Definitions, part 2

Words matter …

Because the GOP spends so much time talking about home-schooling, indoctrination in our schools,
CRT and a shitload of other fact free, hysterical fever swamp fantasies, I thought I’d define some of
their favorite words more accurately.

conway prevaricator

gohmert twat waffle

GOP kakistocracy

gosar fetid

hannity asshat

lindell CRAY

palin blather2

I can see defeat from my perch …

It’s ba-aaaaaack!

Hoping for a solid half-term in Congress due to an obvious need for both cash and attention, the Klondike Kardashian re-appears. Probably jealous of all the attention Lauren Boebert is getting for her next level vacuous-osity … that’s Sarah’s job!

sister sarah wannabe

Tonight on Bullshit TV …



Corey Feldman impersonator Sarah Palin, with her new book!

The NEW Alaskan Meth Diet

meth is a cruel mistress
Sister Sarah, seen here “workin’ it for bucks’ to support her lavish ‘shopping’ habit.

A sordid tale of life on the cold hard streets of Anchorage.
Tips and tricks like where to score, who to borrow money from, how to judge a ‘product’s’ quality in a dimly lit room, what are the the best goods to fence in a pinch, finding and securing the best stashes at home and work, jailhouse wine recipes and MORE!

Breaking: New Cast Announced

The cast of this season’s ‘Dancing With The Stars – The Seeking Relevance Edition’ has been announced.

also expected to appear along side Kid Rock, Ted ‘she said she was 16!’ Nugent and Sarah the Klondike Kardashian will be Scott ‘Who?’ Baio, Kirk ‘really, I’m NOT gay” Cameron, Gary Busey (Eric Trump’s actual father-hey check the teeth on these fuckers), Toby ‘kill “em all’ Keith, Anne ‘It’s NOT an Adam’s apple’ Coulter and Charlie Daniels (yep, he’s gunna play that fucking song again). Also, expect a surprise appearance by Clint Eastwood’s chair. The show will be hosted by Billo the clown O’Really, and produced by Hannity the manatee.


palin to advise trump

more amazing from Mr. B …

Palin to Advise Trump on Improving Sentence Structure
Andy Borowitz
NEW YORK—In an admission that his message might have gotten lost in Monday night’s debate, Donald J. Trump has enlisted the former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to advise him on improving his sentence structure. Campaign officials stressed that bringing Palin on board was not a sign of panic, but merely an acknowledgement that the Alaskan’s communication skills could be Trump’s “secret weapon.” “We would be silly to have a resource like this available to us and not use it,” said Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway. “No one debates like Sarah Palin.”

and in a related matter …

“Every time I said something, she would say something back. It was rigged.”

Trump Threatens to Skip Remaining Debates If Hillary Is There

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (The Borowitz Report)—Plunging the future of the 2016 Presidential debates into doubt, Donald J. Trump said on Tuesday morning that he would not participate in the remaining two debates if Hillary Clinton is there.
Trump blasted the format of Monday night’s debate by claiming that the presence of Clinton was “specifically designed” to distract him from delivering his message to the American people.
“Every time I said something, she would say something back,” he said. “It was rigged.”
He also lambasted the “underhanded tactics” his opponent used during the debate. “She kept on bringing up things I said or did,” he added. “She is a very nasty person.”
Turning to CNN, Trump criticized the network’s use of a split screen showing both him and Clinton throughout the telecast. “It should have been just me,” he said. “That way people could have seen how really good my temperament is.”
The billionaire said that debate organizers had not yet responded to his ultimatum, but he warned that if he does not get assurances in writing that future debates will be “un-rigged, Hillary-wise,” he will not participate.
“I have said time and time again that I would only do these debates if I am treated fairly,” he added. “The only way I can be guaranteed of being treated fairly is if Hillary Clinton is not there.”|By Andy Borowitz

word salad: the wasillabilly edition

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question … or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious … generally, while attacking their ‘enemies’ with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts … or common sense … or integrity …
the nonsense and drivel that pours forth from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
(a health and safety warning really should come with this one though)
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage and fear mongering …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the queen of drivel herself …
the failin’ palin …
the klondike kardashian …
the iquitterod barbie …
the one, the only, sister sarah no clue

So, Bible Barbie strikes again … every so often it’s like her brain just overloads and incoherent, unconnected words and noise burst out … and when there’s no-one there to listen she tweets and posts … and then it’s let the “say whaaaa??” and “wtf?” parade begin …
So without further ado, boys and girls, I present to you, her latest post … 

Leave Hillary alone! All that email-evidenced yoga, and wedding planning, and cookie-baking-grandma-duty wears you out. Believe you me.
Heck, even those of us claiming to be fit as a (seasoned?) fiddle, hit bumps in the wellness road.
Even I. Especially I. (Remember Piper’s middle name is “Grace”; mine isn’t.)”
“Rock-running recently, I tripped over my own two feet and crashed & burned face-first. I recovered with the doc’s SuperGlue, and now any man who asks ‘what happened?’ I’ll refer to as just a mean ol’ SEXIST bully.
Glad for Hillary’s protective media’s precedence. The next woman running for POTUS has no need to answer to much of anything, for we’ve got weddings to plan, and Down Dogs to do, and cookies in the oven! So just leave us alone, boys.”

I’ve read it three times, and I still have no idea what the fuck she’s talking about. So I’m going to try consuming a box of the cheapest apple wine I can find. Quit my job. Start some fights. Oh, and wink a lot. All while reading it … nope, nuttin’ … I get the feeling it was a different sort of “trip” that caused that little outburst … First signs of a concussion maybe? … and, as for the ‘rock running’, maybe she should find a new line of work … being a meth mule is a tough and dangerous dangerous job, and even I believe she should aim higher … c’mon Sarah.

trump adds ‘sleepy’ and ‘grumpy’ to team

Trump Bolsters Foreign-Policy Team by Adding Carson and Palin

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—After stumbling badly on an interview question about Ukraine, the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump attempted on Tuesday to reassure voters about his geopolitical expertise by adding the retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and the former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to his team of foreign-policy advisers.

“Donald Trump always said that, as President, he would surround himself with the best people,” Trump’s spokesperson, Hope Hicks, said. “In Governor Palin and Dr. Carson, Mr. Trump now has the Dream Team.”

Speaking to reporters, Palin dismissed the controversy over Ukraine as “much ado about a gotcha question.”

“Donald Trump is one hundred and ten percent correct when he says that no one needs to be worrying about Ukraine,” she said. “If you look Ukraine up on Google Maps, like I just did, it’s right where it’s always been.”

Dr. Carson said that, as President, Donald Trump would support the territorial integrity of Ukraine and “its magnificent network of underground grain tunnels.”

“I cannot overemphasize the importance of Ukraine’s grain pipeline,” he said. “If you choke off Ukraine, Europe cannot bake bread.”

Trump’s spokesperson said that the additions to his foreign-policy brain trust should give voters “great confidence” that a Trump White House would be equal to the challenge of an international crisis. “When that 3 A.M. call comes in, and Mr. Trump is busy on Twitter, Dr. Carson and Governor Palin will be there to take the call,” she said.    By Andy Borowitz

trump gnus

an awesome piece, as always, by my pal X …

10 New Major Endorsements Won By Donald Trump

Posted on January 28, 2016 by List of X

Donald Trump stands visibly uncomfortable while getting endorsed by Sarah Palin, because endorsement by Sarah Palin is probably like your own conception: you want it to happen, but don't want to be there when it happens.

Donald Trump stands visibly uncomfortable (left) while getting endorsed by Sarah Palin. I guess endorsement by Sarah Palin is probably like your own conception: you want it to happen, but don’t want to be there when it happens.

Last week, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had received a major boost when in a public appearance, former vice-presidential candidate and TV personality Sarah Palin went on raving and incoherent rant about Donald Trump and America, which most experts agreed constituted an endorsement of Donald Trump’s candidacy for president. But winning the coveted endorsement from Sarah Palin was just a start, and Trump has landed a lot of huge new endorsements from all kinds of people and organization. Here are 10 of these endorsements.

1) American Academy of Ophthalmology: “In his speeches, Donald Trump promises to be looking at a lot of things when he becomes president. Our organization recognizes and celebrates the utmost importance of looking at things, and supports any candidate who shares our values.”

2) Association of Bankruptcy Lawyers: “As people who have worked with Mr. Trump many times over the years, we are impressed by his perseverance and his ability to create hundreds of new jobs in many of our law firms. We believe that under Donald Trump’s leadership, America will enter a new chapter.”

3) Hair Club For Men: “Donald Trump cares about what’s important for our members. He knows all about growth, managing scarce resources, and his hair redistribution plan is just amazing.”

4) Mensa International Society: “Previously, we had required all applicants for membership in our organization to take an IQ test to prove their superior intelligence. However, thanks to Donald Trump, we have been able to greatly simplify the admissions process to simply look at prospective applicants’ Facebook comments mentioning Donald Trump.”

5) National Rifle Association: “Recent Trump’s comments that he could randomly shoot someone in the middle of a street and not lose votes prove that Donald Trump is serious about defending our constitutional right to randomly shoot people on the street.”

6) Donald Trump’s reflection in the mirror: “Look, I know Donald better than anyone else. I literally spend several hours every day with him. He isn’t some egotistical maniac people make him out to be. No, he’s the kindest, most selfless man alive – all he cares about is my needs and my wants.”

7) Neanderthals: “Ooogoo! Gooogoo! Ughh! Arrrhhhgoo! Trump yuuuge! Obama boo! Homo Sapiens go back! Go Trump!”  (Sorry, that may have been Sarah Palin’s endorsement again…)

8) Donald Trump’s Ex-Wife Association: “The choice to support Donald was a difficult one for our organization and many of our members had initially opposed it, but we ultimately decided to endorse Donald Trump for president, because we can’t possibly rob America of this amazing sense of hope and happiness the country would be filled with as soon as Donald’s term is over.”

9) Coalition for Mexican Immigrants Rights: “You may be surprised that we chose to endorse Donald Trump after he had promised to build a giant wall on the border with Mexico. However, where do you think President Trump is going to find the workers he needs to build this wall?”

