Still Empty After All These Years

sooo empty …

The new MTG bio drops any time now …

there aren’t enough LOLs or ‘FAKE NEWS’ warnings  to cover this puppy off …

“Spew baby, spew!”


Word Salad … the “Holy Toledo” Edition

word salad with dim donnie 2 scoops

word sal·ad
noun:  word salad
a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases, specifically (in psychiatry) as a form of speech indicative of advanced schizophrenia.

Some moron pretending to be … oh, wait, nope, it IS the so-called president speaking here ..
giving another of his Sycophants R UsR News “interviews” …

Well, we have to have a position where we can do what we have to do, if we have to do it. So, we’re talking right now to Congress. We’re negotiating with a lot of different people. But we have to keep that presidential power. You have to be able to make a decision, I mean literally, sometimes, on a second, on a dime’s notice. So, we’ll be seeing what’s going on, I think we’re getting some very good … (trails off)

I mean, they — long — he’s been there for a long time, 20 years, probably more than that. Killed a lot of people, killed a lot of Americans. His big thing was roadside bombs, he loved them, and we have so many young men and women walking around without legs
It expires very soon. I mean, if it was to run out — we terminated it, but it expires very soon. You need a lot of length, as the countries, you know, we’re talking about is not — you’re not renting to a candy store in a shopping center, and so what happened is, I terminated it, and I think we’re making a lot of progress.

Interviewer: You said yesterday, you told the American public, that you believe the military threat had lessened. Iran was standing down, and with that, we’re still now getting warnings from Homeland Security, that the cyber threat is up.

Well, it’s a great question. Cyber is a whole new thing. It’s a whole new field. We have some tremendous people. We’re better at cyber than anybody else in the world. But we weren’t really using that power, that intellect, on cyber. We weren’t doing it, and now we are, and we have — I have — incredible people in charge of cyber. If we ever get hit, we’ll hit very hard. We’ll be able to hit very hard But it’s a new form of war — warfare, and I think we have it very well under control.

Oh Jesus, take me now.
What? you don’t take atheists?
I gotta stay here and listen to this idiot’s crap?
Aarrrgghhh …. fuck!

Moron Moments With Fat Donnie Two Scoops

Moron Moments


2 parts moron
2 parts illiterate old man
4 parts clueless and confused
65 LBs KFC Extra Crunchy
2-50 gallon drums of  ‘Vlad’s Extra Strength Spray Tan (Shit-stained Pumpkin #45)
Innumerable Diet Cokes
More than a little bloviating dementia
Several large scoops of sexual assault, rape and incestuous ‘shroom pounding.
Mix well and spew

Word Salad … the “Where’s the fuckin’ doors?” Edition


On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I really, really don’t remember him ever having a good day…
Anyways, here’s your word salad for today …

Ladies and gentlemen … the Resident of the United States and Y’all Qaeda leader  …
your commander in thief …
the wankspangled hate mango …
the Glorious Leader, Sum Dim Phuc. …

Will you please put your hands together for …Dimmmmm … Donnie … McFuckersonnn!

Take it away dotard …

“I didn’t think secret service was — we have seen how illegal immigration — people say that it is archaic and they don’t work. In reality, people say that it is archaic. People say that they don’t work. What the chief just explained, those walls do in fact work. Frankly, and i appreciate the congressmen who are here, because i know they support your agenda. For those congressmen who want to be obstructionists, if they are not going to be part of the solution, at least get out of the way. Let your administration do what needs to be done. “

And if that ain’t enough bloviating, blather and bullshit for Y’all we have this little gem …
(one of my recent personal faves)

We have a stretch along the Rio Grande. You people know exactly where I’m talking about. It’s about 38 miles. Done by both previous administrations. It was set up then as a combination of one going into the other. It’s a wall, not a good-looking wall. It’s a wall. It has 36 big doors in it. They never put the doors in. It has 36 doors you can drive a truck through. They never put the doors on it. We are putting the doors on it, or even better, maybe not putting any doors. Maybe you do it without the doors. I would rather give the money to the property and just say bye-bye or sell it to somebody on the other side. We are literally putting the doors on. What’s the property worth on the other side? Much for — less than the doors. These doors need hydraulics because they are so heavy, which is ridiculous in itself. That’s the kind of thinking that went into it. We are filling up those gaping wounds in this wall. It’s going to have a big effect. You know exactly the area I’m talking about. A wall and big holes in it. A lot of good things are happening. Thank you very much. And you are right about that. It goes into Iowa and Idaho and New Hampshire. It’s not the border. It is the border, then they come in, and you end up in places that you would never think of, of the kind of crime we see. It comes right through this border. It starts right here. That’s why if we stop them at the southern border of Mexico, which right now Mexico is doing, that will be a fantastic thing. It’s never been before. Nobody has ever seen anything like it. All of a sudden, Mexico is doing terrifically. They have to, because you’ve all seen. It would be a very profitable situation. If it doesn’t work, which it will, we will close the border. I don’t think it will take a year. It will take the day. A lot of fake news. The tariffs will work, number one. What will work really work is closing the border. We hope we don’t have to do that. The security of our nation is the most important thing. We are not even talking about the drugs, the massive amount of drugs that poor through –pours through. We have done a tremendous job on drugs coming into the country. We are having a news conference next week at the white house on the impact that we’ve had between opioid and all of the other problems we’ve had with drugs, different drugs we’ve had 10, 15, 20 years ago, but also the drugs coming in through the border.

Good <insert deity of yer’ choice here> above, take me fuckin’ now!

I gotta say Mabel, that Trump kid just ain’t right in the head ya’ know …

NOTE: Everybody likes to scream at the GOP for this mess, and they are complicit up to their traitorous little necks, but we can’t forget Dim Donnie’s family. Ivanka, Gums, Traitor Tot, listen up. If you little grifter skanks had ANY fucking morals in you at all, you’d do the right thing and get daddy medical help. Now. He’s obviously failing mentally at an ever quickening rate and decent people would get him help. Oh wait, I said decent … never mind … you wouldn’t get it.





trump-store_ask 4 ivanka


Word Salad … The “Chucky Sleaze Edition”


On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I really, really don’t remember his last good day …
Anyways, here’s your word salad for today …

Ladies and gentlemen … the Resident of the United States … your commander in thief … the wankspangled hate mango … the Glorious Leader, Sum Dim Phuc …
THIS was his day …

Take it away Fat Donnie Two-Scoops …

I have no idea. No collusion. No collusion. I have no idea when it’s going to be released. It’s interesting that a man gets appointed by a deputy, he writes a report, uh, you know, never figured that one out. Man gets appointed by a deputy, he writes a report. I had the greatest electoral victory, one of them, in the history of our country. Tremendous success. Tens of millions of voters. And now somebody’s going to write a report who never got a vote.
I don’t mind. Frankly, told the House, if you want, let them see it. Again I say, a deputy, because of the fact that the attorney general didn’t have the courage to do it himself, a deputy that’s appointed appoints another man to write a report. I just won an election with 63 million votes or so, 63 million. I had 206-223 in the electoral college, saying to myself, wait a minute, I just won one of the greatest victories in the electoral college, even you will admit that, and now I have somebody writing a report that never got a report? It’s called the Mueller report.

