WTFVille Weekly Chronicle … This Week In Cray.



Is everybody comfortably seated?
Favorite mood enhancer at hand?
(you’re gunna need it big time this week, actually I’d strongly suggest at least two)
Good … then we’ll begin …
Bring on the cray!

Media Paving Way for Antichrist, AOC is ‘In a Cult,’ Says White-House-Visiting ‘Prophet’ Lance Wallnau
Be afwaid! … Be vewy vewy afwaid!

E.W. Jackson: There Should Be No Limits on the Second Amendment
Because, only a good guy with an M1 Abram’s tank and a flame-thrower can stop a bad guy with an M1 Abram’s tank and a flame-thrower.

Science is “a Democrat thing”
and facts, and reality, and common sense, and morals, and sanity …

GOP Texas lawmaker reintroduces bill to allow death penalty for women who have abortions
until his daughter, secretary, wife or woman he assaulted needs one …
the ‘pro-life’ party will put you to death unless you do things their way …

Every House Democrat but one cosponsors bill intended to let biological male athletes compete against females in pubic schools
And nope, the typo ain’t mine … LOL … I’m HOPING they mean public, but, hey, who knows?

Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is a Hoax
Phew … now, if we could just take care of this whole evolution hoax …

AG BARR: Trump Was SPIED On By Obama And His Boys
Nope, no fuckin’ cover-up going on here … move along peeps, nothing to see here, move along please …

New Zealand Muslim Massacre Was an Illuminati Plot to ‘Take White People Down’
Because, what the fuck else would it be?

“And you wonder why these people make me nuts Mabel? …  I’ll tell ya’ why …‘cos’ they ain’t right in the head I tell ya’, they just ain’t right in the head.”

WTFVILLE Weekly Chronicle

000_wtfville header by hipis everything_full
00__WTFVille by hip is everything
After Reading Nunes Memo, Mike Cernovich Worries The FBI Will Execute Alex Jones – because, of course they would.Isn’t that like, their job. You know, assassinating morons. It’s probably part of their New World Order-Agenda 21-Chetrails Program to ‘cull the herd.’ The one that Obama and the Clintons started in that pizza place basement with their Soros ‘protester pay-cheques.”

Gloria Copeland: No Need For Flu Shots Because ‘Jesus Himself Gave Us The Flu Shot – yep, I can see that working out for ya’ swell Gloria. Oh, and keep yer’ fucking kids away from me and mine, okay?

Virginia Congressional Candidate Cynthia Dunbar Says God Didn’t Intend Government To Care For The Needy – umm, now I know we’re speaking about a mythical, sometimes pretty pissy sky dweller here, but isn’t that ‘book of His’ kinda full of the very opposite of that shit?

And it wouldn’t be a week of bat shit crazy, tire-fire clusterfuckery from good old Alex …
Alex Jones Warns The Deep State Will Bomb Federal Buildings And Blame Infowars

Plus, ya’ gotta get in some serious, pretend-scholarly-ish hate mongering …
Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad

Celebrate MLK Day by Completing White Supremacist Checklist – I’m not even gunna read this one, go for it if yer’ so inclined … I just really liked the title … is it any wonder I so despise the ‘people’?

But, our winner this week for the most fucked up, hateful bullshit award has to be …

Jews Use Pedophilia for Profit and to Own, Control, and Destroy the Powerful

“Are we ever gonna be better than this?”

Bat Shit Update …

bat shit crazy header by hip is everything2017

bat-shit crazy
adj. (slang): A combined state of mental agitation and physical volatility. It’s use may provide warning that the individual it describes has lost all self-control and cannot be reasoned with. Can refer to either a chronic or temporary condition.

Well, another week, and we get what feels like another decade’s worth of right wing, bat shit crazy, bloviating, bleating, bellowing bullshit and bluster. And this week was as totally fucking nuts as last week, and the week before that, and the week before that one, ad infinitum …
So, grab some popcorn, a cool beverage or whatever else is getting you through all this shit and get set to crank out some  “oh, fuck yous” and a couple of “what the fuck’s”, followed by at least one “I hate these assholes!!!!!!! please make it stop!!!!!” …

Ladies and gents … may I present …

Alex Jones: Women Accusing Trump Of Sexual Assault Are Not Attractive Enough To Be Credible

Has the FBI Become Another Appendage of the Deep State?

