: In July of 2016, the GOP will host its convention at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. Though Ohio is an open carry state, which allows for the open carry of guns, the hosting venue—the Quicken Loans Arena—strictly forbids the carry of firearms on their premises.According to the policy on their website, “firearms and other weapons of any kind are strictly forbidden on the premises of Quicken Loans Arena.”This is a direct affront to the Second Amendment and puts all attendees at risk. As the National Rifle Association has made clear, “gun-free zones” such as the Quicken Loans Arena are “the worst and most dangerous of all lies.” The NRA, our leading defender of gun rights, has also correctly pointed out that “gun free zones… tell every insane killer in America… (the) safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk.” (March 4, 2016 and Dec. 21, 2012)
I’m not certain whether this is serious, or an attempt at satire; it’s hard to tell the difference anymore!!!!! Maybe they should just change the name to the ‘NRA Convention.’
original link from The Bitchy Pundit’s Facebook page … Her comment: “A room full of armed, slack jawed Republicans – what could go wrong?”

Pat McCrory Says He Signed the Broadest Anti-LGBT Bill in the Nation to Prevent Government Overreach

On Wednesday, in a special session, North Carolina lawmakers rammed through HB2, a bill that they were granted a mere five minutes to read before beginning debate. A bill that literally made its way through both chambers of the General Assembly, onto the governor’s desk, and signed into law in a mere 12 hours. “The basic expectation of privacy in the most personal of settings, a restroom or locker room, for each gender was violated by government overreach and intrusion by the mayor and city council of Charlotte,” McCrory trumpeted in a statement after signing the bill Wednesday night.

N.C. House Strikes Down LGBT Protections Statewide

(The Advocate) North Carolina lawmakers voted overwhelmingly today to strike down all existing LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination ordinances in the state, during a special legislative session called in response to Charlotte passing a trans-inclusive ordinance. The state’s Republican-led House of Representatives passed House Bill 2 by a vote of 83-24 today, according to the anti-LGBT North Carolina Family Policy Council, which supports the legislation that it calls the “Charlotte bathroom bill.” The bill now moves to the state Senate, where it will be heard at 4 p.m. local time.

kochbrosKoch Brothers Attempt to Kill Single-Payer Health Care in Colorado

(TruthOut) Colorado’s efforts to become the first state to pass a public, universal health care system are facing stiff opposition from right-wing organizations, many of which are funded by or affiliated with brothers Charles and David Koch. As expected, these moneyed interests are doing everything they can to stop the state from amending its constitution with a ballot referendum, Amendment 69, which would implement a statewide version of “single-payer” health care. If approved, ColoradoCare would cover every resident, regardless of employment or ability to pay.

Nixon Policy Advisor Admits He Invented War On Drugs to Suppress ‘Anti-War Left and Black People’

(Jezebel) Dan Baum, writing in support of drug legalization at Harper’s, has unleashed a frank 1994 quote from former Nixon policy advisor John Ehrlichman, and as inadvertently salient an argument for legalizing drugs as any I’ve ever seen:
At the time, I was writing a book about the politics of drug prohibition. I started to ask Ehrlichman a series of earnest, wonky questions that he impatiently waved away. “You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

And so, because the douchebaggery has not abated in any way since our last d-bag award, and all the sliminess and slithering that passes for sentient behavior in the so-called corridors of power still seem to be as rampant as ever, it must be time to single out our d-bag of the week … and, as all good deeds truly deserve some kind of reward, it’s that time again …
and (insert favorite deity here) knows, we certainly did have another week chock bloody full of scheming, lying politicians, incoherent, ass kissing, dog whistle blowing, incessantly blathering, windbag broadcasters, greedy, glamour glomming grifters and pointless, prevaricating and pontificating pricks …
so, it’s time to answer the question that seemingly needs to be answered kids …
just who took their act to the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the slimiest of the slimy, the doucheyist of the douchey? … are those even freakin’ words? …
they are now i guess … lol …
who was the king or queen of douchebaggery in the last seven days? …
who was the grandest douche rocket of the bunch? …
it was, as always, a week that was, full of some of the slimiest, sleaziest, slithering, scuzzball serpents the world of poll pandering, petulant and pithy partisan politics, fanatical, frenzied, far fetched faith freaks, and the exorbitant, exaggerated and exuberant elitist acquisitiveness, avarice and avidity that the preening power pricks(aka politics, religion and corporatocracy) has to offer …
and this week was as bad as every other lately, the norm these days it seems, with more than it’s fair share of despicable, degenerate douche bag dancing, misogynistic, mean-minded and mendacious maneuvers, slimy, sickening, sleaze-ball slithering, repugnant, reprehensible, repulsive and revolting rantings and railings, and an out and out torrent of treasonous talk and treacherous temper tantrums …
especially by the so-called “family values” gang over on the right and their bat shit crazy, bullshit bellowing, ideologically inane, greedy and groveling, greasy grifters and their prevaricating, petulant, pompous and pointlessly pious proponents …
in the end, as we always do, we found our winnerSleeping half-moon
and a rather deserving one, if I do say so myself …
and even though this week’s douche-off was not without a copiously crammed cornucopia of conniving, classless, clueless, crass and cretinous challengers to that majestic mantle of  mediocrity, mendacity, meandering mindlessness and missteps we like to call the ‘d-bag of the week’, we do have a winner …
and who kids is the doucheyist of ‘em all this week? …
the envelope please … 

our winner of  the always deserved, rarely accepted d-bag of the week is …
SO …

all aboard the crazy train!