Well, you better love me; I kept this place open, that I can tell you. They said, “We’re closing it.”  And I said, “No, we’re not.”  And now you’re doing record business.
And this is some tank plant.
I want to get into them but then I remember when a man named Dukakis got into a tank. And I remember him; he tanked when he got into the tank. He tanked — I never saw anybody tank like that.  So I said, maybe I’ll — but I’m a little bigger than him; I think it probably would work out okay.  How would I look in a tank?  Okay? Yeah, not bad. Not bad.  The helmet was bigger than he was. That was not good.

After so many years of budget cuts and layoffs, today, jobs are coming back and pouring back, frankly, like never before.
And the awesome M1 Abrams tank is once again thundering down the assembly line. A-1.
In fact, ISIS — let me tell you about ISIS.  They’re not doing so well.  You know, we took over the caliphate.  You’ll see it tonight.  When I came in, it was a mess.  Where the hell is that chart? Folks, they gave me all economic charts.  They didn’t give me the ISIS chart.  But if you did — bring it up if anybody has it.  Bring it up.  When I took over, it was a mess.  They were all over the place.  All over the — all over Syria and Iraq.  And you’d see it was a sea of red.  And now you look at it and there’s no red.  No red. And you look at some of the economic numbers; nobody thought we’d ever see numbers like that in our country — not a for a long time, not for ever.  And what we’re doing has been incredible.

America does not need conflict.  But if conflict comes, and you know the story — you’ve got to be strong if conflict comes — we will dominate the battlefield, and we will win, win, win.  We’re now set up to win, win, win. When I came in, we had some big problems.  You look at what we’ve done on so many fronts.  And we actually have better relationships.  They respect our country more than they’ve ever respected it.  Our country is respected again.  The United States is respected again.

This chart is a beauty.  This is “Venture Capital Deals Surged Following the Passage of” — really, the election — rising nearly $17 billion.  You know what that means.  So here’s your charts — going along — and here’s us.  See the red line there?  It’s like a rocket ship. Can you see that?  It’s small but cheap — and it gets the point across, right? A couple of other things — because I think this report is incredible.  So these are “Workers Coming Off the Sidelines,” and now it’s just — this is just partially.  So, the blue.  The blue.  The red.  That’s a big difference.  That’s a tremendous difference.  The most in many, many years. And everyone said, “You couldn’t do it, couldn’t bring back manufacturing jobs.”  Remember?  “You’d need a magic wand.”  We’re bringing them back beyond anybody’s expectations.

And you have something else that’s happening.  If you don’t like working here — and you all do — and I don’t want to lose anybody.  And who the hell would want to leave this place?  This is what you call a great — a great place to work. But if for any reason — if for any reason you did, you can pick out six, seven, eight other jobs.  In other words, you can finally have a job that you really like, where you like getting up in the morning.  I do.  I do, even though I have the fake news hounding me all the time. The fake and phony and corrupt.  It’s fake.  It’s corrupt.  But we got to live with it, right?  Got to live with it.

And the world economy — the world economy is not good.  And frankly, if the world economy were good, that would be, in a way, good for us.  So we’re fighting there.  We’re bucking.  Europe is down, Asia is down — a lot of places.  Almost every place is down.  Except the United States is up.  And we’re way up.  And just think of what that would be.  The world goes up; we go up with the world.  The world is down, but we still go up.  Something is happening.  That wouldn’t happen under Barack Obama, that I can tell you.  It wouldn’t happen under Crooked Hillary Clinton.

You know, the nice part about running for President this time, as opposed to last time — last time, you know, I said I was going to do it, but I didn’t do it.  But I said I was going to do it.  This time, I’ve done it far greater than I said I was going to do it.  So it’s going to be really easy on the debate stage when they hit me with nonsense and I say, “Really?  But African American unemployment — How do you top that in a debate?  What are they going to say?  “Uh, well, it could be better”?

and it all just sorta devolved from there …


And I never even got into his 6+ minute diatribe/whinefest on John McCain

Stupid and dangerous.

We’re all gunna die, aren’t we Mabel?
Fuck Trump!

word salad


On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I really, really don’t remember his last good day …
Anyways, here’s your word salad for today …

Ladies and gentlemen … the President of the United States … your commander in thief … the wankspangled hate mango … the Glorious Leader, Sum Dim Phuc …

Take it away Fat Donnie Two-scoops …
(taken from a New York Times interview)

on China:
”Well, we’re getting closer. It’s a big deal. It’s a big deal. And we’re going comprehensive. We’re not just — He announced that he was buying — today — a tremendous amount of soybeans and various farm products. It’s a very short period of time for a deal this big. But it’s very possible. But many of the points were agreed to. And some haven’t been. I believe that a lot of the biggest points are going to be agreed to by me and him. In other words, they’re just not going to be authorized to agree to certain things that you folks write about and read about — intellectual property and lots of other things. And I think that will be agreed to by me and him at the right time. Like when you make a big deal, or a big scoop, you have to approve that little thing. And I think they’re probably waiting, they’re waiting for me and him to sit down and agree on five points at the end, or 10 points at the end. You’re going to have intellectual property. You’re going to have theft, because so many things have been, in theory, done a little bit differently. And I think that in the end we’re going to have something that’s going to be very special, if it happens. I could have had a deal done, if I wanted to.”

“I don’t see it, because … so I just gave you a list of a lot of the things we’ve done. And this list isn’t even complete. I don’t even know if you have it. Just grab it. Reading material for the night. I’ve actually had, because they’ve done things that are artificial. So there’s been more of a burden on me than other presidents. Past presidents, yeah. I think for the most part, yeah, past presidents. I really believe, when I say that we’ve accomplished — when you look at that list.”