10) American Comedian Guild: “Did you hear the joke about Donald Trump? Well, we got about a million more of them, and we’re not going to run out of them until at least 2025.”

check out more great stuff at List of X or The Army of Awesome People
in fact just go there, fave his pages, and be one of the cool kids … yeah baby! …

half baked alaska

just when ya’ thought it was safe to pay attention to the 2016 election cycle, $i$ter $arah, the Klondike Kardashian comes riding in …
word salad by hip is everything
word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally, while attacking their ‘enemies’ with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts …
or common sense …
or integrity …
the nonsense and drivel that pours forth from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
(a health and safety warning really should come with this one though)
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage and fear mongering …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the queen of drivel herself …
the failin’ palin …
the klondike kardashian …
the half baked alaskan herself …
the one, the only (thank yer’ deity), $i$ter $arah no clue

sarah palin grifter queen by hip is everythingFormer Alaska governor and onetime GOP vice presidential candidate $arah Palin appeared alongside Donald Trump on Tuesday at an Iowa campaign event, just hours after officially endorsing the billionaire real estate mogul for president. She had a lot to say, so we’ll just go ahead and let it speak for itself.

1. “Rock ‘n’ rollers and holy rollers” make the world go round.

“Looking around at all of you, you hard-working Iowa families, you farm families and teachers and teamsters and cops and cooks, you rock ‘n’ rollers and holy rollers. All of you who work so hard, you full-time moms, you with the hands that rock the cradle. You all make the world go round. And now our cause is one.”

2. Obama apparently refers to his enemies as “enemy.”

“Because a weak-kneed capitulator in chief has decided that America will lead from behind. And he who would negotiate deals, with the skills of a community organizer, maybe organizing a neighborhood tea — yeah, well — he deciding that America would apologize and as part of the deal, as the enemy sends a message to the rest of the world that they capture and we kowtow, and we apologize and then we bend over and say, ‘Thank you, enemy.'”

3. No more “pussyfooting around”! And can I get a hallelujah for “the main thing”?

“No more pussyfooting around! Our troops deserve the best! You deserve the best! He is from the private sector, not a politician. Can I get a hallelujah? Where in the private sector you actually have to balance budgets in order to prioritize, to keep the main thing, the main thing — and he knows the main thing of a president is to keep us safe economically and militarily. He knows the main thing and he knows now to lead the charge.”

4. And now, a string of big words.

“Trump’s candidacy has exposed, not just that tragic — that ramifications of the betrayal of a transformation of our country, but, two, he has exposed the complicity on both sides of the aisle that has enabled it, OK?”

5. The GOP establishment is “busted,” and its voters are a word salad.

“But for the GOP establishment to be coming after Donald Trump’s supporters, even, with accusations that are so false, they are so busted, the way that this thing works. We, you, a diverse, dynamic, needed support base, that they would attack. And now, some of them even whispering, they’re ready to throw in for Hillary over Trump, because they can’t afford to see the status quo go. Otherwise, they won’t be able to be slurping off the gravy train that’s been feeding them all these years. They don’t want that to end. Well, then, funny, ha-ha, not funny, but now what they’re doing is wailing, ‘Well, Trump and his trumpeters, well, they’re not conservative enough.’ Oh my goodness gracious. What the heck would the establishment know about conservatism?”

6. Palin enters the free association (or Iggy Azalea freestyle?) portion of her speech.

“How about the rest of us? Right-wingin’, bitter-clingin’, proud clingers of our guns, our God, and our religions and our Constitution. Tell us that we’re not red enough? Yeah, coming from the establishment.”

7. People are wearing political correctness “like a suicide vest.”

“Well, he being the only one who’s been willing, he’s got the guts to wear the issues that need to be spoken about and debated on his sleeve. Where the rest of some of these establishment candidates, they just wanted to duck and hide. They didn’t want to talk about these issues until he brought them up. In fact, they’ve been wearing this political correctness kind of like a suicide vest. And enough is enough.”

8. “Drill, Baby, Drill,” Sarah Palin (Remix feat. Donald Trump)

“So no, we’re not going to chill. In fact, it’s time to drill, baby, drill down and hold these folks accountable.”

9. It’s time to “savage” the status quo.

“The status quo has got to go, otherwise we’re just going to get more of the same. And with their failed agenda, it can’t be salvaged. It must be savaged. And Donald Trump is the right one to do that.”

10. Did she just say “squirmishes”?

“Let me say something really positive about one of those individuals. Rand Paul. I’m going to tell you about that libertarian streak in him that is healthy, because he knows, you only go to war if you’re determined to win the war! And you quit footing the bill for these nations who are oil-rich. We’re paying for, some of their squirmishes [sic], that have been going on for centuries, where they’re fighting each other, and yelling, ‘Allah akbar,’ [sic] calling jihad on each other’s heads forever and ever. Like I said before, let them duke it out and let Allah sort it out.”

11. Politicians are getting high on the least fun kind of “opium.”

“He builds things, he builds big things. Things that touch the sky. Big infrastructure that puts other people to work. He has spent his life looking up and respecting the hard hats and the steel-toed boots and the work ethic that you all have within you. He, being an optimist, passionate about equal opportunity to work. This self-made success of his, you know that he doesn’t get his power, his high, off of opium [OPM] — other people’s money — like a lot of dopes in Washington do. They’re addicted to opium, where they take other people’s money and then their high is getting to redistribute it, right?”

12. These words do not mean what you think they mean.

“And you’re ready to stop the race-baiting and the division based on color and zip code, to unify around the right issues, the issues important to me, or I wouldn’t be endorsing him: pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, strict constitutionality. Those things that are unifying values and their time-tested truths involved. These are unifying values from big cities and tiny towns, from big mountain states and the Big Apple to the big, beautiful heartland that’s in between.” (from Huffpo)


Trump would ‘certainly’ give Palin cabinet post

Source: The Guardian
Will he give her a cabinet position in the future Trump administration? “Certainly, she could play a position if she wanted to,” he told NBC, adding to Fox News: “It would be something I certainly would think about.”
Read more: HERE …

the douche-bag apocalypse is already upon us …

forget about the zombie apocalypse that will never come …
the real epidemic at hand is the the douche-bag apocalypse that is already upon us …
case in point …
maybe it’s just me, but the more crap that spews from this gasbag’s mouth, the more I just think this is Sarah Failin with a penis …
and judging from all the insecurities that seem so apparent in his verbal sewage, Sarah may actually have the bigger dick here …
the constant word salads, the hate and vitriol, the complete lack of understanding on just about any subject, the vagaries and evasion in response to any questions, the blaming of everyone else for his own failings and shortcomings, the constant ‘dog whistles’ in the rhetoric … seems awfully familiar to me …
just sayin’ …

Trump: I Never Went To Vietnam, But ‘I Felt That I Was In The Military’
donald the liar  trump by hip is everything

Donald Trump believes that because he attended a military high school, he has an understanding of what it is like to be in the military, despite deferring the Vietnam War draft for medical reasons. “My number was so incredible and it was a very high draft number. Anyway so I never had to do that, but I felt that I was in the military in the true sense because I dealt with those people,” Trump told Michael D’Antonio, the author of the forthcoming book “Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success,” according to a preview in the New York Times.
Trump attended the New York Military Academy from eighth grade through the end of high school where he participated in military drills and encountered some instructors who had served in the military, according to the Times. He told D’Antonio that at the academy, he got “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military.”
The forthcoming book also includes comments from Trump’s ex-wives revealing more about his character. Ivana Trump, his first wife, said that the real estate mogul “wants to be noticed.” His second wife, Marla Maples, called him a “little boy that still wants attention.”
from TPM

if yer’ interested, might I interest you in the following piece by Jeffrey Kluger at …
it really does explain a lot of what’s going on with ‘the donald’ …
The Truth About Donald Trump’s Narcissism

the grift that keeps on giving

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally, while attacking their ‘enemies’ with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts … or common sense … or integrity …
the nonsense and drivel that pours forth from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …

(a health and safety warning really should come with this one though)
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage and fear mongering …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the queen of drivel herself …
the failin’ palin …
the klondike kardashian …
alaskan barbie …
the one, the only, sister sarah no clue


[in-koh-heer-uh-nt, -her-] adjective

1. without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling: an incoherent sentence.
2. characterized by such thought or
language, as a person:incoherent with rage.
3. not
coherent or cohering: an incoherent mixture.
4. lacking physical cohesion; loose: incoherent dust.
5. lacking unity or harmony of elements: an incoherent public.

Shortly after declaring that she’s “seriously interested” in running for president in 2016, Sarah Palin delivered a confusing speech that was panned by many, even some on the right. Speaking at the Iowa Freedom Summit in Des Moines on Saturday, the former Alaska governor and one-time vice presidential candidate delivered a speech that John Fund of the National Review described as “meandering and often bizarre.”

Here’s an excerpt:

“Things must change for our government. Look at it. It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It’s too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo. Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’ That’s status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y’know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent. So strengthen it. Then the man can’t ride ya, America won’t be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can’t afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election.”

In response to the speech, Democratic National Committee communications director Mo Elleithee issued a two-word statement: “Thank you!”

The New York Daily News reports that Palin’s teleprompter froze, forcing her to ad-lib some of her remarks.

Palin also referred to President Barack Obama as “an overgrown little boy.” And in a clip posted online by Right Wing Watch, Palin attacked the left for being racist and sexist.