Michele Bachmann: The Rapture Is Coming And It’s Obama’s Fault
bat shit crazy by hip is everythingMichele Bachmann says the rapture is coming, thanks to President Barack Obama’s policies on Iran’s nuclear program and marriage equality.
In a radio interview last week, Bachmann, the former Minnesota Republican congresswoman, told “End Times” host Jan Markell, “We need to realize how close this clock is getting to the midnight hour.”
“We in our lifetimes potentially could see Jesus Christ returning to earth and the rapture of the church,” Bachmann said. “We see the destruction, but this was a destruction that was foretold.”
Bachmann cited the Obama administration’s nuclear negotiations with Iran as a cause. The U.S. and five partner nations are discussing a deal with Iran that would prevent the country from developing or obtaining nuclear weapons.
“We are literally watching, month by month, the speed move up to a level we’ve never seen before with these events,” Bachmann said. “Barack Obama is intent. It is his number one goal to ensure that Iran has a nuclear weapon.”
Later in the interview, Bachmann again tied her rapture prediction to Obama’s foreign policy.
“If you look at the president’s rhetoric, and if you look at his actions, everything he has done has been to cut the legs out of Israel and lift up the agenda of radical Islam,” she said.
Obama has said repeatedly that the goal of the nuclear talks with Iran is to prevent the country from developing a nuclear weapon.
Bachmann then went on to blame abortion and gay marriage for America’s “decline”, arguing that God is punishing the United States for “embracing a pagan view.”
“Any nation that accepts God and his principles is blessed, and those who push away are cursed. That’s what we’re seeing happen to the United States,” she said. “We will suffer the consequences as a result.”
Some Christians believe those who are saved will be transported to heaven just before Armageddon, which they call the rapture.
This is not the first time Bachmann has predicted extreme consequences from the Iran deal. Earlier this month, she claimed the deal would lead to “World War III.” And in a Facebook post, she compared Obama to Andreas Lubitz, the pilot who crashed the Germanwings airliner into the French Alps in March.
And just in case you haven’t had enough Crazy to go with yer’ morning coffee, here’s a few more for ya’ …

Michele’s Greatest Hits

More Michele- The Grifter Rides Again, Volume 357

michele bachmann … “bringin’ back the plantations in 2012”

michele bachmann: sharia law would ‘usurp’ the u.s. constitution

bat shit crazy is as bat shit crazy does …

ass clown of the month … “she talks crazy talk”

happy thanksgiving from the gop

gop to america … “welcome to the thanksgiving hunger games!”
”and just wait for christmas … we’re gonna cut off millions of you ‘47% leeches’ from your unemployment benefits too!” …

gop hunger games by hip is everything

With needy families already feeling the sting of cuts to food stamps, outrage is growing over a Republican push to slash even more from the program, just in time for the holiday season.
Republican lawmakers are on the defensive as the country heads into the holiday season, with cutbacks in food stamps stressing needy families while Congress debates how much more to cut from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). “Which of your constituents do you think should go hungry?” asks a holiday card electronically delivered to members of Congress this week. It points out that the proposed cuts mean “less food and more hunger for millions of low income seniors, veterans, working families with children and disabled Americans.”
At the same time, assistance to farmers, traditionally coupled in the same bill with SNAP, appears to be weathering the GOP’s budget-cutting knife just fine. “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat,” said Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-TN), invoking the Bible to explain his vote earlier this year to cut food stamps while calling for increased crop subsidies for farmers. His family farm received more than $3.5 million in federal money over the years, making him the poster boy for 33 members of Congress who voted to cut food stamps, a program that helps the least among us, while having no qualms about accepting federal largesse for their farm businesses.
Twenty percent of Fincher’s constituents are on the SNAP program, says Jim Weill, president of Food Research and Action Center, which launched the website with the holiday greeting designed to trigger guilt over who is left behind during these days of plenty. Weill recalls the language of his college days to explain the easy passage of farm subsidies and the mounting resistance to SNAP. The farm part of the bill is “distributional,” he says; food stamps are “re-distributional,” a concept that is toxic in American politics. from: the daily beast … read more here

Dems Say Boehner Blocking Farm Bill, Wants More Food Stamp Cuts
Source: Mother Jones
boehner the jerk 2 by hip is everythingOver the past month, the House and Senate have been working to come up with a compromise farm bill—the five-year piece of legislation that funds agriculture and nutrition programs. The main sticking point is the level of cuts to the food stamp program. House Republicans want to cut $40 billion from the program, while the Senate wants to trim $4 billion. Last week, the talks fell apart, and the two sides are fighting over why.
A Democratic aide tells Mother Jones that House Speaker John Boehner shot down several informal compromise farm bill proposals because the food stamps cuts were not deep enough. Boehner’s spokesman denies this.
The Democratic aide says the joint House-Senate panel that is trying to work out a deal presented Boehner with a few proposals that contained food stamps levels close to what the Senate wants. Even though Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.)—the chairman of the House agriculture committee and a top member of the compromise panel—was willing to give a lot of ground to the Senate on food stamps, he says, Boehner rejected the proposals. “Boehner is playing spoiler,” he adds. “That’s why fell apart.”
Another source familiar with the negotiations echoes the Dem aide’s claim, saying that the House leadership has Lucas on a tight leash. Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), who is on the compromise committee, told Congressional Quarterly the same thing last week. “I’m hearing that the speaker still keeps inserting his people into the process,” and that House members on the farm bill compromise panel “have to go and check with the speaker’s people say they want this and this and this. I hear that’s one of our major problems.”
read more here …

d-bag of the week … “ya’ gotta know when to hold ‘em, and know when to shoot ‘em”