National security is very important and we’re fighting over — a very important element is the southern border. When we talk about drugs coming from China, the fentanyl — you look at the heroin and a lot of the other drugs, they come from — 90 percent, more than 90 percent — from right across the southern border. And unlike what the Democrats say, they don’t, you don’t bring trucks of drugs through the checkpoints. You bring trucks of drugs by making a right 20 miles, and a left into the country. They’re not bringing, you know, they bring massive amounts of drugs, and they do it because there’s no barrier, there’s no hardened wall that you can’t knock down with your breath. So, Maggie, here’s the bottom line: I love doing it. I don’t know if i should love doing it, but I love doing it. We just had a deal —and I was so looking forward to introducing you because it was very impressive. You know the whole — this room was totally, it was a sea of seats, we had the entire cabinet. They are very impressive people, and I had it all teed up and I said, “Where are they?” Right? I said, “Where the hell are they?”

“And ISIS — we almost have the caliphate 100 percent. What are you talking about?” Like ISIS has got — and I mean, I’m not, by the way — the defeat is an interesting word. Because you can say you have the caliphate, but you’re always going to have people that escape the caliphate and you’ll have people around. There’s nothing — but that doesn’t mean you’re going to keep your armies there and everything. Because you’re always going to have that. Somebody is going to walk into a store unfortunately.

So I wish you could have been here before. Because we had this whole side of the room with secretaries, every one of them. Sonny Perdue. Linda McMahon, big, a big sleeper, she’s phenomenal. Somebody said, she’s one of our best — you know and you don’t ever hear about her or anything. We had Mike Pompeo. We had all of our secretaries, many of our secretaries here, probably half of them. Now I do tell the story about driving down Pennsylvania Avenue, you know. Because I’d been in Washington probably 17 times in my life. And on the 18th time, I was president of the United States. And you know, Washington wasn’t really my place. And I didn’t know people. I didn’t know a lot of people. And I got — I put some people in that I wasn’t happy with and I put some people in that I was very happy with.

The mistake I made is on a couple of books, I never spoke to the people. When you don’t speak to the people, it’s impossible to get … Woodward was a mistake. And that was a mistake where they where I believe he did, he notified a number of people. I really want to speak to, I would have spoken to him in two seconds. But I didn’t speak to him and that was a mistake not speaking to him….And it was a mistake of my staff. [Turning to the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and saying:] You understand that? It was a mistake of my staff.”

on Roger Stone:

“He was not my consultant. But if you read the papers you know it’s like the media, it’s like but I’ve always liked him. He’s a character, and I’ll tell you what people respect what he said. Bearing false witness, etc. But yeah, people do respect what he said. Bear false witness. I will never testify against the president. He actually said at one time you know he’s said it numerous times, but I heard him say it one time he’s done a great job, he’s a great president, and I will not, you know, lie in order to people respect that so much. They respect that.”

“So let me tell you about about Trump Tower Moscow. This was a very unimportant deal. This was a very unimportant deal. No. 1. No. 2, this was a deal, the only thing you heard is through Rudy [Giuliani]. Is that what you heard? Through Rudy? Rudy was incorrect. No. 1, he was incorrect, and we’ve explained that, he was wrong. Rudy has been wrong. A little bit. But what has happened is this. I didn’t care. That deal was not important. It was essentially a letter of intent or an option. I’m not even sure that they had a site. And if you look at where that was sent to, that was a Michael Cohen thing. If you look, I always say, Why don’t you bring this up, to Jay Sekulow, good guy. I think it was sent to almost like a public address for Moscow. If you take a look at it. Take a good solid look. The original letter or something was sent. They didn’t even have anybody to send it to. I had no money invested. It was a letter of intent, or option. It was a free option. It was a nothing. And I wasn’t doing anything. I don’t consider that even business. And frankly, that wasn’t even on my radar. If you take a look at that, take a look at the deal. There was no money put up. There was no transfer. I don’t think they had a location. I’m not even sure if they had a location. Very interestingly, you know, George Washington ran his business. You can, I guess, you can go long beyond the election, if you wanted to. You know. But I didn’t do that. I have nothing. All I did was be a good candidate. Russia didn’t help me. Russia did not help me. There was no collusion. There was none of that. I was a good candidate. I did a good job. I won’t say whether she was a good candidate or not. I mean, the primary collusion was Hillary Clinton. If you take a look, Peter. I mean, look at that phony dossier. Some of that money, they say, went to Russia. [Tony] Podesta was involved with Russia. You look at the kind of relationships they had. They had real relationships with Russia. I had a potential, a deal that frankly wasn’t even a deal. It was literally — I viewed it as an option. But maybe it was called a letter of intent. Something like that.

dafuq full

Word Salad du jour


On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I really, really don’t remember his last good day …
Anyways, here’s your word salad for today …

Ladies and gentlemen … the President of the United States … your commander in thief … the wankspangled hate mango … the Glorious Leader, Sum Dim Phuc!

Take it away Fat Donnie Two-scoops …



Word salad: Sand and Death Edition


On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I really, really don’t remember his last good day …
Anyways, here’s your word salad for today …

Ladies and gentlemen … the President of the United States … your commander in thief … the wankspangled hate mango … the Glorious Leader, Sum Dim Phuc!

Take it away Fat Donnie Two-scoops …

On Syria: “Syria was lost long ago. Look, we don’t want Syria. We’re talking about sand and death. We’re not talking about vast wealth. We’re talking about sand and death.”

“I had a meeting at the Pentagon with lots of generals. They were like from a movie. Better looking than Tom Cruise, & stronger. And I had more generals than I’ve ever seen, & we were at the bottom of this incredible room. I said, ‘this is greatest room I’ve ever seen.'”

“Look, first there was Afghanistan, and then Afghanistan went to Japan and got Godzilla, that’s why Russia lost. but Russia was right to be in Afghanistan, you have to fight Godzilla. if you don’t fight Godzilla, you look weak. I think everyone should have a Godzilla, but invisible”

“I kept sitting on the wrong side of the desk in the oval, so it told them, I said, why don’t you put a picture of me showing me which way I’m supposed to facing? and they did it and it worked. So now, they’re doing it everywhere. Its this kind of problem solving I bring to the table”

“How bad it is, how dangerous it is and why we need a wall. They know that. When they say the wall is immoral, then you have to do something about the Vatican because the Vatican has the biggest wall of them all.

“I think I would have been a good general, who knows?”

“I could be the most popular person in Europe- I could run for any office I wanted to- but I don’t want to.”

“There’s a reason why politicians & wealthy people build walls around their houses and their compounds. President Obama recently built a wall around his compound, there’s a reason for it & I don’t blame him” (There is NO wall around the Obama’s home)

On the shutdown: “Could be a long time, it could be quickly. Could be a long time. It’s too important a subject to walk away from. I was here on Christmas evening. I was all by myself in the White House. That’s a big, big house, except for the all guys on the lawn with machine guns. Nicest machine guns I’ve ever seen, I was waving to them. I’ve never seen so many guys with machine guns in my life. Secret service and military, these are great people and they don’t play games, they don’t like wave, they don’t even smile. But I was there all alone with the machine gunners and I felt very safe. I was hoping that maybe somebody would come back and negotiate, but they didn’t do that.”