“Really, it’s kind of Orwellian, observing how that works, that rule of Saul Alinsky’s, no doubt, that the left employs. Disgusting charges, from the left. Reverse them — for it is they who point a finger not realizing that they have triple that amount of fingers pointing right back at them, revealing that they are the ones who really discriminate and divide on color and class and sex. We call them out. We don’t let them get away with it.”

from huffpo …

also … please check out the rude pundit for what feels to me to be a more appropriate, maybe not so suitable for family consumption, but as always, dead on and accurate take on sister sarah’s latest “magical hysteria tour” …

know yer’ gop–‘some misogynists, a d-bag and a kardashian wannabe walk into a bar …”

After Saying Women On Medicaid Should Be Sterilized, Russell Pearce Resigns From Arizona GOP

The Huffington Post  | By Paige Lavender

the gop knows by hip is everything

assholeFormer Arizona state Senator Russell Pearce resigned as Arizona Republican Party’s first vice chair late Sunday after receiving criticism over recent comments he made about women on Medicaid.
Pearce made the controversial comments on his weekly radio show.
“You put me in charge of Medicaid, the first thing I’d do is get [female recipients] Norplant, birth-control implants, or tubal ligations,” Pearce said, according to the Phoenix New Times. “Then, we’ll test recipients for drugs and alcohol, and if you want to [reproduce] or use drugs or alcohol, then get a job.”
Pearce said “people out there [who] need help” should get it from “family, church, and community,” not the government.
According to the Washington Post, Pearce said the comments were “written by someone else” and said he “failed to attribute them to the author.”
“This was a mistake,” Pearce said. “This mistake has been taken by the media and the left and used to hurt our Republican candidates.”
The Arizona Republic reports several Republicans in the state, including nominees for governor, secretary of state and attorney general, criticized Pearce for the remarks after Arizona Democratic Party Executive Director DJ Quinlan pushed for them to do so in a news release.
Read more on the controversy over Pearce’s comments at the Arizona Republic.


the word salad continues …

word salad by hip is everythingSarah Palin: ‘I Owe America A Global Apology’

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said she owes America a “global apology” for the 2008 GOP presidential ticket’s loss to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.
During an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Palin spoke about Obama’s long-term strategy for defeating the Islamic State — a militant group formerly known as ISIS or ISIL — that he laid out in a speech Wednesday night.
“As I watched the speech last night, Sean, the thought going through my mind is, ‘I owe America a global apology. Because John McCain, through all of this, John McCain should be our president,'” Palin said.
Palin went on to compare the Islamic State to Hitler and questioned how seriously Obama is taking the group.
“So when Barack Obama, like the rest of us, hear these bad guys, these terrorists, promising that they will raise the flag of Allah over our White House, for the life of me I don’t know why he does not take this serious, the threat. Because yes, it’s more than a vision,” Palin said. “They’re telling– just like Hitler did all those years ago, when a war could’ve been avoided, because Hitler, too, did not hide his intentions. Well ISIS, these guys aren’t hiding their intentions either.”

oh shit, and here I thought she was going to apologize for the douche rocket teabilly dustup at last weekend’s snowmobile tag-team wrestling match where she, toad and the critters took on all comers …


Paycheck Fairness Act Blocked Again By Senate GOP

Posted: 09/15/2014 6:01 pm EDT Updated: 10 minutes ago

mitch mcconnell 3 by hip is everythingl

Senate Republicans on Monday blocked for the fourth time a bill that would strengthen federal equal pay laws for women.
The Paycheck Fairness Act would ban employers from retaliating against employees who share salary information with each other, impose harsher penalties for pay discrimination and require employers to be able to show that wage gaps between men and women are based on factors other than gender.
The bill needed 60 votes to overcome a Republican filibuster and advance to a final vote on passage, but it fell short Monday by a vote of 52 to 40. Senate Democrats have brought the bill to the floor four times since 2011, and each time Republicans have rejected it.
Republicans say
they oppose the bill because they believe it would discourage employers from hiring women, out of a fear of lawsuits. The GOP has accused Democrats of staging a “show vote” on the bill in an election year, knowing it won’t pass.
“At a time when the Obama economy is already hurting women so much, this legislation would double down on job loss, all while lining the pockets of trial lawyers,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said before the last vote on the bill in April. “In other words, it’s just another Democratic idea that threatens to hurt the very people that it claims to help.”
Women working full-time in the U.S. earn an average of 77 cents for every dollar men earn, according to the Census Bureau. A small portion of that gap, economists say, is due to employers paying women less than men for the same work.

todays gop by hip is everything

just for some sh*ts ‘n’ giggles …

haven’t really been here to post much these days …
busy and all ya’ know, but …
just came across this in my daily meanderings and had to share …
you really can’t make this shit up …
so …
for yer’ ‘I really need a quick break from work’ laffapalooza moment …
enjoy …
I know it made me smile, but hey, I’m easily amused …

Police: PALIN FAMILY Involved In 20-PERSON BRAWL At Party

palin the whining 2 by hip is everything
The Palin clan, including Mama Palin herself, was allegedly involved in a huge verbal and physical fight over the weekend when they got drunk at a friend’s party. Punches were thrown, lips were bloodied, and Sarah Palin reportedly scream, “Do you know who I am?” at people telling her to calm down. According to Alaskan political blog, The Immoral Minority, the Palins were at a party when – allegedly fueled by alcohol – Track Palin (that would be Sarah and Todd’s oldest son) confronted a man who had formerly dated one of his sisters. Words are exchanged, then Bristol (that would be Sarah and Todd’s oldest daughter) started punching people.Eventually the entire family is yelling and fighting. One source claims Todd was calling people the C-word and acting belligerent. Somewhere a reality tv executive is crying at the lost potential. Blogger Amanda Coyne did some investigating and found multiple sources that paint roughly the same picture The Immoral Authority first heard about.
Spoiler alert: It’s incredible:

The night before, Saturday, was a doozy. The details are a little sketchy, but there’s enough of them, from enough different sources, that a story emerges, a story that according to the gossip Gods, looks kind of like this: There’s some sort of Iron Dog/snow machine party in Anchorage. A nice, mellow party, until the Palin’s show up. There’s beer, of course, and maybe other things. Which is all fine, but just about the time when some people might have had one too many, a Track Palin stumbles out of a stretch Hummer, and immediately spots an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. Track isn’t happy with this guy, the story goes. There’s words, and more.
The owner of the house gets involved, and he probably wished he hadn’t. At this point, he’s up against nearly the whole Palin tribe: Palin women screaming. Palin men thumping their chests. Word is that Bristol has a particularly strong right hook, which she employed repeatedly, and it’s something to hear when Sarah screams, “Don’t you know who I am!” And it was particularly wonderful when someone in the crowd screamed back, “This isn’t some damned Hillbilly reality show!”
No, it’s what happens when the former First Family of Alaska comes knocking. As people were leaving in a cab, Track was seen on the street, shirtless, flipping people off, with Sarah right behind him, and Todd somewhere in the foreground, tending to his bloody nose.


Track seems nice. The Palins have yet to comment on the incident, but the Anchorage Police Department seem to have confirmed most of the details when Wonkette called them up.

Anita in the Anchorage Police Department’s communications office is sitting at her desk at 7:15 a.m. on a Tuesday, so probs they are waiting for a whole mess of calls from Jake Tapper or whatever, and Anita confirms that a huge bloody mess of a brawl between multiple subjects took place Saturday night, and that the Palins were “present.” However, since nobody wanted to arrest anybody else, the names of the “subjects” remain not yet released.

reposted from democratic underground …

word salad: the klondike kardashian edition

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally, while attacking their ‘enemies’ with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts …
or common sense …
or integrity …
the nonsense and drivel that pours forth from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
(a health and safety warning really should come with this one though)
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage and fear mongering …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the queen of drivel herself …
the failin’ palin …
the klondike kardashian …
alaskan barbie …
the one, the only, sister sarah no clue

Palin’s Response to Elizabeth Warren’s Progressive Commandments**

listen closely, i think it’s trying to communicate …

someone please punch john mccain in the face, okay? …
NOTE: this clip isn’t a blooper outtake, but actually part of the edited, finished video from sarah’s new ‘pay 4 view’ site …


[in-koh-heer-uh-nt, -her-] adjective

1. without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling: an incoherent sentence.
2. characterized by such thought or
language, as a person:incoherent with rage.
3. not
coherent or cohering: an incoherent mixture.
4. lacking physical cohesion; loose: incoherent dust.
5. lacking unity or harmony of elements: an incoherent public.

** and just as a point of reference the 11 tenets Warren listed were:

– “We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we’re willing to fight for it.”
– “We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth.”
– “We believe that the Internet shouldn’t be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality.”
– “We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage.”
– “We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them.”
– “We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt.”
– “We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions.”
– “We believe—I can’t believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work.”
– “We believe that equal means equal, and that’s true in marriage, it’s true in the workplace, it’s true in all of America.”
– “We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform.”
– “And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!”

Finally, the main tenet of conservatives’ philosophy, according to Warren is “I got mine. The rest of you are on your own.”
(thanks to christopher foxx for the list)

cost of ignorance

stop staring at my twits!

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally while attacking their enemies with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts …
or common sense …
or integrity for that matter …
the nonsense and drivel that pours from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the queen of drivel herself …
the failin’ palin …
alaskan barbie …
sister sarah no clue

America needs twit reduction surgery.

the latest drivel from the Alaskan Kardashian reads as follows:
Our commander-in-chief is busy, as Rome burns. For instance, after satisfying those munchies in Colorado, he carved out room for some super duper important games of pool in a bar with that state’s enabling governor. Ironically, Hickensooperdooper is his name. I think. Anyway, Obama won. He told us so. (Funny, he always wins. Golf, basketball, brackets and bets, his grand pronouncements afterward is always, miraculously, humph, he won again!)
Whew. Racking balls, getting buzzed on suds, maybe humming “Rocky Mountain High” while kicking it in those Rockies, hard choices had to be made – stripes or solids? And that beer – do I drink it if the mountains aren’t blue? Talk about miscues.

