Karma Update:

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Today’s asshat:

Rachel Powell

J6 defendant. Was on strict house arrest for 3 years. Sentenced to another 51 months in prison.
Now whining about it on ‘X’ and ‘Bullshit Antisocial’



Kraken Down! … Kraken Down!

"The Kraken bitch ONLY drinks Dr. Pepper!"

MAGA Lawyer Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty, Flips on Georgia Co-Defendants

Sidney Powell has agreed to a plea deal with Futon County, Georgia, prosecutors over charges brought against her in a sprawling RICO case
in which former President Donald Trump and 17 others have also been charged for allegedly meddling in the state’s 2020 election results.

TL;DR: Trump’s fucked!

Tonight, on Newscrax


All yer’ MAGA faves, with all the fkn lies you can handle – we squeeze 4 fkn hours of lies, gaslighting and total arse gravy into each and every hour!

THAT”S our promise to you!!

Takin’ out the trash – d-bag apocalypse edition



Renowned GQP serial marital affairs aficionado, leader of the 2020 Sedition Caucus, and Large Mouth Ass O’ The Year 4 years running, Empty Greene has been turfed from the Q-bot CONgressional Qawcus. like the spent dishrag she is.  Hopefully they’ll do Bobo the clown next. And while we’re at it, can someone grab that sparrow armed waif/prick Josh ‘the Swallower’ Hawley on the way out, and dispose of that cowardly, mealy mouthed, sedition curious, unkempt piece of extruded human refuse in the nearest trash bin. That’ll surely help MAGA.

Definitions, part 2

Words matter …

Because the GOP spends so much time talking about home-schooling, indoctrination in our schools,
CRT and a shitload of other fact free, hysterical fever swamp fantasies, I thought I’d define some of
their favorite words more accurately.

conway prevaricator

gohmert twat waffle

GOP kakistocracy

gosar fetid

hannity asshat

lindell CRAY

palin blather2

Tonight on Bullshit TV …



Corey Feldman impersonator Sarah Palin, with her new book!

The NEW Alaskan Meth Diet

meth is a cruel mistress
Sister Sarah, seen here “workin’ it for bucks’ to support her lavish ‘shopping’ habit.

A sordid tale of life on the cold hard streets of Anchorage.
Tips and tricks like where to score, who to borrow money from, how to judge a ‘product’s’ quality in a dimly lit room, what are the the best goods to fence in a pinch, finding and securing the best stashes at home and work, jailhouse wine recipes and MORE!

Republicans in Support of Domestic Terrorism Present …

traitors ahoy

GOP Reps. Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene are to hold a presser outside the DOJ  “demanding answers on the treatment of Jan. 6 prisoners.”

Three of the four participants at this event Gosar, Greene, and Gaetz have long been suspected of helping the domestic terrorists with the attack. Gohmert is a QAnon follower who has been one of the most vocal Republicans in downplaying the attack.

The enemy within.

Ruh Roh! Someone Just Burned The Traitor Tot

What did Donald Trump Jr. ask for at that meeting? The Russian lawyer just spoke out.

Bloomberg Politics has just published a remarkable interview with the Russian lawyer who famously met with President Trump’s son, son-in-law and campaign chairman at Trump Tower in June 2016. There are a number of lingering questions about the account, and healthy skepticism about the messenger and her message is certainly warranted.

However, this is a notable moment, because it would appear to constitute a direct allegation that Donald Trump Jr. actively requested Russian assistance in harming Hillary Clinton, as opposed to having been merely receptive to such assistance.
The Bloomberg reporters interviewed the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, in Moscow for 2½ hours. She claims that Donald Trump Jr. — who attended the meeting with Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort — said that if Trump won, he’d be open to pushing for changes to a U.S. law that targets Russian officials. That is interesting, because it alleges that Donald Trump Jr. offered to be more friendly with Russia in exchange for potential assistance with the campaign. But there’s also this:

Veselnitskaya also said Trump Jr. requested financial documents showing that money that allegedly evaded U.S. taxes had gone to Clinton’s campaign. She didn’t have any and described the 20-minute meeting as a failure.

more here …

Down At The End Of Lonely Street …

Sebastian Gorka Welcomed To Halfway House For Fired Trump Administration Members

The halfway house offers Sebastian Gorka and other former Trump staffers the chance to unlearn some of the destructive behavior patterns acquired in the administration and gradually transition back into the community.