“The wheel, the wall, some things never get old.”

and he is doing his word salad ranting in front of a glossy 24”x36” poster of himself as a Game of Thrones character because, well, why not?

Walls Work, Trump Says In Front Of Poster Parodying Show Based On Premise That They Don’t

Notice the eyes … window to the soul? … if so, No soul: confirmed.

Get thee to some meds grandpa!

We’re all gunna die aren’t we?


Word Salad du Jour – Donnie Two Scoops Rides Again


On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I don’t remember his last good day …
Anyways, here’s your word salad for today …

Ladies and gentlemen … the President of the United States … your commander in thief … the wankspangled hate mango … the Glorious Leader, Sum Dim Phuc!

Take it away Fat Donnie Two-scoops …

TRUMP: One of the problems that a lot of people like myself – we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers. You look at our air and our water, and it’s right now at a record clean. But when you look at China and you look at parts of Asia and when you look at South America, and when you look at many other places in this world, including Russia, including – just many other places – the air is incredibly dirty. And when you’re talking about an atmosphere, oceans are very small. And it blows over and it sails over. I mean, we take thousands of tons of garbage off our beaches all the time that comes over from Asia. It just flows right down the Pacific, it flows, and we say where does this come from. And it takes many people to start off with.

TRUMP: Number two, if you go back and if you look at articles, they talked about global freezing, they talked about at some point the planets could have freeze to death, then it’s going to die of heat exhaustion. There is movement in the atmosphere. There’s no question. As to whether or not it’s man-made and whether or not the effects that you’re talking about are there, I don’t see it – not nearly like it is. Do we want clean water? Absolutely. Do we want clean air to breathe? Absolutely. The fire in California, where I was, if you looked at the floor, the floor of the fire, they have trees that were fallen, they did no forest management, no forest maintenance, and you can light – you can take a match like this and light a tree trunk when that thing is laying there for more than 14 or 15 months. And it’s a massive problem in California.

TRUMP:  You go to other places where they have denser trees – it’s more dense, where the trees are more flammable – they don’t have forest fires like this, because they maintain. And it was very interesting, I was watching the firemen, and they’re raking brush – you know the tumbleweed and brush, and all this stuff that’s growing underneath. It’s on fire, and they’re raking it, working so hard, and they’re raking all this stuff. If that was raked in the beginning, there’d be nothing to catch on fire. It’s very interesting to see. A lot of the trees, they took tremendous burn at the bottom, but they didn’t catch on fire. The bottom is all burned but they didn’t catch on fire because they sucked the water, they’re wet. You need forest management, and they don’t have it.

Taken from an interview by The Washington Post’s Philip Rucker and Josh Dawsey

“Fuck me Mabel, that Trump kid just ain’t right in the head.”

Word Salad: “The Clothes Horses For Soros Conspiracy”


On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I don’t remember his last good day …
Anyways, here’s your word salad for today …

Ladies and gentlemen … the President of the United States … your commander in thief … the wankspangled hate mango … the Glorious Leader, Sum Dim Phuc!

Take it away Fat Donnie Two-scoops …

“The Republicans don’t win and that’s because of potentially illegal votes, When people get in line that have absolutely no right to vote and they go around in circles. Sometimes they go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again. Nobody takes anything. It’s really a disgrace what’s going on.”
”If you buy a box of cereal, you have a voter ID.”

“Fuck me Mabel, that kid just ain’t right in the head.”

Related …


Word Salad: The Health and Stability <cough> Edition


On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I don’t remember his last good day …
Anyways, here’s your word salad for today …

Ladies and gentlemen … the President of the United States … your commander in thief … the wankspangled hate mango.

Take it away Fat Donnie Two-scoops …

Trump: My health and stability will help GOP beat Democrats’ conflicting messages this November

Source: The Hill
“I think we’re going to do much better than anyone thinks because the economy is so good, and people do like the job I’m doing,” he continued.
Trump also said his personal health and management style were reasons that Republicans might do better than expected.
“You know, I took that test when I got my last physical, and the doctor said that’s one of the highest scores we’ve ever seen,” Trump said. “I did that not because I wanted but I did it, I was always good at testing.”
He continued: “But if there’s anything great about me it’s stability, and I’m a good manager. Always been a good manager, but you know, I have a vision,” he said, recounting a familiar narrative of his victory over a large Republican presidential primary field in 2016 that featured 17 candidates.
“The narrative, the different narratives, they’ve tried all different narratives. They’ve tried that, they tried, ‘he’s a dictator, he’s a fascist,'” he said. “One of them did, one of them did, ‘he’s losing it,’ and the next week they went into, ‘He’s the most brilliant mind. He’s taking over the country. He’s a fascist, he’s a dictator, and he’s gonna make the 8 years into life.’ OK.”
Read more: HERE

“Fuck me Mabel, that kid just ain’t right in the head.”

Word Salad – the Donnie Two-scoops Edition

word salad opening by hip is everything

On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I don’t remember the last good day …
Anyways, here’s your word salad for today …
This little gem is taken from his rally in Montana last night.

Ladies and gentlemen … the President of the United States … your commander in thief … the wankspangled hate mango.

Take it away Donnie Two-scoops …


facepalm_flesh_tone-nazz_thumbSeriously kids what. the. actual. fuck. is. he. talking. about?????
And then the asshole went on to mock the #metoo movement, but we’ll get to that later …
My brain hurts … Where’s that Tylenol?
”Fuck me Mabel, that kid just ain’t right in the head.”

Word Salad … The Global Warming Edition

word salad opening by hip is everything

On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I don’t remember the last good day …
Anyways, here’s your word salad for today …

Ladies and gentlemen … the President of the United States … your commander in thief … the wankspangled hate mango.

When Donnie Twoscoops was asked if he believed in climate change, this was his answer:

say what?

Word Salad: The Bragfest Edition

word salad opening by hip is everything

On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I don’t remember the last good day …
Anyways, here’s your word salad for today …
Ladies and gentlemen … the President of the United States …

Trump’s mega-rant about how he is the smartest and best at everything, as WSJ tries to ask him about Bannon, must be read to be believed …

Today’s Special: Word Salad with a Side of Invisibility

word salad opening by hip is everything

On a good day , it’s hard to tell what the fuck this guy is yakkin’ about, and I don’t remember the last good day …anyways, here’s your word salad for today … enjoy!
Ladies and gentlemen … the President of the United States …

invisible planes like in the movies

Facepalm_flesh_tone nazz

“Fuck me Mabel, that kid just ain’t right in the head.”