tidbits from the grey matter

tidbitz by hip is everything

1. So, everybody’s favorite horse’s ass, ‘Cantor the Ranter’ got pwned like a level 2 noob on a dell 486 with 4 megs of ram last night and now he’s gotta head back to d-bag central to seek out some other way to feed off the public trough and fluff up his overwhelming narcissistic pathology in the future …
Part of me cheered this when I first heard the news …
After all the bagger who beat his ass should be easy to beat, even in the reddest of states in the upcoming general election (providing people in that district actually vote FOR their best interests for a change – then again, I’m not holding my breath on that one) …
And it is great that the same pompous prevaricating prick who told his own constituents on more than one occasion that they would not be getting financial assistance after mother nature reared up and destroyed a couple of towns (and many, many lives) unless he could hold the president hostage for a few bucks and some political favor with the far right d-bags that the gop holds so dear these days, is finally gonna be outta work …
Part of me went “oh fuck me tender Mabel!” when I realized that his district is so red that it makes the Taliban look like the gang over at…
Just what America needs, another bagger zealot with a hard on for whatever far right idiocy and conspiracy theories he can muster up from within his bigoted, factually bereft mind to make his base foam and lather, whose sole mission in the House will be to gum up the works and do his best to cripple the economy, voting rights, women’s rights, etc. …
Yikes! … again Mabel, again …
p.s.  was it just me, or did anyone else notice that the guy who took Cantor’s job looks just like Cantor? … it’s like the “stepford dudes” … weird … and just a little bit creepy …
p.p.s. Eric Cantor’s re-election campaign had him with a 34-point lead over primary opponent David Brat … he must have been using Mittens Romney’s pollsters …

2. Did ya’ catch the ‘lady’, and I do use that term VERY loosely, that went viral on the youtubez last week for her racist rant in front of her kids outside some giant box store because some dude (of color) “started his car and scared her children”? (who she as she so awesomely proved during said rant just how much she really did care for) …
And have ya’ caught some on the right jumping up to defend her with the usual “free speech” diatribes? … Maybe they know the all the cops she so proudly proclaimed she has “stripped for” and are just sticking up for their buds … I dunno …
Even better when she then later calls up a local radio station to explain that she’s not racist because the “N” word is not a racist term … according to her it actually means ‘ignorant’ and has nothing to do with race, so it’s okay to use it …
Stay close Mabel, it’s gonna be a long day …

3. Or, how about one Mr. Scott Esk, Tea Party candidate for Oklahoma State House District 91. Esk, on his political website, who believes that our rights come from God, and not from government, and is a big proponent of state rights. And he offers the usual Tea Party platform, being 100% pro-gun, pro-family, pro-life and low taxes.
Esk first claims that Leviticus 20:13 gives people the right to judge others, and goes on to claim that it is man’s role to put others to death for homosexuality. Then he goes on to claim that if we don’t start killing homosexuals that God may send a series of “calamities”
And then it gets worse …
When asked if he indeed believes that homosexuals should be put to death, and he responds,“I think we would totally be in the right to do it.” and responded that because it was done in the Old Testament, and it “came from God,” that it must be A-OK. And when pressed further, Esk admitted that he would not have a problem with a law that would make it legal to stone homosexuals to death.
Scott seems to have conveniently forgotten Romans 2:1 – when you judge someone for something you are considered to be guilty of the same thing … funny how that happens …
just sayin’, seeing as we’re throwin’ the biblical quotes around …

4. Yet another school shooting … no other civilized country in the world would tolerate this shit any longer, yet Mr. Lapierre and his cronies in congress and over at Faux Noise are still beating the “second amendment” drums … have any of these pricks actually stopped and read the second amendment? … seems like they haven’t … more of that selective quoting to me …
When will enough be enough? …
Come on America, it’s time for some of that ‘American exceptionalism’ you keep yakking about all the time …
74 School shootings since Sandy Hook

5. A new poll shows that the ‘Do Nothing’ Boehner congress that is now less popular than syphilis … enough said on that one right there …

6. The owner of the largest independent coal producer in the U.S. is threatening to sue the Environmental Protection Agency over its new regulations on carbon emissions from existing coal plants, saying the agency has been lying about the existence of global warming, and that the earth is actually getting colder …
Yeah that explains those melting ice caps dude … sheesh …
In an extended profile published last month, Murray Energy Corp. founder Robert Murray told WV Executive that the EPA’s claims that climate change exists violates the federal Data Quality Act, which requires agencies to rely on quality, objective information to inform its decisions. “Under the act, they are obligated to tell the truth, and they are not telling the truth about global warming,” Murray reportedly said.

7. Why is anyone named Kardashian on T.V.? … Can someone please explain this to me? …

8. And why is the Klondike Kardashian, Sarah Payme still in the news???? …

just some shit that’s running through my ever aging noggin …
later …
peace …

d-bag alert? … “you betcha” .. wink, wink

sarah palin grifter queen by hip is everything
A&E has suspended “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson following anti-gay comments he made in a recent GQ profile, according to a report by Entertainment Weekly.
In an interview with GQ’s Drew Magary, the head of the family in the wildly popular A&E series expressed his view that homosexuality was immoral, likening it to bestiality. Some of the remarks were made using off-color language.
Backlash was widespread and pronounced, including condemnation from GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign.
On Wednesday evening, A&E released this statement to Entertainment Weekly: “We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson’s comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty. His personal views in no way reflect those of A+E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely.”
He also noted that “I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person,” Robertson is quoted in GQ. “Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field…. They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!… Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

this news was quickly followed by a tweet by everybody’s favorite (?) attention whore and desperate grifter, seeking as usual, to get her name into the news …

okay sarah, fair is fair, so here’s a little “free speech” of my own …
go fuck yourself, and take yer’ aging, uninformed, intolerant, money grubbing, botoxed ass back off to somewhere as cold and dark as yer’ heart is …
and this just in sister sarah
yer’ 15 minutes was long ago up, so pack it and store it …
p.s. a question for the alaskan barbie …
if free speech is so important to you, why didn’t you jump up and defend martin bashir when he was forced out of his job at msnbc for suggesting, after yet another one of your own particularly disgusting comments, that someone should urinate and defecate in your mouth ? …

udand ya’ just knew it was only a matter of time before the rest of the bat shit crazy army marched out and grabbed their two minutes of faux fame ‘n’ glory …
I’m sure that hannity the manatee, glen beckkk, billo the clown, megyn kelly and rushbo limpballs will be soon to follow …
but, with peeps like this on yer’ side, ya’ know it’s going pretty well eh? …
as charlie sheen might say “winning!” …
Ted Cruz Defends ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star From ‘Thought Police’
Source: TPM by Caitlin MacNeal
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Thursday defended ‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson after he was suspended from the television show for making controversial anti-gay remarks in an interview with GQ magazine.
“If you believe in free speech or religious liberty, you should be deeply dismayed over the treatment of Phil Robertson. Phil expressed his personal views and his own religious faith; for that, he was suspended from his job,” Cruz wrote on his Facebook page. “In a free society, anyone is free to disagree with him, but the mainstream media should not behave as the thought police censoring the views with which they disagree.”
Cruz argued that people love ‘Duck Dynasty’ because it shows a family open about its faith.
Cruz has expressed his love for the reality show before. He talked about the “God-fearing” family “who love guns” during his September talkathon on the Senate floor.
cruz gop outreach 2  by hip is everything

today’s word salad …

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally while attacking their enemies with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts …
or common sense …
or integrity for that matter …
the nonsense and drivel that pours from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the queen of drivel herself …
the failin’ palin …
alaskan barbie …
sister sarah no clue
palin the whining 2 by hip is everything

the wasilla grifter, while whoring out her latest scribblings and ostensibly promoting her new “war on christmas” book, was asked this question by matt lauer the other morning …
” … let’s say the GOP somehow managed to successfully scrap Obamacare – what do you replace it with that will address the problems facing the insured and uninsured alike?” …
her answer: 35 seconds of pure unadulterated nonsense and word salad …

“The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a health-care system in America that certainly does need more help so that there’s more competition, there’s less tort reform threat, there’s less trajectory of the cost increases, and those plans have been proposed over and over again. And what thwarts those plans? It’s the far left. It’s President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship links to reform health care. “ 

kinda makes yer’ head spin doesn’t it? …
p.s. … and by “free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship links to reform health care” she really means “put everything back to where it was before obamacare so her buddies over at ‘ginormopharm’ and ‘megasurance inc.’ can get back to screwing over america like the “good ole’ days” …
dead brain talking … it burns! …

word salad … a new feature for an old problem

word salad by hip is everything
word salad
is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

today, I’m going to start a new feature here at hip is everything …
i want to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally while attacking their enemies with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts …
or common sense …
or integrity for that matter …
the nonsense and drivel that pours from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
pretty much every time sister sarah, the “filla’ from wasilla” opens her mouth or gets her monkeys to type out another “tweet” …
or babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice of lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
marsha blackburn
the always blathering, incoherent, incompetent, ignorant tennessee twit …

marsha blackburn by hip is everythingjust in case you had the slightest doubt that the gop wanted to have serious hearings (asking questions about HIPAA for a website who does not ask for any medical information), this transcription of ms. marsha being interviewed by carol costello of cnn should make everything perfectly clear …
costello asked her half a dozen times to explain what specifically could violate HIPAA at the affordable care website …
each time, she ran away spewing basic talking points that were incoherent and even threw in some advice about changing the password every 90 days …
take it away marsha …
asked to explain how requiring enrollees to enter their biographical enrollment information violates a law that only applies to medical data between medical entities, blackburn replied as follows …
COSTELLO: So what specifically were you referring to on the website that violates, that could possibly violate HIPAA?
BLACKBURN: We are concerned about privacy overall. Data security privacy and of course applying and complying with the HIPAA laws, and…
COSTELLO: But what question specifically asks that would concern you about HIPAA, what medical question does it ask?
BLACKBURN: Carol, HIPAA requires you to — it’s the way you structure your website and the way you transit the information, the transfer rights that are there, and when you look at privacy on these websites, what you have to do is keep all of the application information in one server
COSTELLO: I’m trying to understand what kind of information you’re talking about. What kind of information are you talking about? What specifically does the website ask that I might be afraid might shared with whomever? Specifically. What information?
BLACKBURN: You should be very concerned not only as you navigate the website but as you make a purchase, and then as your information is handled, what we want to make certain is that an individual’s medical information their financial information is all going to be kept in a private manner. What we do not want is a peeping Tom who is going to look through their PII, their personal identifying information. they want to make certain the federal government has standards and are applying and abiding by the privacy laws that are on the books and by the HIPAA regulations that every hospital and every doctor abide by. so this is a serious investigation, looking at the entire roll-out and launch of this website, how this data is being used.