d-bag of the week by hip is everything

well, it’s that time again, we’ve had another week chock bloody full of scheming, lying politicians, incoherent, ass kissing, dog whistle blowing, incessantly blathering, windbag broadcasters and pointless, prevaricating pontificating pricks, and it’s time to answer the question that needs to be answered kids …
just who took their act to the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the slimiest of the slimy? …
who was the king or queen of douchebaggery in the last seven days? …
a week that was, as per usual, full of some of the slimiest, sleaziest, slithering, scuzzball serpents the world of poll pandering, petulant and pithy partisan politics, fanatical, frenzied, far fetched faith freaks, and the exorbitant, exaggerated and exuberant elitist acquisitiveness, avarice and avidity that big business (aka politics, religion and corporatocracy) has to offer …
and this week was as bad as every other lately, the norm these days it seems, with more than it’s fair share of despicable, degenerate douche bag dancing, misogynistic, mean-minded and mendacious manoeuvres, slimy, sickening, sleaze-ball slithering, repugnant, reprehensible, repulsive and revolting rantings and railings, and an out and out torrent of treasonous talk and treacherous temper tantrums …
especially by the so-called “family values” gang over on the right and their bat shit crazy, bullshit bellowing, ideologically inane, greed grovelling, greasy grifters and prevaricating, petulant, pompous and pointlessly pious proponents …
in the end, as we always do, we found our winner …
and a rather deserving one, if I do say so myself …
and even though this week’s winner was not without a copiously crammed cornucopia of conniving, classless, clueless, crass and cretinous challengers to that majestic mantle of  mediocrity, mendacity, meandering mindlessness and missteps we like to call the “d-bag of the week, we do have a winner …
leading off the week was everybody’s favorite car thief and arsonist, darrell “gasbags” issa, a renowned self flagellator and self aggrandizer whining and moaning about how he, king of the hateful and lie filled attack, wasn’t being taken seriously
cry me a river you lying, mccarthyesque scumbag …
this was quickly followed by nobody’s favorite congress once again defunding another imaginary boogeyman (acorn … who were disbanded a couple of years back after a particularly heinous and fact deprived campaign by john of orange, cantor the ranter and their petulant and fact starved pals at faux noise) …
what’s next boner? …
you gonna outlaw leprechauns and faeries? …
cut the subsidies to unicorn ranches? …
or just repeal obamacare for the 957th time? …
jesus h. christ …
how about a fucking jobs bill, you lazy, inept, self serving, worthless, money sucking corporate whores? …
or how about the administration’s shameful refusal to sign onto the first international treaty regulating the $85 billion-a-year global arms trade? …
how do you spell “political cowardice”? …
for (insert deity of yer’ choice here) sake guys, only syria, north korea, iran and wayne “blood for money” lapierre over at the nra were against this one …
queen of the baggers, michele “the hateful dodger” bachmann is under investigation by the feds for a laundry list of illegalities and wrongdoings, or as she likes to call them, christian patriotism …
and all the while she of the crazy eyes is still screeching like a banshee in the throws of rapture that “obama is corrupt!” and that “we must repeal obamacare!” …
maybe some time in a nice orange, federally issued jumpsuit will cool this idiot down, who knows …
one can only hope …
this week also featured the gop upping the ante in their never ending campaign to dehumanize, marginalize and demonize women
we had congresswoman marsha “anything for a buck” blackburn saying that women “don’t want” equal pay laws … instead she claims that they just want to be treated fairly … i don’t even understand how the fuck that insane line of reasoning works …
or how about georgia’s own senator of senility, saxby chambliss trying his best to let the armed forces off the hook on the epidemic of rape and sexual abuse they currently find themselves suffering from by postulating that “The young folks coming in to each of your services are anywhere from 17 to 22 or 23,”  “Gee-whiz, the hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur. So, we’ve got to be very careful on our side.” …
what a doucherocket! …
i say bend this old coot over a prison bunk and let’s see how he likes “these types of things occurring” in his nether regions …
then, the all white, all male cabal of grifters and cretins known as the republicans in the house judiciary subcommittee voted to expand rep. trent “the misogynist” franks’ (r-ariz.) proposed d.c. abortion bill to apply to the whole country and advanced the bill favorably to the full committee …
the bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy in the united states in all cases except those in which the mother’s life is in danger …
remember “only the gop know what’s right for “legitimate” women” …
the bradley manning trial began this week …
what a complete and utter sham this one is …
so much for transparency, and cleaning “the place up” eh mr. president …
shame on you sir …
not to mention the “revelation” of america’s worst kept secret with the “news” that the obama administration was tapping every single phone call of every single verizon customer whether they were under suspicion of anything or not … and i’ll never believe in a million years that only verizon customers are affected by this obvious infringement of the american public’s privacy …
then the very next day comes word that they’re also monitoring the vast majority of the citizenry’s internet use …
every email, search, download, upload, posting, video you watch, you name it …
so be careful on yer’ next late night porno tour granny …
yup, quite the week …
and i haven’t even begun to list half the bat shit crazy crap that went on …
so who was our winner? …
without further ado …
ladies and gentlemen …
the envelope please …
our latest winner …
of the rarely coveted, always deserved …

golden d-bag award
is …
none other than …

ezekiel gilbert and the jury who freed him …

Jury Acquits Man for Murder of Escort Who Refused Sex
Source: Think Progress
A Texas jury acquitted a man for the murder of a woman he hired as an escort, after his lawyers claimed he was authorized to use deadly force because she refused sex.
Ezekiel Gilbert shot Lenora Ivie Frago in the neck on Christmas Eve, after she denied his requests for sex and wouldn’t return the $150 he had paid her, according to the San Antonio Express-News. Under Texas law, an individual is authorized to use deadly force to “retrieve stolen property at night,” and Gilbert’s lawyers cited that provision as justification for Gilbert’s action, reasoning that Frago had stolen $150 from him by taking his money without delivering sex. In a police interview played for jurors, Gilbert “never mentioned anything about theft,” a detective told the San Antonio Express-News. Frago, who was 21, was critically injured and died several months later.
While the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida has generated notoriety for NRA-backed Stand Your Ground laws, which authorize the unfettered use of deadly force without a duty to retreat in defense of one’s person or home, Texas’ exceedingly broad law goes well beyond this, to allow deadly force in protection of any piece of “tangible” or “movable” property.
The Texas provision authorizes deadly force not only to “retrieve stolen property at night” but also during “criminal mischief in the nighttime” and even to prevent someone who is fleeing immediately after a theft during the night or a burglary or robbery, so long as the individual “reasonably” thinks the property cannot be protected by other means.
read more here …

ezekiel gilbert and the jury who freed him …
because one’s as bad as the other …
our douche-bags of the week
we salute you …
hip is everything salute

NOTE: top texas gop teabagger ken emanuelson was close to making the list with his “I’m going to be real honest with you, the Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they’re going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats” quote, but hey, he was just telling the truth
NOTE: our winners were from texas this week too …
is it something in the water? …
just wonderin’ …