“And we will free” … Huh?

word salad opening by hip is everything

Today the moron in chief tried to give a simple toast, from a fucking teleprompter and notes, to his hosts, in his stop in South Korea on his “Deflect the Truth Tour 2017”

Ladies and Gentlemen …
The President of the United States …

Take it away Donnie …

“Together, our nations remind the world of the boundless potential of societies that choose freedom over tyranny, and who set the free. And we will free; And we will sacrifice. And we will hope, and we will make things beautiful, especially the aspirations of your people.”

I don’t know, maybe it made more sense in the original Russian …

Word Salad du jour

word salad opening by hip is everything

Today’s not so cunning linguist, a man who is neither a master of quick wit or rhetoric, from New York City, weighing in at 386 pounds, with a room temperature I.Q. (and I’m talking Celsius here kids), the Resident of the United States, the Glorious Leader Sum Dim Phuc, Donnnnnnnnie Bad Touch!

“People say we have the best relationship of any president-president, because he’s called president also,” Trump said during an interview with Fox Network’s Lou ‘No sir, I am a MUCH bigger bigot then you are’ Dobbs. He continued with “Now some people might call him the king of China. But he’s called president. But we have a very good relationship and that’s a positive thing. He’s a powerful man. Now with that being said, he represents China, I represent the USA, so, you know, there’s going to always be conflict. But we have a very good relationship.”
“Melania and I look forward to being with President Xi & Madame Peng Liyuan in China in two weeks for what will hopefully be a historic trip!” Trump tweeted after the interview.

All of which tells us three things.
1. Donnie actually thought that Xi was a ‘King’ before someone corrected him, and now he’s running that old “nobody really knew, who knew?” play he goes with whenever he finally figures out what everyone else over eight already knows.
2. Rex was absolutely correct. The guy’s a ‘fucking moron.’
3. Someone else wrote the tweet. (probably a paid cunning linguist)
C’mon, there is no fucking way in any universe that Donnie got those names right, or even knew them. I’m surprised he even remembers Melania’s name most of the time.

Rex Was Right … The president is a moron. Period.

word salad opening by hip is everything

And today, our moron du jour is none other than the Glorious Leader, Wun Dim Phuc, the Velveeta Raccoon himself …
Tang Ridiculous, Resident of the United States of America …
for his outstanding oration, priceless prevarication, loose-lipped lying and libel, and just being the cunning linguist he is …

trump word salad

to which we must say …
WTF are you talking about Donnie?
Rex was right, you truly are a fucking moron.


Word Salad –The Bad Touch Donnie Fake News Edition

word salad opening by hip is everything

and today’s spewage of nonsensical, moronic babble comes from …
who else?
Bad Touch Donnie, Petulant of the United States of America …
a man who makes Sarah Palin look well read …

The President did a wide ranging interview with the AP where he talks about what he calls the “fake media.”

WARNING: if you don’t have yer’ secret ‘GOP/right-wing-Moran-speak-decoder-ring’™ on hand, just take a deep breath and prepare to be mystified …
also a couple of Tylenols or 4-6 shots of tequila help …or both …
Here’s part of the conversation:

“TRUMP: No I have, it’s interesting, I have, seem to get very high ratings. I definitely. You know Chris Wallace had 9.2 million people, it’s the highest in the history of the show. I have all the ratings for all those morning shows. When I go, they go double, triple. Chris Wallace, look back during the Army-Navy football game, I did his show that morning.
AP: I remember, right.

TRUMP: It had 9.2 million people. It’s the highest they’ve ever had. On any, on air, (CBS “Face the Nation” host John) Dickerson had 5.2 million people. It’s the highest for “Face the Nation” or as I call it, “Deface the Nation.” It’s the highest for “Deface the Nation” since the World Trade Center. Since the World Trade Center came down. It’s a tremendous advantage.

I have learned one thing, because I get treated very unfairly, that’s what I call it, the fake media. And the fake media is not all of the media. You know they tried to say that the fake media was all the, no. The fake media is some of you. I could tell you who it is, 100 percent. Sometimes you’re fake, but — but the fake media is some of the media. It bears no relationship to the truth. It’s not that Fox treats me well, it’s that Fox is the most accurate.

AP: Do you believe that? That Fox —

TRUMP: I do. I get treated so badly. Yesterday, about the thing, you know when I said it’s a terrorism … it may be. I said it may be a terrorist attack and MSNBC, I heard, went crazy, “He called it a terrorist attack.” They thought it was a bank robbery. By the way, I’m 10-0 for that. I’ve called every one of them. Every time they said I called it way too early and then it turns out I’m … Whatever. Whatever. In the meantime, I’m here and they’re not.


AP: Do you feel that one of the things with cable is there’s such real-time reaction with everything you say?

TRUMP: Yeah.

AP: Can you separate that sometimes from that actual decision?

TRUMP: The one thing —

AP: That you have to do —

TRUMP: OK. The one thing I’ve learned to do that I never thought I had the ability to do. I don’t watch CNN anymore.

AP: You just said you did.

TRUMP: No. No, I, if I’m passing it, what did I just say (inaudible)?

AP: You just said —

TRUMP: Where? Where?

AP: Two minutes ago.

TRUMP: No, they treat me so badly. No, I just said that. No, I, what’d I say, I stopped watching them. But I don’t watch CNN anymore. I don’t watch MSNBC. I don’t watch it. Now I heard yesterday that MSNBC, you know, they tell me what’s going on.

AP: Right.

TRUMP: In fact, they also did. I never thought I had the ability to not watch. Like, people think I watch (MSNBC’s) “Morning Joe.” I don’t watch “Morning Joe.” I never thought I had the ability to, and who used to treat me great by the way, when I played the game. I never thought I had the ability to not watch what is unpleasant, if it’s about me. Or pleasant. But when I see it’s such false reporting and such bad reporting and false reporting that I’ve developed an ability that I never thought I had. I don’t watch things that are unpleasant. I just don’t watch them.

AP: And do you feel like that’s, that’s because of the office that you now occupy —


AP: That you’ve made that change?

TRUMP: I don’t know why it is, but I’ve developed that ability, and it’s happened over the last, over the last year.

AP: That’s interesting.

TRUMP: And I don’t watch things that I know are going to be unpleasant. CNN has covered me unfairly and incorrectly and I don’t watch them anymore. A lot of people don’t watch them anymore, they’re now in third place. But I’ve created something where people are watching … but I don’t watch CNN anymore. I don’t watch MSNBC anymore. I don’t watch things, and I never thought I had that ability. I always thought I’d watch.”