kinda makes yer’ brain spin eh? …
just sayin’ …

d-bag of the week … cruz missile strikes washington … millions pissed

d-bag of the week by hip is everything

well, here we are again …
another week has passed and the douchebaggery has been nothing short of non-stop and overwhelming …
all the sliminess and slithering that passes for sentient behavior in the so-called corridors of power still seems to be as rampant as ever so it must be time to single out our d-bag of the week …as all good deeds truly deserve some kind of reward …
and (insert favorite deity here) knows, we certainly did have another week chock bloody full of scheming, lying politicians, incoherent, ass kissing, dog whistle blowing, incessantly blathering, windbag broadcasters, greedy, glamour glomming grifters and pointless, prevaricating and pontificating pricks, and so, it’s time to answer the question that seemingly needs to be answered kids …
just who took their act to the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the slimiest of the slimy? …
who was the king or queen of douchebaggery in the last seven days? …
a week that was, as per usual, full of some of the slimiest, sleaziest, slithering, scuzzball serpents the world of poll pandering, petulant and pithy partisan politics, fanatical, frenzied, far fetched faith freaks, and the exorbitant, exaggerated and exuberant elitist acquisitiveness, avarice and avidity that the preening power pricks(aka politics, religion and corporatocracy) has to offer …
and this week was as bad, nay worse, than every other lately, the norm these days it seems, with more than it’s fair share of despicable, degenerate douche bag dancing, misogynistic, mean-minded and mendacious maneuvers, slimy, sickening, sleaze-ball slithering, repugnant, reprehensible, repulsive and revolting ranting and railing, and an out and out torrent of treasonous talk and treacherous temper tantrums …
especially by the so-called “family values” gang over on the right and their bat shit crazy, bullshit bellowing, ideologically inane, greedy and groveling, greasy grifters and their prevaricating, petulant, pompous and pointlessly pious proponents …
in the end, as we always do, we found our winner …
and a rather deserving one, if I do say so myself …
and even though this week’s douche-off was not without a copiously crammed cornucopia of conniving, classless, clueless, crass and cretinous challengers to that majestic mantle of  mediocrity, mendacity, meandering mindlessness and missteps we like to call the “d-bag of the week, we do have a distinct winner …
but, i gotta admit, the real problem this past week wasn’t in finding a suitable doucherocket to hang this award on, it was in narrowing it down to one …
there was just sooo many worthy candidates …
pretty much a craven, callous, creepfest of colossal of calamitous consequences …
scalia the troll by hip is everything good old crank of the courts, tony “the troll” scalia was at his finest as racist in chief when while reviewing an affirmative action case on tuesday, when he opined, in his usual factually bereft and 18th century way, that “the 14th amendment protects everyone, not “only the blacks” …
what fucking century is this p.o.s. living in? (with all due apologies to pieces of shit everywhere) …
scalia has brought race into previous arguments …
in february of 2013, scumlia suggested that the continuation of section 5 of the voting rights act represented the “perpetuation of racial entitlement,” saying that lawmakers had only voted to renew the act in 2006 because there wasn’t anything to be gained politically from voting against it … if clarence thomas were “black” he woulda been pissed right off …
Exclusive... 50909705 Former Governor Sarah Palin spent the day with her daughter Willow in Studio City, California on October 7, 2012. The two stopped in to get facials and manicures at a nail salon, shopped at Kmart and stopped for some lunch at KFC. Former Governor Sarah Palin spent the day with her daughter Willow in Studio City, California on October 7, 2012. The two stopped in to get facials and manicures at a nail salon, shopped at Kmart and stopped for some lunch at KFC. FameFlynet, Inc - Beverly Hills, CA, USA - +1 (818) 307-4813we even had a quick visit from sister sarah with some more of her inane and insane interludes as the “wasilla wacko” popped her head out of her bog hole to interject her usual word salad meanderings and her bat shit crazy hyperbole with her slamming of the president for using american war heroes as “political pawns” … while at the same time, using the vets as “political pawns” …
she was cheering the government shutdown over at faux noise until she realized that the shut down could be used to take a shot at the president and help to further enhance her personal bank accounts …
probably the only person on the planet who does not have kardashian as their last name who is able to reach this epic level of dumbf*ck famewhoredom …
a true grifter through and through …
louis gohmert by hip is everythingrep. louie gohmert, known for his constantly erroneous perceptions of basically everything in politics, over the weekend suggested that if the government defaults on its debts, it should lead to the impeachment of president obama …and that it may be the case that preventing default would guarantee that obama commits a high crime or misdemeanor, also leading to his impeachment …
also, our boy louis said that “the president and harry reid should not have shut this government down,” during an afternoon question and answer session with congressmen adding that “this has been coming for a long time … democrats were waiting on a shutdown they could blame on republicans.” … louis then went on to vote against re-opening the government … somewhere in texas you just know that a whole lotta people are wandering around looking for their village idiot …
ryan nope by hip is everythingpaul “the lyin’” ryan , already pushing for “structural reforms to entitlement programs,” added his barely two cents worth by stating that he prioritizes limiting women’s access to birth control over ending the government shutdown, and that it should be added to the already ridiculous list of demands that the gop had foist upon the white house and the american public in their latest coup attempt …
ryan argued that the house would need the debt ceiling deadline as “leverage” for delaying the health-care law’s individual mandate and adding a “conscience clause”, allowing employers and insurers to opt out of birth-control coverage if they find it objectionable on moral or religious grounds …
umm, paul, ya’ tried this shit out last year in yer’ epically failed attempt to win the white house with yer’ pal mittens and it was soundly rejected then …
remember that little fiasco you two called a campaign? …
fox and fiends by hip is everythingover at faux noise you had the spectacle of that washed up, “never was”, fat bastard robin leach, of lifestyles of the rich and famous fame, visiting faux & fiends wednesday to complain that there are “so few” rich people left in america that he wouldn’t be able to do his show any more …
and guess which president and his “socialist” policies are to blame? …
“who do you blame?” steve douchy asked, as if he wouldn’t have guessed like the rest of us and this wasn’t a scripted takedown like only faux noise can do …
i think the zip code is 2008,” the bloviating leach said, to appreciative chuckles …
(the real white house zip code is actually 20500)

“hey, wait, that’s the white house.” brian killme said, as though he had just come up with a clever guess … killme later asked, “are people embarrassed to be rich now, to have a nice car and a beautiful house?” …
leach replied, “in america, yes. around the rest of the world, no.” …
elisabeth “talking points” hasselbeck chimed in with “there was certainly shame built

into even the last election with mitt romney …
he was shamed for being good with money …
shamed for making it” …
this from the woman who just slammed and shamed poor people for having air conditioning and television …
bet barbara’s glad to be rid of this idiot over at the view …
i know america is …
Michael Ashmore of Hooks, Tex. (Joshua Roberts/Reuters)michael ashmore of hooks, tex., was among the many who converged on washington for the “million vet march on the memorials” to protest the government shutdown …
and he brought his confederate flag along to honor the proceedings …
a symbol of southern resistance and white supremacy unfurled at a bagger inspired rally in front of the home of the first black president of the united states …
as jeffrey goldberg of bloomberg view and the atlantic correctly said on twitter, “in many parts of america, waving a confederate flag outside the home of a black family would be considered a very hostile act” …
i guarantee that marines everywhere are embarrassed and furious by the fact that this asshat was also holding up a marine flag …
ashmore’s bigoted, asinine and completely reprehensible rebel yell wasn’t the only offensive thing to happen at the rally either …
in front of the world war II memorial, freedom watch founder larry klayman said, “I call upon all of you to wage a second american revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get up, to put the quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up” …
bwand in the latest issue of the “cruz newz” we had texas republican senator ted “gimme what i want or i’ll sink the whole damn ship” cruz potentially violating ethics rules by failing to publicly disclose his financial relationship with a caribbean-based holding company during the 2012 campaign …
when cruz later reported the financial relationship (in 2013) he failed to comply with senate rules requiring full identification of the holding company and its location, triggering an inquiry by senate select committee on ethics staff and a second amended disclosure …
he also declared “victory” this week for the republicans and the latest coup attempt, adding that he couldn’t rule out a repeat of the whole fiasco again in the new year …
what a fuckin’ “patriot” this douchewagon is …
wow what a week it was, and i’ve barely even begun to list the bullshit and idiocy that was this past week in politics …
which brings up to our winner of the d-bag of the week award …

ted cruz and the entire republican party

for their attempted coup of the united states government …

i’ll let rachel maddow sum it up for you …

and millions of americans got fucked in the process …
the economy lost over 25 billion (yup with a “B”) …
many hundreds of small businesses and contractors were “shuttered” for good  because of it and even more small businesses didn’t get the small business loans they had needed to start up …
thousands and thousands of people who needed help most went without …
tens of thousands of kids lost their place in head start programs …
and on and on and on …
so …
ted cruz and the entire republican party
you are our d-bag of the week award winner
and we salute you …
hip is everything salute