it couldn’t happen! … to a nicer person

michele bachmann new home by hip is everything
that diva of deception, distortion and duplicity herself has now become embroiled in her own “scandal” …
and all i can say is “it couldn’t happen! … to a nicer person” …
finally, after months, nay years, of gop ranting and roiling about the “scandal” that is washington we finally have a real scandal …
some real crimes to investigate …
finally a real case that shows the corruption in d.c. …
one with facts and stuff …
not the usual made up, overblown faux noise talking points and magical thinking that the pixie dust crowd on the far right is famous for and has been using for years to cover the fact that they have done everything they possibly can to thwart any and all efforts to make america a better and more equitable place to dwell …
not the same old billo the clown, hannity the manatee, rush limpballs blather, bloviating, bullshit and bluster that has become somehow mistaken for fact and “news” by the low information, “who needs truth?”, race-baiting, “facts schmacts” gang of idiots who dwell in baggerland u.s.a. …
of course, this will be treated as just “one more example” of  “the heathen liberal media” attacking some poor innocent on the right because she’s a christian or something like that, but facts is facts kids …
1. bitch be crazy …
2. she be crooked as a dog’s hind leg near a hydrant … and,
3. she got caught …
and yeah, the right will jump up and down screaming like banshees that this is somehow obama’s fault …
and, hannity the manatee and the idiots three at faux and fiends will no doubt run “expose” after lie filled “expose” on how this is just one more example of why and how the president hates america, and is desperately and ruthlessly trying to destroy it …
they’ll probably even find some incoherent, obtuse, bizarre way to tie his daughters and wife michelle into the mix somehow …
glenn beck and alex jones will probably completely lose what little is left of their fear and loathing addled minds and scream (and in the case of the beckster, weep) that this is an elitist, illuminati inspired new world order conspiracy to finally round up the “christians” and herd them into their final resting place deep inside some “fema run prison camp in northern montana” …
(aha!!! … this must be why the obama administration has been buying all those bullets, and why he “wants your guns!!!”)
i’m sure even failin’ palin will muster up one of her usual incoherent, word salad tweets that “she knew it all along” and that “this is PROOF that obama really is a socialist, fascist, communist, radical usurper and manchurian candidate from kenya who is out to turn america into a spiritual and religious wasteland ruled by muslim extremism inspired rhetoric and sharia law” …
and no doubt she’ll misspell at least 5 or 6 words in that tweet …
donald trump and his  “pseudo-hair that is blown by unseen winds” may even manage to muster up an appearance or two over at faux noise and demand the president’s driving records or something …
it should be quite the spectacle for the next few weeks …
and hopefully, when all is said and done, and when all the pissing, moaning, mewling and puking is finally done on the right, justice will truly prevail and old crazy eyes will be indicted …
hoisted on her own petard …
that would be justice …
a case of the old “her dogma got run over by her own karma” thing …
fingers crossed …
now imma go get me some popcorn and a cold drink …
this should be good …

FBI has now been given sworn testimony and documents alleging Bachmann approved secret payments
While Congresswoman Michele Bachmann was announcing her retirement to much fanfare in the media, according to information given exclusively to Take Action News, the FBI was busy collecting potentially damaging evidence against her from two former campaign aides.
According to sources close to the criminal investigation of Bachmann’s presidential campaign, the FBI has now been given sworn testimony and documents alleging Bachmann approved secret payments to Iowa state Senator Kent Sorenson in exchange for his help and support in that state’s 2012 Presidential caucuses. Ethics rules explicitly prohibit Iowa lawmakers from accepting payments from Presidential campaigns or PACs. Investigation sources tell Take Action News the FBI is examining money laundering allegations against Bachmann, as well as possible wire fraud and mail fraud.
As detailed on nationally syndicated radio and YouTube show Take Action News this past Saturday, the key claims against Bachmann are coming from two of her former campaign insiders — former Congressional chief of staff Andy Parrish and former national field coordinator Pete Waldron. Waldron has filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission, alleging the payments to State Senator Sorenson were improper. Parrish has provided an affidavit to investigators, confirming Bachmann knew of and approved the payments.
read more here …

ass clown of the month … “she talks crazy talk”

ass clown of the month by hip is everything

Crazy talk:
Talk that makes no sense at all.
Talking outta your ass.
Talking stupid.
Talking shit.
The ramblings of a madman(woman).
GOP talking points.

hey, there could be no better way to pay tribute to a true ass clown of epic proportions than to honor their “leaving the public arena” with a look back on the career of one of the greatest ass clowns of all time …
michele “crazy eyes” bachmann …
ass clown of the month
good riddance you low information, clueless, flake …

gop must be crazy by hip is everything

who could ever forget such memorable bachmanisms such as:
“We’re running out of rich people in this country.”
or “My husband and I had five biological children but we also have been raising 23 foster children.”
or “Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too.”
(Bachmann, who is from Iowa, mistook John Wayne the actor for John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer.)
or “I will tell you that I had a mother last night come up to me here in Tampa, Florida, after the debate. She told me that her little daughter took that vaccine that injection and she suffered from mental retardation thereafter.”
or “But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States. … I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forbearers who worked tirelessly — men like John Quincy Adams, who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country.” -Rep. Michele Bachmann, botching American history while speaking at an Iowan’s for Tax Relief event in January 2011. (The Founding Fathers did not work to end slavery, and John Quincy Adams was not one of the Founding Fathers … He was eight.)
or “Before we get started, let’s all say ‘Happy Birthday’ to Elvis Presley today.”
(on the anniversary of the king’s death)

-you just know that somewhere out there a village is looking for their missing idiot-

or “Carbon dioxide is natural, it is not harmful, it is a part of Earth’s lifecycle. And yet we’re being told that we have to reduce this natural substance, reduce the American standard of living, to create an arbitrary reduction in something that is naturally occurring in Earth.”
or “You’re the state where the shot was heard around the world at Lexington and Concord.”
(Mistaking New Hampshire where she was speaking at the time, for Massachusetts)
or “I don’t know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We’ve had an earthquake; we’ve had a hurricane. He said, ‘Are you going to start listening to me here?’ Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we’ve got to rein in the spending.” –Rep. Michele Bachmann, suggesting at a presidential campaign event in Florida that the 2011 East Coast earthquake and hurricane was a message from God (Aug. 2011)
or “Why should I go and do something like that? But the Lord says, ‘Be submissive wives; you are to be submissive to your husbands.” -Rep. Michele Bachmann, recalling in a 2006 speech at a Megachurch in Minneapolis that pursuing tax law wasn’t her choice, but she did so at the urging of her husband because she was certain God was speaking through him.
or “I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out under another, then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I’m not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it’s an interesting coincidence.” -Rep. Michele Bachmann, on the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak that happened when Gerald Ford, a Republican, was president, April 28, 2009
or “If we took away the minimum wage — if conceivably it was gone — we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level.” -Michele Bachmann, Jan. 2005
or “I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue of the energy tax because we need to fight back.”
or “A woman (Terri Schiavo) was healthy. There was brain damage, there was no question. But from a health point of view, she was not terminally ill.”
or “This cannot pass. What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn’t pass.”