Here’s the full transcript: Transcript of AP interview with Trump …

also worth the read, if yer’ brain can handle any more of this shit right now is …
7 Baffling Moments From Donald Trump’s AP Interview – So many words, so little sense.

Word Salad Update – The 25th Amendment Evidence Edition – Part 2743

word salad by hip is everythingUPDATE

Just a quick add to yesterday’s word salad piece …
As always, the Idiot in Chief brings it with the gibberish and cluelessness …
The man is a complete embarrassment and disgrace to the country and the Office of the President. Period.


Word Salad – The 25th Amendment Evidence Edition – Part 2743

word salad opening by hip is everything

First we have the tweet a week and a half ago by the idiot on Pennsylvania Avenue (only, it was the weekend so it came from the idiot’s Florida weekend hideaway, because, well, weekend) where he accuses his predecessor of an impeachable, jailable offense without ANY proof. Next up is 10 days of Sean Sphincter doing “air quotes” at the White House pressroom podium like he was some kinda bad community hall dance teacher tossing jazz hands, then we get Sewer Rat Barbie Conway blathering incomprehensibly about “microwaves that turn into cameras” spying on the Velveeta Raccoon.
Now, we have the apricot asshole and Liar in Chief rambling on about God know what with the always apoplectic Tucker Carlson about well, I have no fucking idea, you figure it out. If you can.

It is hard to fully explain in the limited space I have here how ridiculous, petty, delusional, uninformed and desperate the Petulant of the United States looks during this interview. The full interview is worth watching to fully understand the full extent of Trump’s utter disregard and outright contempt for the truth, but here’s a couple of snippets to sort of give you an idea of just how bizarre (and yup kid, downright fucking scary) this is all becoming.

Carlson: So on March 4th, 6:35 in the morning, you’re down in Florida, and you tweet, the former administration wiretapped me, surveilled me, at Trump Tower during the last election. How did you find out? You said, I just found out. How did you learn that?

Trump: Well, I’ve been reading about things. I read in, I think it was Jan. 20th, a New York Times article where they were talking about wiretapping. There was an article. I think they used that exact term. I read other things. I watched your friend Bret Baier the day previous where he was talking about certain very complex sets of things happening, and wiretapping. I said, wait a minute, there’s a lot of wiretapping being talked about. I’ve been seeing a lot of things. Now, for the most part, I’m not going to discuss it, because we have it before the committee and we will be submitting things before the committee very soon that hasn’t been submitted as of yet. But it’s potentially a very serious situation.

Carlson: Why not wait to tweet about it until you can prove it? Don’t you devalue your words when you can’t provide evidence?

Trump: Well, because the New York Times wrote about it. Not that I respect the New York Times. I call it the failing New York Times. But they did write on Jan. 20th using the word wiretap. Other people have come out with…

Carlson: Right, but you’re the president. You have the ability to gather all the evidence you want.

Trump: I do. I do. But I think that frankly we have a lot right now. And I think if you watch—if you watched the Bret Baier and what he was saying and what he was talking about and how he mentioned the word “wiretap,” you would feel very confident that you could mention the name. He mentioned it. And other people have mentioned it. But if you take a look at some of the things written about wiretapping and eavesdropping… and don’t forget I say wiretapping, those words were in quotes. That really covers—because wiretapping is pretty old-fashioned stuff—but that really covers surveillance and many other things. And nobody ever talks about the fact that it was in quotes, but that’s a very important thing. But wire tape covers a lot of different things. I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks.

srslySeriously peeps?
This is the leader of the free world?
We’re all gunna die, aren’t we?
”Fuck me Mabel, that kid just ain’t right in the head”

word salad

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally, while attacking their ‘enemies’ with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts …
or common sense …
or integrity …
the nonsense and drivel that pours forth from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or the 9 time village idiot award winner, sister sarah, the klondike kardashian, who rarely rises above a hate filled, seemingly meth driven ignorance rant … short on sanity, but BIGLY on vitriol and intolerance … plus the sheer breadth and soaring levels of pure ignorance can at times become breathtaking … she truly is the queen o’ stunned and goddess of babble …
or, if yer’ really, truly in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
I mean, what kind of a self loathing, insecure, doucherocket does one need to be to spend an hour on yer’ couch with these 3 idiots? …
(a health and safety warning really should come with this one though)
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage and fear mongering … sorta like any Trump rally …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
that king of the klan himself …
the bloated bloviator, bluster bag and bullshitting barrel o’ bile …
the manhatten mendacitor…
that tiny handed vulgarian and king of the Velveeta Raccoons …
the one, the only …           The Dongald …  aka Agent Orange!

At a rally in Davenport, Iowa, Thursday, Trump talked about attacking multiple DNC speakers.

Donald Trump: “I wanted to hit a couple of those speakers so hard. I would have hit them—no, no. I was going to hit them. I was all set. And then I got a call from a highly respected governor: ’How’s it going, Donald?’ I said, ‘Well, it’s going good, but they’re really saying bad things about me. I’m going to hit them so hard.’ I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy. I was going to hit this guy so hard, his head would spin, he wouldn’t know what the hell happened.”

Donald Trump: ““I’m gonna hit them! Obviously I’m talking about with my verbal. Maybe a tweet. But I’m gonna hit em hard!”

Here we see the Dongald going all in and getting in some grade A prime word salad, but also able to do his “Pussy in Distress walk it back like the coward I am” dance … A+ on both Mr. Tinyhands! …

For much of the speech, the GOP nominee fixated on a campaign ad from Hillary Clinton’s team, which features a clip of Trump mocking a disabled journalist and another of him ridiculing Fox News host Megyn Kelly. 

“I spend so much money on working with disabled, making my buildings accessible. Millions and millions!” Trump said. “I spend millions of dollars a year on ramps and ‘Get rid of the stairs’ and different kinds of elevators.”

* As an owner and manager of commercial properties, Trump is required to provide accommodations for people under the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act.

In this example of all that is the Dongald, we see our ‘hero’  almost make it through an entire thought without his patented ‘where the fuck am I and wtf am I flappin’ my pie hole about?’ posture … As well, our boy DJ Velveeta is able to get in some of his world famous narcissistic raps, like the always popular and ever reliable “Oh wow! look at how amazing I am, believe me, It’s true, trust me, a lotta people are sayin’” ramblings and rants … they don’t call him the Prince of Prevarication and Penile Impotency Psychosis for nuttin’ baby! … 

And from the “say whaaa?” dept. …

or this personal fave …

WILLIE GEIST: What about what you told Chris Matthews a few weeks ago, which is that women who get abortions should be punished? Do you still believe that to be true?