The halfway house offers Sebastian Gorka and other former Trump staffers the chance to unlearn some of the destructive behavior patterns acquired in the administration and gradually transition back into the community.

WASHINGTON—Saying it was the first step in gaining the confidence and stability he would need to reintegrate back into society, residents and staff on Thursday welcomed former White House strategist Sebastian Gorka to New Beginnings, a halfway house for fired Trump administration members.

The 20-bed residential treatment center, which opened earlier this year in the capital’s quiet Woodland Park neighborhood, reportedly offers round-the-clock care to traumatized former West Wing insiders, providing life skills training, wellness workshops, and psychotherapy under the guidance of licensed social workers.

“It’s true these guys got wrapped up with the wrong people, but I firmly believe everyone has value no matter badly they’ve screwed up their lives.”

“At New Beginnings, Mr. Gorka will have the chance to make a fresh start—a chance to reflect on his past actions and hopefully emerge a more responsible citizen,” said director Ross Woodley, who noted that besides housing, the facility offered counseling on issues from anger management to speaking with special prosecutors. “No doubt he’s been through a lot, but he’ll be joining a community of other ex-Trump strategists, senior advisors, and communications personnel who are all going through the same process.”

“It’s very lucky we were able to accommodate him, though, as we’ve been completely full since February,” he added.

According to Woodley, once accepted to the program, a jittery, confused Gorka was driven from the White House directly to the facility to begin treatment. During the intake process, Gorka’s personal belongings were reportedly confiscated and he was asked to sign forms promising not to visit the Oval Office or have any contact with his enabling friends still within the administration.

Sources said that Gorka, 46, has responded well to the facility’s regimented schedule, rising before dawn to brew coffee and make breakfast for the group with former communications director Michael Dubke. Additionally, sources noted that Gorka had bonded with long-term resident Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who showed him how to do his own laundry and helped him buy a bus pass so he could apply for dishwashing jobs around town.

“It’s a good sign that he’s interacting with people—that’s more than we could say for Spicer or Priebus when they got here,” said Woodley, pointing to the two men quietly completing a 1,000-piece winter landscape jigsaw puzzle. “Sean was just a mess. One moment he’d be manically scrawling press releases on the backs of napkins, and the next he’d be screaming in your face, saying that CNN was out to destroy his reputation. Reince has been in and out of a catatonic stupor since he arrived.”

“Yes, it’s true these guys got wrapped up with the wrong people, but I firmly believe everyone has value no matter badly they’ve screwed up their lives, or their family’s lives, or the lives of 314 million Americans,” he continued.

According to Woodley, some of the biggest breakthroughs are made during group therapy where twice a day, former officials gather in the facility’s activity room to discuss tense moments working for the administration and how they might have handled them differently. He noted that while some residents reportedly take weeks to admit the things they’ve done, most eventually build up the courage to share their stories, often breaking down into sobs.

Woodley also explained that all residents are required to follow a strict code of conduct: no drugs or alcohol, no guest appearances on cable news, and a tidy bunk at all times. According to staff, however, abiding by the rules has been especially tough for Steve Bannon, whose attempts to conduct Breitbart editorial meetings via a smuggled cell phone have led to his loss of commissary privileges.

“Bannon is incredibly volatile, so we’ve had to put him on a 24/7 watch to ensure he doesn’t injure himself or others,” said Woodley, adding that the president’s former chief strategist had recently thrown an ashtray at a TV after watching a Fox News segment he considered “bullshit establishment propaganda.” “We thought maybe he’d turned a corner when he found a job as a busboy at a nearby pub, but then he lost it by referring to several waitresses as ‘dykes.’”

While rehabilitation has been easier for some residents than others, Woodley said former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci was his biggest success story to date, noting that, after several weeks of intense rage counseling, he had fully accepted responsibility for his chaotic 10-day tenure and would soon be starting a new job at an Arlington landscaping company.

“Though we wish for everyone to have the same level of success as Anthony, we accept it’s not always possible,” said Woodley. “There are only so many resources, and more and more people show up at our doorstep every day.”