-just make up yer’ own captions for this one-

or”And what a bizarre time we’re in, when a judge will say to little children that you can’t say the pledge of allegiance, but you must learn that homosexuality is normal and you should try it.”
or “Lady Liberty and Sarah Palin are lit by the same torch.” (oh, i wish)
or “The big thing we are working on now is the global warming hoax. Its all voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax.”
or “Don’t misunderstand. I am not here bashing people who are homosexuals, who are lesbians, who are bisexual, who are transgender. We need to have profound compassion for people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life and sexual identity disorders.” (Senator Michele Bachmann, on homosexuality as a mental disorder, speaking at EdWatch National Education Conference, November 6, 2004.)
or “This is a very serious matter, because it is our children who are the prize for this community, they are specifically targeting our children.”  (Senator Michele Bachmann, on the gay community and same-sex marriage, appearing as guest on radio program “Prophetic Views Behind The News”, hosted by Jan Markell, KKMS 980-AM, March 20, 2004.)
or “Help! I’m being held against my will.” Michele’s perfectly rational response when two women run into her in a ladies’ room and ask her about her position on LGBT rights. In addition to her cry for help, Michele files a complaint with the police alleging, according to the police report, “she had no idea what those two women were going to do to her.” The county prosecutor refuses to press the charges, realizing that constituents have a right to talk to a politician.
oh yeah, and my personal fave … that time she wouldn’t look directly at the cnn camera, probably because she thought the liberal media would steal her soul …
and here’s just a few of her best lines on the health care and well being of the american public …
“The IRS is going to be “in charge” of “a huge national database” on health care that will include Americans’ “personal, intimate, most close-to-the-vest-secrets.”

The IRS is “going to be in charge of our health care.”

“The IRS will have the ability potentially to deny or delay health care.”

“Scientists tell us that we could have a cure in 10 years for Alzheimer’s” were it not for overzealous regulators, excessive taxation and greedy litigators.”

“Of every three dollars in food stamps for the needy, seven dollars in salaries and pensions (go to) the bureaucrats who are supposed to be taking care of the poor.”

-the happy (?) couple-

during the run up to the 2012 presidential election it got so bad that ap had to impose quotas on it’s fact checking so that they could get to deadlines on time …
Pathological liar Bachmann forces AP to impose ‘fact check’ quota 
Do you think you had it rough trying to make sense of the countless quips spewed from the mouth of Rep. Michele Bachmann on the campaign trail? The AP had to implement a Bachmann-specific standard for fact checking during her presidential run.
Speaking before members of the National Press Club this week, Associated Press Editor Jim Drinkard told fellow reporters that when it comes to getting to the truth, some subjects require a little bit of extra scrutiny. Take Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), for example, whose failed attempt at securing the GOP’s nomination for presidency last year was highlighted by a hilarious collection of factually inaccurate gaffes and goofs.
For the AP, though, her rampant and ridiculous outbursts weren’t exactly fun and games.
“We had to have a self-imposed Michele Bachmann quota in some of those debates,” Drinkard told attendees at his address.
AP articles involving the congresswoman had to be repeatedly vetted for accuracy, Drinkard added, causing an “overload” at times when she was involved in select stories.
“Often she was just more prone to statements that just didn’t add up,” Drinkard added.
Until she resigned from the Republican Party race, Bachmann was notorious on the campaign trail for touting imaginary facts and erring on seemingly everything under the sun. Despite these mistakes, however, she still managed to be an early favorite among GOP voters, placing first in the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa in August 2011. Over the course of only a few months, however, that support waned as, coincidentally, the congresswoman increasingly ad-libbed during presidential debates and dropped countless incorrect statements to the media.
At the height of her popularity last summer, Rep. Bachmann warned that “the rise of the Soviet Union” posed a very real threat to a United States in the midst of America’s “unstoppable decline.” Weeks later, she suggested that Cuba was in cahoots with terrorists aligned with Hezbollah and that violent extremists “could have training camps or perhaps have missile sites or weapons sites in Cuba,” without ever introducing any evidence.
In December, the then-candidate’s publicist had to put out a press release after she once again erred on America’s foreign policy, advocating that she would close down the US embassy in Iran if president — more than 20 years after it had already been done.
“Congresswoman Bachmann is a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence and is fully aware that we do not have an embassy in Iran and have not had one since 1980,” her camp was coaxed into admitting. “She was agreeing with the actions taken by the British to secure their embassy personnel and was speaking in the hypothetical, that if she was President of the United States and if we had an embassy in Iran, she would have taken the same actions as the British.”
Bachmann formally ended her run for the White House in January.

C-PAC speech earns Michelle Bachmann 4 liar awards
Senator Rand Paul may have won the C-PAC straw poll last weekend, but the big winner at the conservative conclave was Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-MN). Bachmann managed to win four awards from fact-checkers in one speech—for being untruthful.
The Minnesota Republican, a former presidential candidate, has been out of the public view since she nearly lost her seat in Congress last November despite the huge Republican registration advantage in her district. She surfaced at the C-PAC conference last weekend giving a speech to a sparse audience. The committed Republicans who showed up witnessed a historical speech by the former Chairwoman of the Tea Party Caucus.
Bachmann’s speech contained the most vicious attacks on the president of any speech at C-PAC—and that is saying something. She began by saying that taxpayers are paying $1.4 billion a year to fund the “excessive life style of Barack and Michelle Obama.”
Michelle Bachman won 4 liar awards for her perormance at C-PAC. She even drew the wrath o Fox News host Bill O’Reilley.
She ran through a list of those “excesses” saying the she just learned that the president had “five chefs on Air Force One.” She said that taxpayers were paying for “two projectionists in the White House movie theater” and they often had to spend the night just in case the president or Michelle want to watch a late night flick.
But the Congresswoman did not stop there. She said that 70% of all taxpayer money that is intended to help the poor “benefits bureaucrats in Washington D.C.” She went on to say “This translates into just $3 (out of every $10) in food stamps going to the needy.” She asked the crowd: “how does this show that our president cares about the poor?” And the crowd went wild.
On Monday fact checkers awarded Bachmann their highest award for lies—a record breaking 4 separate awards. The Washington Post Fact Checker gave her “4 Pinocchios” for the statements about the excessive life style of the Obama. That is the highest number of Pinocchios one can receive.
She won another “4 Pinocchios” for asserting that 70% of all money intended for the poor including food stamps went to bureaucrats in Washington. In fact, the Washington Post Fact Checker said “there really aren’t enough Pinocchios for such misleading use of statistics in a major speech.
Perhaps the Fact Checker needs to initiate another tier when 4 Pinnochios are not enough. Maybe after the 4 Pinnochios, a liar could start earning “Bachmanns.”

Politifact gave her their highest rating for liars as well—the” Pants on Fire” designation for her false statements about bureaucrats getting 70% of the money intended for the poor. She won yet another “Pants on Fire” award for her whopper about Alzheimer’s. Bachmann said that scientists say that there would be a cure for Alzheimer’s in 10 years were it not for “overzealous regulators, excessive taxation and greedy litigators.” Politifact investigated and found the statement had no basis in fact.