TRUMP: No, he was asking me a theoretical, or just a question in theory, and I talked about it only from that standpoint. Of course not. And that was done, he said, you know, I guess it was theoretically, but he was asking a rhetorical question, and I gave an answer. And by the way, people thought from an academic standpoint, and, asked rhetorically, people said that answer was an unbelievable academic answer! But of course not, and I said that afterwards.


and yet somehow, somewhere, for some bizarre reason that defies all sanity, logic and reason, someone can honestly look in the mirror when they wake up in the morning and say “yup, he’s the guy we need” … wow, just wow … good luck with that …

blah, blah, blah, mo’ bullshit and idiocy from the dongald

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally, while attacking their ‘enemies’ with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts …
or common sense …
or integrity …
the nonsense and drivel that pours forth from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
(a health and safety warning really should come with this one though)
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage and fear mongering …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the king of drivel himself …
that bloated bloviator, bluster bag and bullshitter …
the manhatten mendacitor…
that tiny handed vulgarian and king of the cheetohs powered tan…
the one, the only, The Dongald

On March 8, Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski asked Donald Trump whether he had a foreign policy team. Trump gave a rambling response, saying, “Yes, there is a team. There’s not a team. I’m going to be forming a team. I have met with far more than three people.” On Wednesday morning, Brzezinski gave Trump another shot at the question. She asked him again about his foreign policy team and strategy, and specifically, who he consults with consistently.
Trump replied: “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things. I know what I’m doing, and I listen to a lot of people, I talk to a lot of people, and at the appropriate time I’ll tell you who the people are. But my primary consultant is myself and I have, you know, a good instinct for this  …

gentlemen, prepare to chuck some shoes … ‘shrub: part deux’

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally, while attacking their ‘enemies’ with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts … or common sense … or integrity …
the nonsense and drivel that pours forth from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …

(a health and safety warning really should come with this one though)
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage and fear mongering …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the king of doucheville …
the “pnac crackerjack” …
“”mr. talking points” …
the one, the only, “shrub, part deux”
the “JEBSTER” …
’cos SERIOUSLY FOLKS,  what the country really needs at this time in history is another texas twit to run the place …
and ole’ ricky is too busy buying new ‘make me look smart glasses’ to ‘git ‘r done’ …
After all, the first couple o’ shrubs worked out so well … SMH!


[in-koh-heer-uh-nt, -her-] adjective

1. without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling: an incoherent sentence.
2. characterized by such thought or
language, as a person:incoherent with rage.
3. not
coherent or cohering: an incoherent mixture.
4. lacking physical cohesion; loose: incoherent dust.
5. lacking unity or harmony of elements: an incoherent public.

From the ‘oh god, here we go again’ department …

Old Jebediah from Florida, brother of the world renowned Texan ‘Cat Portraitist’ and finger painter ‘Georgie the Shrub’ has decided that he WILL, after all,  run for president in 2016 …
satirists and bloggers in general ‘Rejoice!’ …
(political bloggers everywhere, gimme a ‘Booyah!!’) …
He seems to be gearing up for the quadrennial clown car demolition derby I like to call the Republican Presidential Primaries …
This alone promises that 2015 and 2016 will be filled to the freaking brim with beyond epic clown car crashes, clusterfuck extravaganzas and comedy sketches that just write themselves …
you may also wish to peruse 
oh, please, please, please … do it!

Jeb adds to the quotable-Bush canon
by Dana Milbank

Jeb Bush was mere seconds into his speech Wednesday informing the world that he’s his “own man,” and not his brother or his dad, when he did something reminiscent of both. He flubbed his line.
“We definitely no longer inspire fear in our enemies,” the nominal front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination said at the start of his ballyhooed address. “The problem is perhaps best demonstrated by this administration’s approach to Iraq.”
Whoa! He’s going there — right into the failure that pretty much destroyed his brother’s presidency? Bush continued reading from his text, as if for the first time.
“We’ve had 35 years of experience with Iran,” he went on, then realized his earlier mistake. “Excuse me, Iran. Thirty-five years’ experience with Iran’s rulers.”
Dr. Freud would have been amused.

Bush leads in the early GOP 2016 polls because his name is Bush, but that name could bring about his downfall, as well, because his brother’s tenure is remembered for misery in Iraq and economic collapse. Try though he did to differentiate himself from George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, John Ellis Bush’s delivery gave him away.
When he addressed the Chicago Council on Global Affairs luncheon at the Fairmont, he combined his father’s awkward oratory with his brother’s mangled syntax and malapropisms. Like his brother, he said “nucular” instead of “nuclear,” and he hunched over the lectern with both hands on it — but instead of exuding folksiness, as his brother does, he oozed discomfort.
A top priority, he explained, is “reforming a broken immigration system and turning it into an economic — a catalytic converter for sustained economic growth.”
Presumably he was reaching for “catalyst” but instead came up with an automotive emissions-control device.
“As we grow our presence by growing our ability to produce oil and gas,” Bush went on, “we also make it possible to lessen the dependency that Russia now has on top of Europe.”
Russia’s dependency on top of Europe? It was, in addition to being backward, a delightful echo of his brother’s belief that it is hard “to put food on your family.”
At another point, discussing NATO’s aggressive stance in the Baltics, Jeb explained that “I don’t know what the effect has been, because, you know, it’s really kind of hard to be out on the road, and I’m just a gladiator these days, so I don’t follow every little detail.”
Asked about the weakening of nation states in the Middle East, he admitted: “I don’t have a solution. I mean, I—I—I’ve read articles, you know, about whether the 1915 kind of breakout of the Middle East and how that no longer is a viable deal.”
Bush, eschewing teleprompter, read his speech quickly and, during the question time that followed, leaned forward in a chair, jacket buttoned and legs spread, swigging water with Marco Rubio’s gusto.
The former Florida governor recited his foreign policy credentials, such as opening a bank office in Venezuela. He touted a Latin American free-trade agreement and noted that “where Columba and I live is going to be right in the center of the universe of that free-trade agreement.”
He can see Cuba from his house!
Even the money line of his speech, that he’s his own man, received a distracting grace note when he said: “I love my brother. I love my dad. I actually love my mother as well — hope that’s okay.” (It’s unclear who had suggested otherwise.) “I grew up politically, I guess, in the ’80s,” asserted Bush, who turned 27 in 1980.
Bush mimicked some of his big brother’s bravado, using phrases such as “enemies of freedom” and “tighten the noose” and “take them out,” and he defended the surge in Iraq. But what brought him closest to his kin were the random oddities in his speech. He declared that “whoever created the terminology BRIC would have to change the name,” without explaining that BRIC referred to emerging economies Brazil, Russia, India and China.
At another point he had trouble coming up with the English name for “Plan Colombia” and explained, “Sometimes my mind switches, and I apologize.” He propounded the curious theory that “the more tepid the economic growth” the less likely NATO members are to “defend themselves” militarily. He said that with President Obama’s “pivot” to Asia, “the rest of the world wonders, am I the pivotee?” And he described the Islamic State leader as “the guy that’s the supreme leader, whatever his new title is, head of the caliphate.”
Bush admitted that his foreign policy was still in the training phase. “Look, the more I get into this stuff, there are some things [where] you just go, you know, ‘Holy schnikes.’ ”
If he keeps talking like this, Americans may say the same of him.