it couldn’t happen! … to a nicer person

michele bachmann new home by hip is everything
that diva of deception, distortion and duplicity herself has now become embroiled in her own “scandal” …
and all i can say is “it couldn’t happen! … to a nicer person” …
finally, after months, nay years, of gop ranting and roiling about the “scandal” that is washington we finally have a real scandal …
some real crimes to investigate …
finally a real case that shows the corruption in d.c. …
one with facts and stuff …
not the usual made up, overblown faux noise talking points and magical thinking that the pixie dust crowd on the far right is famous for and has been using for years to cover the fact that they have done everything they possibly can to thwart any and all efforts to make america a better and more equitable place to dwell …
not the same old billo the clown, hannity the manatee, rush limpballs blather, bloviating, bullshit and bluster that has become somehow mistaken for fact and “news” by the low information, “who needs truth?”, race-baiting, “facts schmacts” gang of idiots who dwell in baggerland u.s.a. …
of course, this will be treated as just “one more example” of  “the heathen liberal media” attacking some poor innocent on the right because she’s a christian or something like that, but facts is facts kids …
1. bitch be crazy …
2. she be crooked as a dog’s hind leg near a hydrant … and,
3. she got caught …
and yeah, the right will jump up and down screaming like banshees that this is somehow obama’s fault …
and, hannity the manatee and the idiots three at faux and fiends will no doubt run “expose” after lie filled “expose” on how this is just one more example of why and how the president hates america, and is desperately and ruthlessly trying to destroy it …
they’ll probably even find some incoherent, obtuse, bizarre way to tie his daughters and wife michelle into the mix somehow …
glenn beck and alex jones will probably completely lose what little is left of their fear and loathing addled minds and scream (and in the case of the beckster, weep) that this is an elitist, illuminati inspired new world order conspiracy to finally round up the “christians” and herd them into their final resting place deep inside some “fema run prison camp in northern montana” …
(aha!!! … this must be why the obama administration has been buying all those bullets, and why he “wants your guns!!!”)
i’m sure even failin’ palin will muster up one of her usual incoherent, word salad tweets that “she knew it all along” and that “this is PROOF that obama really is a socialist, fascist, communist, radical usurper and manchurian candidate from kenya who is out to turn america into a spiritual and religious wasteland ruled by muslim extremism inspired rhetoric and sharia law” …
and no doubt she’ll misspell at least 5 or 6 words in that tweet …
donald trump and his  “pseudo-hair that is blown by unseen winds” may even manage to muster up an appearance or two over at faux noise and demand the president’s driving records or something …
it should be quite the spectacle for the next few weeks …
and hopefully, when all is said and done, and when all the pissing, moaning, mewling and puking is finally done on the right, justice will truly prevail and old crazy eyes will be indicted …
hoisted on her own petard …
that would be justice …
a case of the old “her dogma got run over by her own karma” thing …
fingers crossed …
now imma go get me some popcorn and a cold drink …
this should be good …

FBI has now been given sworn testimony and documents alleging Bachmann approved secret payments
While Congresswoman Michele Bachmann was announcing her retirement to much fanfare in the media, according to information given exclusively to Take Action News, the FBI was busy collecting potentially damaging evidence against her from two former campaign aides.
According to sources close to the criminal investigation of Bachmann’s presidential campaign, the FBI has now been given sworn testimony and documents alleging Bachmann approved secret payments to Iowa state Senator Kent Sorenson in exchange for his help and support in that state’s 2012 Presidential caucuses. Ethics rules explicitly prohibit Iowa lawmakers from accepting payments from Presidential campaigns or PACs. Investigation sources tell Take Action News the FBI is examining money laundering allegations against Bachmann, as well as possible wire fraud and mail fraud.
As detailed on nationally syndicated radio and YouTube show Take Action News this past Saturday, the key claims against Bachmann are coming from two of her former campaign insiders — former Congressional chief of staff Andy Parrish and former national field coordinator Pete Waldron. Waldron has filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission, alleging the payments to State Senator Sorenson were improper. Parrish has provided an affidavit to investigators, confirming Bachmann knew of and approved the payments.
read more here …

d-bag of the week … the mistress of malice

d-bag of the week by hip is everything


well, it’s that time again, we’ve had another week chock bloody full of scheming, lying politicians, incoherent, ass kissing, dog whistle blowing, windbag broadcasters and pointless, prevaricating pontificators, and it’s time to answer the question that needs to be answered kids …
just who took their act to the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the slimiest of the slimy? …
who was the king or queen of douchebaggery in the last seven days? …
a week that was full of some of the slimiest, sleaziest, slithering, scuzzball serpents the world of partisan politics, religion and big business has to offer …
and this week was as bad as every other lately, the norm these days it seems, with more than it’s fair share of douche bag dancing, mendacious manoeuvres, sleaze-ball slithering and out and out treasonous and treacherous tantrums, especially by the so-called “family values” gang over on the right and their bat shit crazy, ideology and greed driven proponents …
it was another doucherocketpalooza on the right this week what with tony perkins and pat fagan over at the family research council claiming that the Eisenstadt v. Baird, the 1972 case that overturned a massachusetts law banning the distribution of contraceptives to unmarried people, may rank “as the single most destructive decision in the history of the Court.”
and that the supreme court decision was wrong because it effectively meant that “single people have the right to engage in sexual intercourse.” and rounding out the douchebaggery by saying that “Society never gave young people that right, functioning societies don’t do that, they stop it, they punish it, they corral people, they shame people, they do whatever” …
there was paul the lyin’ ryan spouting his usual ayn randian drivel while attacking obamacare with
“This is something we will not give up on because we are not going to give up on destroying the health care system for the American people.”
even alaskan barbie, the meth queen look-a-like herself surfaced and jumped on the “i wanna be relevant” bandwagon with the announcement of a new book someone is going to write for her extolling the palin views on the “real american christmas” … can’t wait, i got new crayons and i’m just dying to try ‘em out …
the tsa even took a shot at this week’s d-bag honors with it’s announcement of it’s newest policy
allowing passengers to carry small knives and sports equipment like souvenir baseball bats and golf clubs onto planes …
and this week’s big event over there in bat shit crazy land is just getting under way with the latest edition of the Crazy People Are Coming (cpac) convention, rolling out donald gasbags trump, ted “joe mccarthy is my hero” cruz, marco “vote for me because i have an o at the end of my name” rubio, snitch “the turtle” mcconnell, sarah “the failin’ palin”, paul “the lyin’” ryan and wayne “bloodsoaked” lapierre …
and you just know that that clown car wreck is going to produce some of the year’s finest asshat remarks before it’s over …
but still, it wan a golden oldie d-bag extraordinaire that takes our top honors this week …
so …
without further ado …
ladies and gentlemen …
the envelope please …
our latest winner …
of the sometimes coveted, always deserved …
golden d-bag award
drum roll please …
and the winner is …
the never sublime, always sub-slime …
ann “i just hate everyone” coulter …

ann coulter by hip is everythingFox Nation Swoons Over Coulter’s Attack On Feinstein

Posted by Ellen @ newshounds
Two-time voter-fraud suspect Ann Coulter went on the Hannity show last night to comment on Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s smack down of Sen. Ted Cruz  on gun regulation.
Coulter surely knew why she was there and was prepared with one of her “witticisms,” almost certainly pre-planned and designed for maximum hate-monger and shock value: “I used to think women should not be able to vote and now I think liberal women should not be able to hold office.”
Laughably, Coulter – who for years has been mocked as a
transvestite or transgender – also said that she wasn’t talking only about women in the “biological sense.” So how did “civil” and “tolerant” Fox Nation react? By slobbering over Coulter and, as usual, ignoring her voting history.
Can you imagine a Fox Nation headline relishing Michael Moore “destroying” Ted Cruz? Or Rachel Maddow “destroying” Sen. Cruz? As it happens, she did. But I couldn’t find anything on “fair and balanced” Fox Nation about it.
If only Coulter were as careful about her voting as she is about her invective – that is, assuming her “mistakes” were not intentional.
If you’re in the mood for Coulter’s over-50 year-old childishness, you can watch the segment here.

ann “i just hate everyone” coulter …
golden d-bag award winner for this week …
hip is everything salute
annie, you tired, sad, hateful media-whore …
we salute you!

new tome due out from the “grifta from wasilla”

Sarah Palin to write Christmas book
Source: USA Today
Sarah Palin is writing another book, this one focused on putting faith and values back into Christmas.
The former GOP vice presidential candidate is writing A Happy Holiday IS a Merry Christmas, in which she’ll focus on Christian values and criticize the “over-commercialism” and “homogenization” that have come to define the day. The Associated Press says the book will come out in November.
“Amidst the fragility of this politically correct era, it is imperative that we stand up for our beliefs before the element of faith in a glorious and traditional holiday like Christmas is marginalized and ignored,” Palin said in a statement released by her publisher, HarperCollins.
She said the book will be “fun, festive” and “thought provoking.” It will “encourage all to see what is possible when we unite in defense of our faith and ignore the politically correct Scrooges who would rather take Christ out of Christmas.”
read more here …
and nothing says christmas like using christ’s name to hock your product …
let’s just hope the book is written on paper is soft, strong and fluffy and that the pages are easy to tear out …
maybe they could just just print it on a roll in a nice convenient width …
sarah palin getting paid to write a book on the beauty of christmas is kinda like jeffrey dahmer getting paid to write a “company’s coming” cook book …
plus, don’t ya’ think you should have to read one before you write one? …
just sayin’ …

also coming soon
the palin meth diet by hip is everything

other books by sarah …
you might as well read ‘em, because she hasn’t …
palin_dummies1     going-rouge-small

sarah fiction    failin palin by hip is everything

ass clown of the month … bat shit crazy is as bat shit crazy says …

ass clown of the month by hip is everything
it’s been a truly huge month for ass clowns, doucherockets and all ‘round right wing bloviators and bullshitters this month, so instead of just leaving you with my choice for ass clown of the month for february, i’ve decide to give you all just a small sampling of my personal faves and let you, the reader decide who the real winner is …

Pat Robertson Says Demons Could Attach Themselves to Clothes from Goodwill
bat shit crazy by hip is everythingOn Monday’s 700 Club, a viewer named ‘Carrie’ asked televangelist Pat Robertson if she should bless clothing purchases from Goodwill before bringing them home because her mother said that demons could “attach themselves to material items” (video below).
According to, Robertson recalled a story of a girl from the Philippines who went to Thailand and “a witch who had prayed over a particular ring and asked for a spirit to come into it, and this Philippine girl was so attached to this ring, she had to buy it and all hell broke loose because she finally recognized what it was.”
Robertson said that when the girl bought the ring and came back to the Philippines “all hell broke loose.”
“Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects? The answer is yes,” Robertson said, without citing a verse in the bible as back up. “But I don’t think that every sweater you get from Goodwill has demons in it.”
Robertson said the viewer’s mother was being “super cautious” and added: “Hey, it ain’t going to hurt anything to rebuke any spirits that happened to have attached themselves to those clothes.”
If the witch/ring story sounds a bit familiar, there is a witch named ‘Maleficent’ in the Disney animated film ‘Sleeping Beauty,’ who appears as a tall, slender, pale green-skinned woman who wears a gold ring with a large mysterious circular black stone in it.