So she won 4 top prizes for lies—all in one speech and the crowd loved it.
Michelle Bachmann is known for her stupid comments and gaffes. In this speech, however, she has gone beyond stupid and is playing fast and loose with the truth. Apparently she felt she needed to pull all the stops out to compete with Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump who also spoke at C-PAC.
Bachmann’s rant did not go unnoticed by Fox News. Bill O’Reilly, known for his own on-air rants, blasted Bachmann for her rant at C-PAC. It takes a lot for one to be too crazy for Bill O-Reilly.

oh michele, you fear mongering, hate fuelled, homophobic bigot, we in the blogosphere (and i’m sure those in late night comedy) are gonna miss ya’ …
what will we do without you? …
oh yeah, there’s still ted “i hate everyone” cruz, paul “ayn” ryan, jim “gimme the money” demint, rand “crazy as my dad” paul, john “dr. demento” mccain, lindsey “the lap dog” graham, hannity the manatee, rush limpballs, louis “bat shit crazy” gohmert, peter “there’s islamists everywhere!” king, and on, and on, and on …
still, good riddance …

michele bachmann …
ass clown of the month

d-bag of the week … a true “rock” star

d-bag of the week by hip is everything

well, it’s that time again, we’ve had another week chock bloody full of scheming, lying politicians, incoherent, ass kissing, dog whistle blowing, incessantly blathering, windbag broadcasters and pointless, prevaricating pontificating pricks, and it’s time to answer the question that needs to be answered kids …
just who took their act to the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the slimiest of the slimy? …
who was the king or queen of douchebaggery in the last seven days? …
a week that was, as per usual, full of some of the slimiest, sleaziest, slithering, scuzzball serpents the world of poll pandering, petulant and pithy partisan politics, fanatical, frenzied, far fetched faith freaks, and the exorbitant and exuberant acquisitiveness, avarice and avidity that big business (aka politics) has to offer …
and this week was as bad as every other lately, the norm these days it seems, with more than it’s fair share of douche bag dancing, mendacious manoeuvres, sleaze-ball slithering and out and out treasonous and treacherous tantrums …
especially by the so-called “family values” gang over on the right and their bat shit crazy, bullshit bellowing, ideologically inane, greed grovelling, greasy grifters and prevaricating, petulant, pompous and pointlessly pious proponents …
in the end, as we always do, we found our winner …
and a rather deserving one, if I do say so myself …
although our winner was not without a copiously crammed cornucopia of conniving, classless, clueless and cretinous challengers to that majestic mantle of  mediocrity, mendacity and missteps we like to call the “d-bag of the week, we do have a winner …
we had that gopac kid and bagger wannabe, stephen “the count o’ corrupt” harper doing his best to kill the agreement to tackle the global menace of tax evasion for the g8 summit in june …
there was renowned d-bag and demented old coot john “imma fuckin’ war hero ya’ know” mccain posing with terrorists in syria while he panted and ranted that “we know who these guys are, we should arm them and support them” …
snitch mcconnell running ads that were trying to make president obama look like richard “he really was a crook” nixon, in his never ending fight to make sure that obama is only a one two term president …
rand “bigotry is my game” paul doing yet another 180 on his principles saying “I’ve never wavered in my support for civil rights or the civil rights act.” “i’ve never been against the civil rights act, ever.” …
ted “the most hateful man alive” cruz trying to convince fellow baggers and nihilists that he was a “child of reagan”
hey asshole, let’s get something straight here …
i remember ronnie raygun very clearly, and as crazy and dangerous as he truly was, he was a sane and caring, ghandi like man compared to you and your doucherocket followers and backers …
glenn “cry a river” beck with his latest conspiracy theory wherein he claims that there is a conspiracy to label him a conspiracist … whew, fuck me, that one just goes ‘round and ‘round in the old brain eh? …
plus he did his “requiem for michele” upon hearing that old crazy eyes herself was not running for office again (and it’s not because she’s buried under a whole shit heap of ethics and potential fraud allegations … according to her anyways) …
maine gov. paul lepage (r) warning ominously that any limits to free speech should serve as a call to arms …lepage was fuming over an incident at a state appropriations committee meeting on may 19, when his request to speak about the state budget was denied by a democratic legislator … the governor added, “the minute we start stifling our speech, we might as well go home, roll up our sleeves and get our guns out.”
quite a week indeed, and i haven’t even begun to list the crazy shit that took place …
so who was our winner? …
without further ado …
ladies and gentlemen …
the envelope please …
our latest winner …
of the rarely coveted, always deserved …

golden d-bag award
is …
none other than …

rob ford
mayor (for now) of toronto …

Rob Ford, Toronto Mayor Accused Of Smoking Crack In Video, Says He Won’t Quit As 2 Staffers Step Down

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford defiantly declared Thursday that he had no intention of resigning despite the steady exodus of staffers from his office amid a scandal over reports of a video that purportedly shows him smoking crack cocaine.
Two more key Ford aides quit Thursday: Brian Johnston, the mayor’s policy adviser on council relations, and Kia Nejatian, his executive assistant. The mayor has lost five staff members since the furor over the video erupted last week. Among them was his chief of staff, whom Ford fired.
Ford has said there is no video and has called the allegations ridiculous, but he won’t say whether he has ever used crack. At a feisty news conference, Ford downplayed the upheaval among this staff.
“There is nothing going on in my office,” Ford said. “Everything is going fine.”
Critics and even some of Ford’s allies have urged the mayor to address the video reports more directly. Some have declared they don’t believe his denials and have called on him to resign as mayor of Canada’s largest city.
“I’m not stepping aside,” Ford said Thursday.
He again refused to answer questions about whether he has ever smoked crack.
read more here …

rob ford …
our golden d-bag of the week award winner …
rob, you alcohol swillin’, bile spewin’, lie tellin’, crack smokin’ d-bag …
we salute you!
hip is everything salute

ass clown of the month … bat shit crazy is as bat shit crazy says …

ass clown of the month by hip is everything
it’s been a truly huge month for ass clowns, doucherockets and all ‘round right wing bloviators and bullshitters this month, so instead of just leaving you with my choice for ass clown of the month for february, i’ve decide to give you all just a small sampling of my personal faves and let you, the reader decide who the real winner is …

Pat Robertson Says Demons Could Attach Themselves to Clothes from Goodwill
bat shit crazy by hip is everythingOn Monday’s 700 Club, a viewer named ‘Carrie’ asked televangelist Pat Robertson if she should bless clothing purchases from Goodwill before bringing them home because her mother said that demons could “attach themselves to material items” (video below).
According to, Robertson recalled a story of a girl from the Philippines who went to Thailand and “a witch who had prayed over a particular ring and asked for a spirit to come into it, and this Philippine girl was so attached to this ring, she had to buy it and all hell broke loose because she finally recognized what it was.”
Robertson said that when the girl bought the ring and came back to the Philippines “all hell broke loose.”
“Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects? The answer is yes,” Robertson said, without citing a verse in the bible as back up. “But I don’t think that every sweater you get from Goodwill has demons in it.”
Robertson said the viewer’s mother was being “super cautious” and added: “Hey, it ain’t going to hurt anything to rebuke any spirits that happened to have attached themselves to those clothes.”
If the witch/ring story sounds a bit familiar, there is a witch named ‘Maleficent’ in the Disney animated film ‘Sleeping Beauty,’ who appears as a tall, slender, pale green-skinned woman who wears a gold ring with a large mysterious circular black stone in it.