“Unfortunately, without our guidance, there’s really no future for these folks,” he continued. “People just don’t want Trump staffers living in their neighborhoods.”
from the Onion


the gop knows by hip is everything


gop repeal it all by hip is everything


exxon tiger by hip is everything
A Rex Tillerson/Vladimir Putin Company

And knock it off with all the other bullshit and bluster too …


found at DU …

by: Orcrist

Stop with the Bill Maher BS

Here is my take.
The Republicans control the house, the senate, the White House and the supreme court. We have an insane ignorant, narcissistic, a-hole in the White House who is also a grossly incompetent, ass clown. Even if he wanted to make good decisions he wouldn’t have the intelligence or experience to know how. But this is basically irrelevant because he has no concern for making good decisions in the first place. He appears to be guilty of obstruction of justice not that the house or senate republicans will do anything about it however. Even worse is that he also appears to either be the willing accomplice of our worst foreign enemy or at the very least their naïve dupe who they are playing like a banjo. That being the case here are the things we should be worried about.
A foreign power may have affected the outcome of our last presidential election and the guy who won may well have been in on it.
Along with the republicans in the house and senate trump stands on the verge of overturning the Affordable Care Act which will take health insurance away from 24 million Americans. A move that will kill countless people who will no longer get the life saving medical treatment they need.
Trump has landed a crippling blow in the fight to do something about climate change by pulling the USA out of the Paris Climate Accord.
Trump has proposed Medicaid cuts that will not only hurt poor people immediately and directly but will also indirectly cause the closure of many small rural hospitals all over America. A move that will put people in many areas hours away from an ER room rather than minutes. More countless dead although I doubt anyone will ever compile the stats to show how many.
We have a sitting US president that wants to discriminate against people coming to this country based on their ethnicity and religion. Never thought I’d see that.
We have a president that is destroying or relationship with our NATO allies. A situation that emboldens Putin to start warming the tank engines up.
And last but not least he may just start world war 3 or set off a nuclear holocaust and just kill us all outright so none of that other stuff matters. And I’m not joking to say that both are a real possibility with this idiot. First time in my life we have had a president that I genuinely feel increases that risk dramatically. We are in the scariest waters we have been in since the Cuban missile crisis.
But hey lets obsess over Bill Maher. Cause that’s import s%#t.
To me this is like being on the Titanic. An iceberg looms before us. And some of you are tugging at my shirt sleeve trying to alert me to the fact that some of the lounge chairs on the lido deck have paint peeling off and need repainting. To be distracted by something so absurdly trivial at such a moment in time should call into question a persons mental stability.
But keep it up. Maybe we can keep the circular firing squads going until we wake up one day and have to live through a Ted Nugent administration. Or maybe president Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty. Laugh if you like. Ten years ago I would have laughed my ass off if you told me Donald Trump would be president. I’m not laughing now.

NOTE: tbh, I’ve personally pretty much had it with Bill for a long while now, what with the hints o’ Islamophobia and more than a few too many ‘gay cliché’ jokes, so if they actually do fire his ass, oh well, but that ain’t really the point here. And fuck it with the whole Kathy Griffin must pay bullshit … she fucked up, she went too far**, and she apologized repeatedly, so move on snowflakes … It’s focus time peeps. Period … B

** the guy is a total asshole though, and I really don’t remember all this snowflake poutgasm and tears of impotent rage whine-offs when all those Obama effigy’s, jungle references and small-dicked threats from Ted the draft dodger Nugent directed at President Obama and Hillary Clinton … fuck me, good old Donnie Bad Touch even invited that particular piece of shit for dinner and a brag off at the White House, and I don’t seem to remember any of these a-holes considering Sacha and Malia in the last eight years – not ever … so to make a long story short, to all the MAGA KKKIds and Faux Noise absorbers, fuck off with that whole whining, pearl clutching line o’ crap.

To Flee Or Not To Flee, That Is His Question … @jasonouttathehouse

a piece that needs to be read (and shared) from Friday’s dailykos

Why Is Chaffetz Resigning? It Will All Come Out in the Laundering

by Mopshell

Soon we hope to bid a gleeful farewell to Jason Chaffetz (R-Disgraced). To say that he’ll be leaving under a cloud would be to understate the case. He’s in trouble with both his religion and the Law which is quite an accomplishment for a mediocre House republican.

Let’s first take a quick look at the highlights dim bulbs of his adulterated career.