Sarah Palin: Feds Are Stockpiling Bullets For Civil Unrest
palin the whining by hip is everythingFormer Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin has warned that the federal government is “stockpiling bullets” in preparation for “civil unrest,” adding that America is “finished” if it cannot deal with its debt problem.
Writing on her official Facebook page, Palin remarked, “If we are going to wet our proverbial pants over 0.3% in annual spending cuts when we’re running up trillion dollar annual deficits, then we’re done. Put a fork in us. We’re finished. We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest.”
The post achieved nearly 12,000 ‘shares,’ attracting nearly 60,000 ‘likes’ and over 4500 comments.
Palin – who wrote on her Facebook page on Tuesday, “We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest” – joins conservatives Alex Jones of, who wrote about the ammo buy last year, and radio host Mark Levin, who said on his radio program earlier this month that the government is “arming up” because society is “unraveling.”
“Law enforcement and national security agencies — they play out multiple scenarios. They simulate multiple scenarios. I’ll tell you what I think they’re simulating: the collapse of our financial system, the collapse of our society and the potential for widespread violence, looting, killing in the streets, because that’s what happens when an economy collapses,” Levin said on his radio program.

read more here …

faux noise
Fox Asks: ‘Second American Revolution On The Horizon?’
Last night’s Justice with Judge Jeanine Jeanine took Fox’s fear mongering about gun regulations to a whole new level when it promoted the comments of Wisconsin sheriff David Clarke, Jr. He recently “assured” citizens that he would never enforce any Obama-administration order to seize their guns because that would bring on “the second coming of an American Revolution, the likes of which would make the first revolution pale by comparison.” Rather than point out that President Obama has not proposed any such order, Jeanine Pirro opened the segment with a cover of the Beatles’ song, “Revolution.” called the segment, “Second American Revolution on the horizon?” Then Pirro went on to suggest that any new gun laws could lead to a second American Revolution.
read more here …

and i couldn’t let our list o’ insanity end without this truly deserving candidate …
she’s a graduate of the “oily taintz school of crazy-eyed public speaking” …
she makes michele bachmann look sane and empathetic, and ann coulter look well read, calm and fair …
not to mention she’s about as dumb as a bag of rocks …
ladies and gentlemen …
ms. elois zeanah …

about that quote she cites as hitler’s …
the quote she cites was not his …
it actually comes from the writings of baltasar gracian, a spanish jesuit scholar who lived from 1601 till 1658 … she doesn’t have the wording right either …
in fact the quote is translated as:
“give me the child for seven years, and i will give you the man.”
typical tea party gibberish …
just say whatever you think will sound good to the other wingnuts …
oh yeah, and always find a way to equate president obama with hitler …

mr boehner … you lie!

enough gop lies about health care … here’s the facts
i’ve had it up to here with the constant fear mongering tactics employed by the gop and their cohorts when it comes to health care, and it looks like mr boehner and his idiot friends are starting it all up again with the new “fiscal cliff” talks… …
especially the bullshit they like to peddle about how it works elsewhere …
i personally have spent a good chunk of my life living in canada, and to put it in terms that even the low information faux noise watchers and the gop ditto-heads can understand:
the health care system in canada fucking rocks …
there are NO line-ups …
no-one has EVER told me which doctor i have to see …
the health care AND the outcomes are world class (far! better than in the usa) …
the government has NEVER once stood “between me and my doctor” …
there are NO fucking death panels …
prescription drugs are affordable by all …
that’s why americans keep coming across the border to buy ‘em …
and, the government is NOT going broke, in any way, providing health care benefits …
so, to the gop and their buds i say …
in the immortal words of joe wilson
fuck you, you lie! …
wouldn’t it be nice if american health care was at least as good as say, brunei’s, or kuwait’s, or slovenia’s, or the united arab emirate’s systems? …
or even malta’s or morocco’s systems …
surely mr boehner,  americans deserve at least that …
just sayin’ …

john quixote by hip is everything
Countries with Universal Healthcare

Country / Start Date of Universal Health Care / System Type

Click links for more source material on each country’s health care system.

Norway / 1912 / Single Payer

New Zealand / 1938 / Two Tier

Japan / 1938 / Single Payer

Germany / 1941 / Insurance Mandate

Belgium / 1945 / Insurance Mandate

United Kingdom / 1948 / Single Payer

Kuwait / 1950 / Single Payer

Sweden / 1955 / Single Payer

Bahrain / 1957 / Single Payer

Brunei / 1958 / Single Payer

Canada / 1966 / Single Payer

Netherlands / 1966 / Two-Tier

Austria / 1967 / Insurance Mandate

United Arab Emirates / 1971 / Single Payer

Finland / 1972 / Single Payer

Slovenia / 1972 / Single Payer

Denmark / 1973 / Two-Tier

Luxembourg / 1973 / Insurance Mandate

France / 1974 / Two-Tier

Australia / 1975 / Two Tier

Ireland / 1977 / Two-Tier

Italy / 1978 / Single Payer

Portugal / 1979 / Single Payer

Cyprus / 1980 / Single Payer

Greece / 1983 / Insurance Mandate

Spain / 1986 / Single Payer

South Korea / 1988 / Insurance Mandate

Iceland / 1990 / Single Payer

Hong Kong / 1993 / Two-Tier

Singapore / 1993 / Two-Tier

Switzerland / 1994 / Insurance Mandate

Israel / 1995 / Two-Tier

United States / 2014 / Insurance Mandate


list and map taken from lnc
click on map to see larger version …

 you should also take a look at the following article to see just how badly americans are getting screwed over when it comes to health care …
47 Depressing Facts About The Healthcare System That Will Make You Beg For Reform

and to mr. boehner and the other fox news inspired liars who keep insisting that the american system is “the best in the world”, here’s the facts that put that particular piece of bullshit to rest once and for all …

The World Health Organization’s ranking of the world’s health systems.
WHO World Health Report – See also Spreadsheet Details (731kb)
The World Health Organization’s ranking of the world’s health systems was last produced in 2000, and the WHO no longer produces such a ranking table, because of the complexity of the task.
See also:
Preventable Deaths By Country
See also: Healthy Life Expectancy By Country
See also: Health Performance Rank By Country
See also: Total Health Expenditure as % of GDP (2000-2005)
See also: Main Country Ranks Page

Rank      Country 
1         France
2         Italy
3         San Marino
4         Andorra
5         Malta
6         Singapore
7         Spain
8         Oman
9         Austria
10        Japan
11        Norway
12        Portugal
13        Monaco
14        Greece
15        Iceland
16        Luxembourg
17        Netherlands
18        United  Kingdom
19        Ireland
20        Switzerland
21        Belgium
22        Colombia
23        Sweden
24        Cyprus
25        Germany
26        Saudi Arabia
27        United  Arab  Emirates
28        Israel
29        Morocco
30        Canada
31        Finland
32        Australia
33        Chile
34        Denmark
35        Dominica
36        Costa Rica
37        United States of America 

someone please put this man out to pasture

d-bag alert by hip is everything

mccain from rolling stone magazineso, john mccain, the grumpiest, most bitter man alive, and his little buddy lindsey “lapdog” graham are now telling anyone who will listen that the benghazi incident is the biggest failure in american policy decisions since watergate, and that there should be a “watergate style” investigation into the matters …
really john? …
have you forgotten the lies you and your cronies told to drag america into illegal and immoral wars in afghanistan and iraq? …
how about the complete and utter recklessness, greed  and incompetence you and your buddies in the bush administration displayed in taking the economy into the worst nosedive since the great depression ? … oh yeah, i forgot …
the “economy was fundamentally sound” wasn’t it johnny? …
or how about the complete failure by the bush administration to heed the warnings of an attack on the united states prior to 911? …
then there was that whole “weapons of mass destruction” thing john …
and let’s not forget the complete incompetence you and your crew showed by naming a completely unqualified imbecile to be your vice presidential candidate …
have you forgotten “the alaskan barbie fiasco” already john? …
and i won’t even get into the whole “keating five” scandal here …
now you’re calling the president of the united states a liar, and saying that the ambassador to the united nations, susan rice, isn’t “very bright” …
really? …
are you fucking serious john, or is this just more of your jealousy of those who are smarter than you rearing it’s ugly head again? …
let’s just check off a couple of facts for you, you pathetic, war-mongering, tiny excuse for a man …
susan rice:
Rice attended Stanford University, where she received a Truman Scholarship, and graduated with a B.A. in history in 1986. She was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, Rice attended New College, Oxford, where she earned a M.Phil. in 1988 and D.Phil. in 1990. The Chatham House-British International Studies Association honored her dissertation titled "Commonwealth Initiative in Zimbabwe, 1979-1980: Implication for International Peacekeeping" as the UK’s most distinguished in international relations.
Rice was a foreign policy aide to Michael Dukakis during the 1988 presidential election. She was a management consultant at McKinsey & Company, the global management consulting firm, in the early 1990s.
Rice was a three-sport athlete, student council president, and valedictorian at National Cathedral School in Washington, D.C.
Rice serves on the boards of several organizations, including the National Democratic Institute, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, board of directors of the Atlantic Council,advisory board of Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University, the board of directors of the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (Bloomberg BNA). board of directors of Partnership for Public Service, the Beauvoir National Cathedral Elementary School, and past member of the Internews Network’s board of directors. She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Aspen Strategy Group.
and you john, were 894th out of a class of 899 at the naval academy …
and one of the worst pilots in your class …
plus you chose sarah palin to be your running mate in 2008 …
and you’re saying ms. rice is “not very bright” and “unqualified” …
oh the irony of it all john …
to even hear you utter the words “unqualified” and “not very bright” only goes to prove, yet again what an incompetent, bitter little man you truly are …
give this man the hook, he needs to be escorted off the stage …