Sarah Palin: Feds Are Stockpiling Bullets For Civil Unrest
palin the whining by hip is everythingFormer Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin has warned that the federal government is “stockpiling bullets” in preparation for “civil unrest,” adding that America is “finished” if it cannot deal with its debt problem.
Writing on her official Facebook page, Palin remarked, “If we are going to wet our proverbial pants over 0.3% in annual spending cuts when we’re running up trillion dollar annual deficits, then we’re done. Put a fork in us. We’re finished. We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest.”
The post achieved nearly 12,000 ‘shares,’ attracting nearly 60,000 ‘likes’ and over 4500 comments.
Palin – who wrote on her Facebook page on Tuesday, “We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest” – joins conservatives Alex Jones of, who wrote about the ammo buy last year, and radio host Mark Levin, who said on his radio program earlier this month that the government is “arming up” because society is “unraveling.”
“Law enforcement and national security agencies — they play out multiple scenarios. They simulate multiple scenarios. I’ll tell you what I think they’re simulating: the collapse of our financial system, the collapse of our society and the potential for widespread violence, looting, killing in the streets, because that’s what happens when an economy collapses,” Levin said on his radio program.

read more here …

faux noise
Fox Asks: ‘Second American Revolution On The Horizon?’
Last night’s Justice with Judge Jeanine Jeanine took Fox’s fear mongering about gun regulations to a whole new level when it promoted the comments of Wisconsin sheriff David Clarke, Jr. He recently “assured” citizens that he would never enforce any Obama-administration order to seize their guns because that would bring on “the second coming of an American Revolution, the likes of which would make the first revolution pale by comparison.” Rather than point out that President Obama has not proposed any such order, Jeanine Pirro opened the segment with a cover of the Beatles’ song, “Revolution.” called the segment, “Second American Revolution on the horizon?” Then Pirro went on to suggest that any new gun laws could lead to a second American Revolution.
read more here …

and i couldn’t let our list o’ insanity end without this truly deserving candidate …
she’s a graduate of the “oily taintz school of crazy-eyed public speaking” …
she makes michele bachmann look sane and empathetic, and ann coulter look well read, calm and fair …
not to mention she’s about as dumb as a bag of rocks …
ladies and gentlemen …
ms. elois zeanah …

about that quote she cites as hitler’s …
the quote she cites was not his …
it actually comes from the writings of baltasar gracian, a spanish jesuit scholar who lived from 1601 till 1658 … she doesn’t have the wording right either …
in fact the quote is translated as:
“give me the child for seven years, and i will give you the man.”
typical tea party gibberish …
just say whatever you think will sound good to the other wingnuts …
oh yeah, and always find a way to equate president obama with hitler …

like trying to herd a bunch of drunk monkeys

so, wtf have the gop been up to the last couple of days? …

well … for starters …

gop must be crazy by hip is everything

Bachmann: Libya attack was effort to impose Sharia law on the U.S.

Former Republican presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann on Friday asserted that the recent attacks on American embassies in Libya and Egypt were part of a plan to bring Sharia law to the United States.
“The violence has come to us, the United States,” the Minnesota congresswoman warned in a speech at the Values Voter Summit. “And on the anniversary of 9-1-1, no less, our Libyan ambassador and his courageous staff lost their lives in Benghazi in Libya in a cruel, cold-blooded, gruesome, intentional terror attack.”
“And all the while, the response of this administration has communicated both weakness and lack of resolve to the world,” she charged. “I want to be perfectly clear, this isn’t just about a movie. This is an intentional act that was done by radical Islamists who seek to impose their beliefs on the rest of the world and we will not stand for it!”
“And what we’re watching develop before our eyes today are the direct consequences of this administration’s policy of apology and appeasement across the globe and the supposed success of the president’s foreign policy genius — hailed by the media, even last week — is now exposed for what it is.”
read more here

from the queen of the bat shit crazy zealots herself …
more insane and inane innuendo and bullshit from crazy eyes …
crawl back under your rock michele …


ryan dope by hip is everything

pardon me paul?

from: l ‏@daveweigel
"I’ve never thought of government as something I belong to," says Ryan, who has been a congressman since he was 28.
(Paul Ryan speaking just now before the Family Research Council)

this guy has been on the government payroll for more than half his life …
and now, suddenly, he doesn’t think of himself as a part of government …

i guess he figures that he "belongs" to the koch brothers, the lobbyists, the oil companies, the banksters and rich people …
hey paul … you can’t retire retroactively from government …


romney believe by hip is everything

Romney thinks middle class income $200,000. to $250,000

Source: AP
This is the back-tracking version.
BOSTON — Mitt Romney is promising to reduce taxes on middle-income Americans.
But how does he define "middle-income"? The Republican presidential nominee defined it Friday as income of $200,000 to $250,000 a year and less.
read more here

wow … i had no clue how poor i was until now …
thanks for setting me straight mittwit …
i had no idea …

Romney requested 10 years of tax returns during V.P. vetting process

Source: CNN
According to CNN’s political reporter Peter Hamby, Romney’s officials request 10 years of tax returns from potential V.P candidates during the vetting process.

let me get this straight, it’s good enough for you to ask for, but not the voting public …

so, where’s those fucking tax returns you grifter??

Romney predicts Obama will lie in debates

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, whom Democrats have charged is too loose with his facts, predicted that President Obama would lie in the October debates.

“I think he’s going to say a lot of things that aren’t accurate,” Romney said in an interview ABC News’ “Good Morning America” anchor George Stephanopoulos.