Jason Chaffetz was a member of Darrell Issa’s Oversight Committee investigating fundraising off the Benghazi tragedy. When Issa’s four years of failures were up, Chaffetz was chosen to take on the chairmanship.  He’d learned well from Issa and proceeded to follow in his predecessor’s missteps.

That he’s more conceited than competent was immediately apparent but he failed to draw much attention to himself until the Comey letter broke the surface of already turbulent waters. Of course it’s protocol that communiqués from the Intelligence agencies are kept confidential but Chaffetz was oblivious to nitpicky details like guidelines or rules.  He was far too intoxicated with a vision of the harm he could do to opposition candidate Hillary Clinton if he spun this the right(wing) way.

Thus, before any other members of the committee had seen the FBI email, Chaffetz went public and concocted a monstrous lie: he falsely declared that the FBI had reopened the Clinton email case. Comey did put the record straight but the media preferred the lie.

Though most Democrats seemed to focus exclusively on Comey’s appearance, some of us never forgot the malicious role Chaffetz had played. Within a week, several complaints were filed against him with the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE). That was why, on the eve of the first day of the 115th Congress, the all-republican Rules Committee tried to quietly do away with the OCE. The NY Times reported:

WASHINGTON — House Republicans, overriding their top leaders, voted on Monday to significantly curtail the power of an independent ethics office set up in 2008 in the aftermath of corruption scandals that sent three members of Congress to jail.

The move to effectively kill the Office of Congressional Ethics was not made public until late Monday, when Representative Robert W. Goodlatte, Republican of Virginia and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced that the House Republican Conference had approved the change. There was no advance notice or debate on the measure.

Due to an overwhelming outcry, they didn’t succeed. Desperate to escape the penalties for his ethics violations, Chaffetz scheduled his Oversight Committee to begin the new session by looking into ways of hamstringing the OCE. He at least managed to slow them down. We won’t know until an actual budget is written, but it’s probable that the republican House will attempt to severely restrict the OCE’s funding as soon as they can. 

However, those measures can no longer help the beleaguered Chaffetz. Turns out his ethics violations expanded to fill his rather large capacity for wrongdoing. 

What do Claude Taylor’s sources have to say? They should be well-placed to know what’s going on. After all, Claude worked on both of Bill Clinton’s presidential campaigns plus eight years in Clinton’s White House. He’s now a travelling photographer with expanded contacts among journalists and those working in and around the Capitol Building.

So, tell us what you’ve heard. 


Now that’s not going to go down well in Utah, Jason, not to mention the grief you’ll be causing your wife, Julie. 

Yet this isn’t reason enough to pre-announce your resignation, especially so early in a new congressional session. Other politicians have been caught in affairs and worse but have remained in their seats and even been re-elected. So what gives?


Uh huh. We don’t believe this is a family issue either because that excuse just doesn’t align with the fact of his impending resignation let alone its unseemly haste. 


The shorter the time between the announcement and actual resignation is inversely proportional to the seriousness of the crime, or in this case: sins and crimes. So what else are your sources telling you, Claude?


Oh now that is not something either the FBI or your Utahan constituents are likely to overlook, Jason. Moreover you were warned. FBI Director Comey did say in an open House Intelligence Committee hearing, that he was investigating Russian ties to Trump and co. You should’ve realised that, having crossed Comey by publicizing and lying about his letter, he would take this opportunity to scrutinize you very closely. It appears you did not disappoint.


The missing word at the end of the second tweet is “him”. It appears at the beginning of the following tweet which goes on to add: “Some of his current staffers may be implicated.” Was that why the former staffer (mentioned in the first of @daveberstein’s tweets) left Chaffetz’s employ? 


Panic seems the appropriate mode for his office staff at this point, especially with the boss about to desert them so soon and under such scandalous circumstances. 


To recap so far: Chaffetz has, for some time, been under investigation for campaign finance fraud and he’s been indulging in a long-time affair which allegedly the Russians have used to blackmail him.

The Russians call this kompromat. Translation: compromising material.

Whaaaat? Wait a cotton-pickin’ minute… what was it he was doing for the Russians? We haven’t covered that yet.


Chaffetz took a $10 million “donation” from Trump the same day he leaked and lied about the Comey letter? This is highly suspicious. Was it a pay-off or something else? 