McCain: Susan Rice "not qualified" to be Secretary of State after Benghazi

(CBS News) U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice has been floated this week as a possible replacement for Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, McCain has vowed to try to block her nomination based on her statements following the consulate attack. Wednesday on "CBS This Morning," McCain sharply criticized Rice and Obama for their handling of the Benghazi attack.
McCain reiterated that he is primarily concerned with the "loss of four American lives in Benghazi" on September 11 and "the president not telling the truth about what happened there and what he knew and when he knew it." McCain is pushing for a select committee to investigate the administration’s handling of the attack in Libya, to "get to the bottom of this, because the American people deserve the truth."
He defended his pledge to block Susan Rice’s confirmation if President Obama nominates her as the next Secretary of State, insisting that "she’s not qualified" and criticizing her for asserting the attack was spontaneous in media appearances following the attack.
While McCain was open to the possibility that a select investigative committee could clear of Rice of "misleading the American people," and allowed that the president and Secretary of State Clinton held responsibility in the matter as well, he continued his sharply worded attack.
Referring to Rice, he said she was at a minimum, guilty of "not being very bright, because it was obvious that this was not a ‘flash mob’ and there was additional information by the time she went on every news show…in America."
Turning to the turmoil surrounding now-retired CIA director David Petraeus, McCain said, "He’s a soldier, he’s a man who understands the responsibilities of office…he is the finest combination of intellect and leadership in American military that I have ever known."
(he just doesn’t have the common sense to keep his fly zipped up, right john?)
– mccain pic from rolling stone magazine …


to the gop: enough “job creator” bullshit!

hip is everything saluteto john of orange boehner, snitch mcconnell, cantor the ranter, hannity the manatee, glenn dreck, bellows the clown o’reilly, ann the coultergeist, faux noise,  paul the lyin’ ryan, matt sludge, bret the weasel baier, donald dump, sister sarah failin’ and all of the other lying, treasonous assholes on the right who have been spewing this “job creator bullshit” …



d-bag of the week … god’s intentions

d-bag of the week by hip is everything


well kids, it was another fucking bat shit crazy week on the right …
between the gop “rape squad”, the constant flipping and flopping by mittens and the latest caterwauling over at faux noise about “romney’s surge with women” it was starting to feel a little like doing tequila shooters after dropping some orange sunshine while smoking crack at a justin beiber concert, and while that may sound like some good clean fun, it wasn’t … at all …
although i’m guessing that the beiber show scenario might be more enjoyable, and without any doubt, at least more sane …

we had romney and paul “the lyin’” ryan running around the country telling anyone who would listen that they were pulling ahead in their “run for the white house” and that the polls were all wrong, they were “surging” …
and john “the bloviator” sununu railing on about how the only reason that colin powell endorsed president obama was because “he’s black” …
even john “i’m a war hero damnit, get off my lawn!” mccain got his old man panties in a giant fuckin’ knot over the endorsement, once again proving that he is america;’s most bitter old man …
there was sarah the wailin’ palin blowing her best “dog whistle” with her facebook post claiming that obama was “shucking and jiving” and lying about the benghazi incident in which four americans lost their lives … typical “low info” sarah shit …
this woman will do anything for attention …
bitch be crazy …
donald “gasbags” trump with his best urine coloured pompadour rug on, getting all puffed up and making his “offer of the century”, offering obama five million bucks towards a charity of the prez’s choice if he will only give trump his passport, school and birth records …
please (insert deity of yer’ choosing here), make him stop … now … although i thought that colbert’s offer of a million bucks for a trump chosen charity if the dumpster would just say ahhh and let steve dangle his balls in trump’s mouth …
awesome move steve-o, talk about yer’ teabagger moment …
c’mon donald, do it for the kids …
and who could forget ann coulter’s “the president is a retard” moment? …
pure, classic coulter …
the apoplectic anorexic from faux noise really outdid herself this time, taking her usual douchebaggery and hateful diatribes to an all time low …
then we have the “romney perjures himself in a divorce case” news breaking thanks to gloria allred, and now that the judge has unsealed the documents and testimony it should make for some great reading for everyone over the weekend …
stay tuned on that one folks …
or how about mittens appearing at last night’s fund raiser hosted by those bastions of bullshit, bloviating and bigotry, lil’ dick cheney, glenn dreck and paul “the marathon man” ryan himself? …
that must have been a real “wangsters paradise”  …
although, to be completely honest with y’all, i’d still pick the “beiber scenario” over spending a couple of hours listening to these grifters …
oh, and lest we forget …
there was a debate between romney and president obama, although with mitt’s flip, flop and lie routine it was more like “romney endorses obama for president night” …
truly bizarre, to say the least …
i particularly loved the “ we have less bayonets and horses too” comment by obama, with romney’s “syria is iran’s path to the sea” coming a close second …
like i said, it was quite the surreal and unreal extravaganza …
quite the fucking week, just chock full of lunacy, idiocy and mendacity indeed …
a real douchebagapalooza from the right …
a week that was as bad, if not worse, than every other lately,  with more than it’s fair share of douche bag dancing, mendacious manoeuvres, sleaze-ball slithering and out and out treasonous and treacherous tantrums …
o, just who took their act to the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the slimiest of the slimy? …
who was the king or queen of douchebaggery in the last seven days? …
a week that was full of some of the slimiest, sleaziest, slithering, scuzzball serpents the world of partisan politics, religion and big business has to offer …

so without further ado …
ladies and gentlemen …
the envelope please …

our latest winner …
of the sometimes coveted, always deserved …

golden d-bag award

and this weeks award goes to …
drum roll please …

that misinformed miscreant and malignant master of misogyny …
a raging, regressive, reprobate from the right  …
an insignificant instigator of intolerance, ignorance and insensitivity …
he’s lower than a rock slug’s belly…
more fake than the trumpster’s hair of the week. …
more condescending than ann romney at a gathering of “the help” …
he makes “despicable” seem like a lofty goal…
that disgustingly detestable darling of the defiantly disreputable … 
another condescending, contemptuous cockhead of conservatism …
richard “rape is god’s intention” mourdock …

this is the sick and twisted logic of the gop today …
they want to be free of the government but want to regulate a woman’s body …
they say they believe in the sanctity of life, yet they believe in capital punishment and more war …
they want women to have babies no matter what the situation, and not abortions, but yet they want to cut welfare and all other social safety net programs …

richard “rape is god’s intention” mourdock …
this week’s  golden d-bag award  winner …

and here’s the rest of the gop “rape squad” doing their thing …

mind boggling and nauseating to realize that these folks are voting on the laws of the land isn’t it? …

romney to ryan: stfu!

this is starting to look a lot like john “if you elect me, i’ll tell ya’ where bin laden is” mcgrumpypants and sarah “word salad” failin’ back in 2008 …
the campaign stressing their
“if we tell you what we’ll do, then we’ll lose!” strategy, has told paul “ayn” ruin to just stfu and start talking about the outdoors and milking cows and shit …
as romney’s own spokesman inferred just the other day to the press that
“it would be political suicide for us to give real details”
so, let me get this all straight …
it’s off limits to talk about his religion (believe me, if a catholic bishop was running, the press would be all over him demanding to know why he thought his views wouldn’t affect his presidential decisions), it’s off limits to talk about his time at bain (wasn’t this d-bag touting that as the MAIN reason people should vote to elect him?), it’s off limits to talk about his secret tax returns (ann said so), it’s off limits to talk about his time at the salt lake city olympics (maybe the most corruption laden games in the history of olympic games), or the fact that he was a paid lobbyist while working there, it’s off limits to ask him about his “residency issues” while he was running for governor in massachusetts, the car elevators are definitely off limits, and it’s way, way off limits to ask him or paul ruin for any details about anything they might do while in office should the sun refuse to shine, monkeys rule the earth, and they’re actually elected …
so, what the fuck can we ask these two clowns about then? …
the “focused group tested” rolled up sleeves and mom jeans they like to don when they’re trying to look like “you people”? …
or maybe that extremely telling and irritating nervous chuckle he emits every time he gets caught lying or is stumped by those pesky facts thingys (in poker that’s called a tell mittwit – don’t! play poker dude) …
or, maybe we’re supposed to talk about their haircuts? …
oh yeah, mittens doesn’t wanna talk about “haircuts” either …
jesus h. christ, what a team …
it’s like some kinda james bond 007 thing …
romney, mittens romney, agent double-O-zero …
”everybody, sshh!!” …


romney-ryan stfu by hip is everything

Ryan Directed To Avoid Real Issues, Stress ‘Love Of The Outdoors’

Mitt Romney wants running mate Paul Ryan to play it safe.

Ryan, the nation’s most controversial budget architect, is often described as the intellectual leader of the House Republican caucus. But Romney’s presidential campaign headquarters in Boston seems, for now, to prefer that the 42-year-old father of three talks about camping and milking cows instead of the fiscal proposals that made him a conservative hero.

Ryan, who wrote a plan to overhaul Medicare as chairman of the House Budget Committee, did not use the word "Medicare" with voters over the first four days as the vice presidential candidate. When he finally touched on the health care insurance program for seniors, he did so only in broad strokes after Romney himself first outlined the campaign’s talking points.

"We will not duck the tough issues," Ryan said Friday in Virginia. "We will lead."

But Ryan has been directed to avoid taking questions from reporters who travel with him, and to agree only to a few carefully selected interviews. Some of the Republican Party’s most passionate voters see it a different way. Reluctant to support Romney during the GOP primary, they favor Ryan and his ideas more than the former Massachusetts governor who will head the party’s ticket.

Romney hopes that Ryan’s conservative credentials and his boyish enthusiasm will help him solidify support from the base of his party and close the "likability gap" with President Barack Obama, who remains relatively popular in spite of the nation’s struggling economy.

Yet Romney does not want Ryan’s plans to overshadow his own candidacy.

Romney’s team remembers well the problems caused by running mates who may have been trusted prematurely to play a prominent role in a presidential race – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in 2008 and Sen. Dan Quayle in 1988, among them.

Instead, Ryan is being encouraged to discuss his young children, his working-class background and his love of the outdoors as the American people get to know him.

"Let’s play stump the running mate later. Right now I want to enjoy the fair," Ryan said when asked about Medicare at the Iowa State Fair.

"We do cow-milking contests in Wisconsin," he continued. "I usually lose to a 17-year-old woman who grew up on a dairy farm, who’s wearing like a sash and tiara."

from huffington post

romney-ryan stfu 2 by hip is everything