jeb bush 2016 by hip is everything

the grift that keeps on giving

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally, while attacking their ‘enemies’ with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts … or common sense … or integrity …
the nonsense and drivel that pours forth from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …

(a health and safety warning really should come with this one though)
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage and fear mongering …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the queen of drivel herself …
the failin’ palin …
the klondike kardashian …
alaskan barbie …
the one, the only, sister sarah no clue


[in-koh-heer-uh-nt, -her-] adjective

1. without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling: an incoherent sentence.
2. characterized by such thought or
language, as a person:incoherent with rage.
3. not
coherent or cohering: an incoherent mixture.
4. lacking physical cohesion; loose: incoherent dust.
5. lacking unity or harmony of elements: an incoherent public.

Shortly after declaring that she’s “seriously interested” in running for president in 2016, Sarah Palin delivered a confusing speech that was panned by many, even some on the right. Speaking at the Iowa Freedom Summit in Des Moines on Saturday, the former Alaska governor and one-time vice presidential candidate delivered a speech that John Fund of the National Review described as “meandering and often bizarre.”

Here’s an excerpt:

“Things must change for our government. Look at it. It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It’s too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo. Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’ That’s status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y’know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent. So strengthen it. Then the man can’t ride ya, America won’t be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can’t afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election.”

In response to the speech, Democratic National Committee communications director Mo Elleithee issued a two-word statement: “Thank you!”

The New York Daily News reports that Palin’s teleprompter froze, forcing her to ad-lib some of her remarks.

Palin also referred to President Barack Obama as “an overgrown little boy.” And in a clip posted online by Right Wing Watch, Palin attacked the left for being racist and sexist.

“Really, it’s kind of Orwellian, observing how that works, that rule of Saul Alinsky’s, no doubt, that the left employs. Disgusting charges, from the left. Reverse them — for it is they who point a finger not realizing that they have triple that amount of fingers pointing right back at them, revealing that they are the ones who really discriminate and divide on color and class and sex. We call them out. We don’t let them get away with it.”

from huffpo …

also … please check out the rude pundit for what feels to me to be a more appropriate, maybe not so suitable for family consumption, but as always, dead on and accurate take on sister sarah’s latest “magical hysteria tour” …

word salad: the klondike kardashian edition

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally, while attacking their ‘enemies’ with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts …
or common sense …
or integrity …
the nonsense and drivel that pours forth from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
(a health and safety warning really should come with this one though)
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage and fear mongering …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the queen of drivel herself …
the failin’ palin …
the klondike kardashian …
alaskan barbie …
the one, the only, sister sarah no clue

Palin’s Response to Elizabeth Warren’s Progressive Commandments**

listen closely, i think it’s trying to communicate …

someone please punch john mccain in the face, okay? …
NOTE: this clip isn’t a blooper outtake, but actually part of the edited, finished video from sarah’s new ‘pay 4 view’ site …


[in-koh-heer-uh-nt, -her-] adjective

1. without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling: an incoherent sentence.
2. characterized by such thought or
language, as a person:incoherent with rage.
3. not
coherent or cohering: an incoherent mixture.
4. lacking physical cohesion; loose: incoherent dust.
5. lacking unity or harmony of elements: an incoherent public.

** and just as a point of reference the 11 tenets Warren listed were:

– “We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we’re willing to fight for it.”
– “We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth.”
– “We believe that the Internet shouldn’t be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality.”
– “We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage.”
– “We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them.”
– “We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt.”
– “We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions.”
– “We believe—I can’t believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work.”
– “We believe that equal means equal, and that’s true in marriage, it’s true in the workplace, it’s true in all of America.”
– “We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform.”
– “And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!”

Finally, the main tenet of conservatives’ philosophy, according to Warren is “I got mine. The rest of you are on your own.”
(thanks to christopher foxx for the list)

cost of ignorance

stop staring at my twits!

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally while attacking their enemies with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts …
or common sense …
or integrity for that matter …
the nonsense and drivel that pours from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the queen of drivel herself …
the failin’ palin …
alaskan barbie …
sister sarah no clue

America needs twit reduction surgery.

the latest drivel from the Alaskan Kardashian reads as follows:
Our commander-in-chief is busy, as Rome burns. For instance, after satisfying those munchies in Colorado, he carved out room for some super duper important games of pool in a bar with that state’s enabling governor. Ironically, Hickensooperdooper is his name. I think. Anyway, Obama won. He told us so. (Funny, he always wins. Golf, basketball, brackets and bets, his grand pronouncements afterward is always, miraculously, humph, he won again!)
Whew. Racking balls, getting buzzed on suds, maybe humming “Rocky Mountain High” while kicking it in those Rockies, hard choices had to be made – stripes or solids? And that beer – do I drink it if the mountains aren’t blue? Talk about miscues.

today’s word salad …

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally while attacking their enemies with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts …
or common sense …
or integrity for that matter …
the nonsense and drivel that pours from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the queen of drivel herself …
the failin’ palin …
alaskan barbie …
sister sarah no clue
palin the whining 2 by hip is everything

the wasilla grifter, while whoring out her latest scribblings and ostensibly promoting her new “war on christmas” book, was asked this question by matt lauer the other morning …
” … let’s say the GOP somehow managed to successfully scrap Obamacare – what do you replace it with that will address the problems facing the insured and uninsured alike?” …
her answer: 35 seconds of pure unadulterated nonsense and word salad …

“The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a health-care system in America that certainly does need more help so that there’s more competition, there’s less tort reform threat, there’s less trajectory of the cost increases, and those plans have been proposed over and over again. And what thwarts those plans? It’s the far left. It’s President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship links to reform health care. “ 

kinda makes yer’ head spin doesn’t it? …
p.s. … and by “free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship links to reform health care” she really means “put everything back to where it was before obamacare so her buddies over at ‘ginormopharm’ and ‘megasurance inc.’ can get back to screwing over america like the “good ole’ days” …
dead brain talking … it burns! …