Now I do appreciate that many people here are dismissive of Louise Mensch but she has been proven right quite spectacularly — her revelations regarding FISA warrants relating to Trump and his associates have since been proven correct in reports now carried by mainstream media. She was certainly a week ahead of everyone else with regard to Chaffetz’s potential legal problems — check the date on this tweet:


Time will tell for certain but the view from this present position favors her sources being reliable — of being right about the kompromat — and there’s a high probability she’s right about the money laundering too.

As Dr Dena Grayson notes, the laundering of Russian money does make a great deal of sense. Why? Because just a few days ago there was a lot of chatter about an audio tape the FBI took into evidence. This pre-election tape purports to be a recording of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell discussing how best to wash Russian money through House and senate campaigns via dark money superPACs. Paul Ryan’s name has already been linked with the Russian hacking of voter data from swing states so money laundering on behalf of the Russians is not a big leap from there and would be entirely in character for both men. Certainly both were desperate to hold onto the power they knew was slipping through their fingers so both would have grabbed at any opportunity for big money assistance without caring much where it came from.

Mensch, a steadfast conservative, is confronting very uncomfortable revelations right now yet, in complete accord with the principles of the Resistance, she is nevertheless persisting and not excusing nor apologizing for corruption in the republican party. For example this tweet:


Because if the bank has a Wall Street branch (and it probably does), then AG Schneiderman can lay state charges against these corrupt congressmen which means Trump will not be able to pardon his NY-indicted comrades-in-crime. 

There will, of course, still be federal crimes to answer. Yet another on the charge sheet is very likely to be this:


Scott Dworkin knows this is true because he filed these complaints himself on behalf of the Democratic Coalition of which he is a co-founder. He would not take such an action lightly. Such complaints cannot be filed on the flimsy basis of mere rumor; they must be accompanied by substantial information and data. 

So what is a felonious, about-to-be-ex-congressman to do — apart from vehemently denying any possibility of scandal?


That would explain his abrupt decision to resign. Any advice?


That’s very sound advice. I imagine his lawyers are already taking this line with him. 

As for his own explanation, Chaffetz was pathetically disappointing. With a distinct lack of imagination and an overdose of predictability, he trotted out ye ole cliché

[I]n an interview with Utah’s KSL talk radio Wednesday, he said his decision was motivated primarily by a desire to spend more time with his family.

Fortunately, Claude Taylor was available to make the necessary tongue-in-cheek correction — 


Ah yes, I expect he’ll be getting to know them very well indeed. 

Friday, Apr 21, 2017 · Mopshell

Shoutout to our own drkathie (@kathieallenmd on Twitter) who will be running for this seat in the special election: Chaffetz doesn’t want to do his job but I will.

For further real AND reliable investigative reporting please click the Sarah Kendzior, Scott Dworkin and Corrupt AF links on the right hand side of this page … these people are doing solid, reliable, trustworthy and detailed reporting on these subjects … and they are fucking brave too in a time when that’s getting harder to be, so support/link/follow/read their work please …

also …
Intel community chatter: Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell caught red handed in Trump-Russia scandal

BREAKING: Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell Both Received Campaign Money From Russia

They Lied: McConnell And Ryan Just Blocked Expanded Russia Probe To Shield Trump From Impeachment

More Republicans Caught Colluding With Russia – Guess Who This Time?

I can’t wait for the perp walks, these fuckers will look great in orange …

my final offer is this … nothing!

boehnera new day … same old shit from john of orange and his band of traitors…
these dumb-asses didn’t learn a fucking thing from their election drubbing …
and the tea baggers and 1%’ers obviously still own their sorry traitorous asses …

Boehner To Obama: No, You Tell Dems To Pass Our Tax Bill

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) stonewalled President Obama’s call Wednesday to extend the middle income tax rates set to expire in January, and hinted that the two will remain at a dead stop at least until they meet Friday.
"Well, I think instead of the House moving on the Senate bill, the Senate ought to move on the House bill," he told reporters during a late afternoon briefing in the Capitol.
A reporter pressed him on why he won’t, as Obama suggested, vote to extend the middle income tax cuts both sides agree on the need to extend. "We are not going to hurt our economy and make job creation more difficult, which is exactly what that plan will do," he said. "It’s not the direction we want to go because it’s going to hurt job creators in America."
Boehner dodged again when asked about Obama’s clear refusal to extend the lower tax rates for the top bracket.
"I look forward to my conversation beginning with the president on Friday," he said.
read more here …          from tpm