Romney added, “I think the challenge that I’ll have in the debate is that the president tends to, how shall I say it, to say things that aren’t true.

really?!? … this coming from the lyin’ king himself …
lololololololololololololol … roflmao!!!!!!!! …
hey it’s true, you can shoot pop outta yer’ nose …
i just proved it …

GOP challenges obama’s right to be on ballot in kansas

Three top Republican elected officials in Kansas, including “informal” Mitt Romney adviser Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state, are considering challenging Obama’s eligibility to appear on Kansas ballots this fall based on concerns over his citizenship. Kobach would not directly say whether he believes Obama’s birth certificate is real in an email to TPM Thursday night.

unfuckingbelievable …
this is all you guys have got, mittens? …
truly pathetic …

Mitt Romney China-Bashing Blasted As ‘Ironic’ By Country’s Xinhua News Agency

(Reuters) – U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s attacks on China and promise to name the country a currency manipulator if elected are foolish and hypocritical, China’s official Xinhua news agency said on Friday.
In a strongly worded English-language commentary, Xinhua said Romney’s anti-China rhetoric, if converted into policy upon him assuming office, would trigger a catastrophic trade war and damage the already weak global economic recovery.
"It is rather ironic that a considerable portion of this China-battering politician’s wealth was actually obtained by doing business with Chinese companies before he entered politics," Xinhua wrote.

oh, the irony …
it burns, it burns …

Texas asks voters: ‘Are you dead?’

voter suppression by hip is everything

Source: Toronto Sun
Before Texans head for the polls in November, the state wants to know one thing: Are you dead?
Election officials are sending letters to thousands of voters asking them to verify they are alive, in compliance with a 2011 law requiring officials to cross-reference the voter list with the social security death list, the Austin Statesman reported Thursday.
So-called notices of examination are going out to 77,000 of the state’s approximately 13 million registered voters.
Because of the size of the "master death file" — with 89 million entries — the Social Security Administration "does not guarantee its accuracy," the newspaper said, as one Michael Moore, very much alive, found out when he received a notice.
Voters who are still alive have 30 days to return the form or call their county and confirm they are breathing.
read more here

and the voter suppression continues …
what a bunch of d-bags …
how very “constitutional” of ‘em …
i’m sure it’s just what the founding fathers had in mind eh? …

coward of the county by hip is everything

Scott Brown: ‘Crystal Clear’ No On Saving Just Middle Class Tax Cuts

Brown has insisted he would vote only for extending the Bush tax cuts in their entirety, including those for the 2 percent of Americans earning more than $250,000. But Boston radio host Jim Braude still brought it up on Friday on his "Jim & Margery" radio show, asking if Brown would reconsider at the last second if saving the tax breaks, which expire at the end of the year, for the other 98 percent of Americans were the only option available. Brown reaffirmed his opposition in no uncertain terms. (Listen here.)

"It’s December 31," Braude posed the scenario. "The only thing that is before you on the Bush tax cuts is an extension for people under $250,000, so you would be raising taxes [if the bill failed]."

"You’ll vote no against it," Braude pressed as Brown hedged a bit before finally answering.

"Crystal clear. No," Brown said, contending that he was "not going to be the candidate that’s gonna be — the first thing is raise your taxes." 
"You’re talking about raising taxes on our job creators”        from huffington post

yeah scotty, ya’ wouldn’t want to offend your benefactors would ya? …
what a shill for the 1% …
GO! liz warren! …

bat shit crazy dept by hip is everything

Tim Huelskamp, GOP Congressman: Planned Parenthood’s ‘Sole Purpose Is Killing Children’ Of Minorities

Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), who has four adoptive children of African American, Hispanic, and Native American descent, said on Friday that Planned Parenthood "was created for the sole purpose of killing children that look like mine."

“Like the pro-slavery forces who invaded Kansas, the pro-abortion forces in Washington and elsewhere want us to believe that abortion is not murder — that being born is worse than death, that the unborn baby is property, not a person,"

"I am incensed that this president pays money to an entity that was created for the sole purpose of killing children that look like mine — a racist organization, and it continues specifically to target minorities for abortion destruction. Shame on this president and shame on that party.”

wtf is in the water in kansas? ….
jesus h. christ, these guys are getting crazier by the minute …

okay that’s enough of this shit for now, i’m getting dizzy …
keeping track of this bunch is like trying to herd a bunch of drunk monkeys …






wtf, crazy eyes said what?

gop must be crazy by hip is everything

Michele Bachmann said President Barack Obama can’t relate to "the common man" because of his extreme wealth, failing to note that GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney is worth hundreds of millions more.

"President Obama is extremely wealthy," Bachmann said when USA Today asked how someone with "vast wealth" could connect to the American public. "He and his wife have been wealthy for a number of years, and so I think that’s really the issue. President Obama is wealthy — what does he understand about the common man right now?"

This isn’t the first time Bachmann has attacked Obama. In the past, she’s called him "the most dangerous president we’ve had on national security" and criticized Obama for "waving a tar baby in the air."

Bachmann said Romney and Ryan are a "brilliant combination" thanks to Ryan’s knowledge of policy and Romney’s position as "someone who understands the real-world economy." Bachmann ended her own campaign for the GOP presidential nomination in January 2012 and endorsed Romney in May.

king, of the baggers

d-bag honorable mention by hip is everythingjesus, this guy just never quits with the racism, fear mongering and outright lies …
steve “the muslims are coming!” king is at it again with more of his insane accusations and over the top, bigoted fanaticism …
now he’s jumped aboard the michele bachmann crazy train express …
michele “crazy eyes” bachmann has been going on for some time with her racist and isalmophobic  diatribes and fantasies, pushing the whole “the muslim brotherhood has infiltrated the us government at the highest levels” conspiracy theories and now “steve-o the mad one” has chimed in …

he suggested monday that the family of huma abedin, a top aide to secretary of state hillary clinton, is "deeply entrenched" in the muslim brotherhood, echoing a bat shit crazy crusade launched by his bagger allies in the house …
earlier this summer, bachmann and four other bagger zealots
sent letters to several federal agencies inquiring as to whether the muslim brotherhood has infiltrated the federal government …
the letters named abedin as a possible mole in the “plan to take over america from within” … 
at a town hall meeting in le mars, iowa, the bagger king steve was asked whether he knows anything about the gop’s efforts to “expose the abedin ties to the brotherhood’s plan” …

he responded with more innuendo and faux noise, fear mongering type bullshit by saying:
"The things I am hearing from people doing investigations beyond what we see in the news indicate very strongly to me that her family network, her network, is deeply entrenched in the Muslim Brotherhood," 
"That’s what I see from the news, and that’s what I see from the investigative reports that have not yet been published. And I think it’s a legitimate question that’s been raised, and we ought to examine it."