Rep. Louie Gohmert: Hillary Clinton Would Have Used Supreme Court To Destroy Christians

Dave Daubenmire: Roy Moore Should Lie About Misconduct Allegations ‘If It Advances The Kingdom Of God’ 

Rep. Louie Gohmert: Russia Probe Investigators Must Be Fired To Stop ‘Coup’ And Resulting ‘Civil War’

 Mike Shoesmith “Women Have Nagged Their Way Into Government”

There’s a Special Place in Hell’ for Republicans Who Do Not Back Trump

and my own personal fave this week (so far) is …

Bombshell: Evidence of CIA Role in Forging Obama’s Birth Certificate

and it’s only Tuesday .. fuck me Mabel, these kids just aren’t right in the head …

Or will it be the red, white and blue pill for you?

So, Tang Ridiculous, Emperor of all he can grab, has been tweeting out a link to a site called, inferring it is comparable to main stream sites.


This is the same site that has recently also offered up some awesome fare …

– just hours before the Trump endorsement, MagaPill tweeted a video claiming that there is a sex tape with Hillary Clinton and an underage girl on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

– they also recently tweeted out a chart which links “false flag terrorism,” “organ harvesting,” “child/human sacrifice,” “weaponized forced vaccination” and “earthquake machines.”


which also included these little ditties …



– they also regaled us all with a recent post on “spirit cooking,” which is a right wing conspiracy theory linked to the Hillary Clinton child sex ring in the basement ‘Pizzagate’ stuff.

Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is what your president is using to form his world view … he has the codes to the nukes … he thinks Alex Jones and Hannity the manatee are legit sources … he has the temperament of a jilted 12 year old who’s just wet himself in front of the ‘jilter’ and the self awareness and intellect of a very dim witted rock. When Rex Tillerson called him a ‘fucking moron’ he was being unkind to fucking morons everywhere.
This narcissistic asshole with a megalomaniacal personality disorder should scare the shit out of ANY thinking person.


and, in the truest ‘you just can’t make this shit up’ tradition, THESE are the ads that appear on the site …

Russian dating services. Priceless. Apropos. So Trump.
Although she does look a couple of years too old for Donnie.

page ads 2_thumb
page ads 2b_thumb

I personally love the *girl will make the first move tagline.
Like I said, you just can’t make this shit up.

This Week’s Bat Shit Crazy Alert

bat shit crazy header by hip is everything2017

Well, another week, and we get what feels like another decade’s worth of right wing, bat shit crazy, bloviating, bleating, bellowing bullshit and bluster. And this week was as totally fucking nuts as last week, and the week before that, and the week before that one, ad infinitum …
So, grab some popcorn, a cool beverage or whatever else is getting you through all this shit and get set to crank out some  “oh, fuck you’s” and a couple of “what the fuck’s”, followed by at least one “I hate these assholes!!!!!!! make it stop!!!!!”

Ladies and gents … may I present …

Tony Perkins Says LGBTQ People In The Military Create ‘Moral Confusion’ That Makes Men Harass Women

Trump Voters Believe Sex Allegations Against Weinstein, But Not Against Trump

Rodney Howard-Browne, Who Prayed Over Trump, Says Hollywood Is Rife With Human Sacrifice And Cannibalism

Dave Daubenmire: Interracial Marriage Has Weakened America Because ‘Multiculturalism Is Spiritual AIDS’

Liz Crokin Attempts To Link The Murder Of Seth Rich To Rampant Pedophilia ‘Within The Jewish Religion’

Lance Wallnau: Hollywood Scandals Are God’s Judgment On The Entertainment Industry For Attacking Trump

 Hillary Behind “Russian Collusion” Hysteria And Elites Disrespect Trump Voters

Justice Department, Investigate The Clintons!

Leftist Harvard Prof Outlines Plan To Impeach Trump, Install Hillary As President

Trump Castrates Obamacare

At Values Voter Summit, Dana Loesch Declares Feminism Dead

and one of my picks for our upcoming Bat Shit Crazy Artist of the Year for 2017 …
Roy “Pew pew pew!” Moore with …
Pro-Marriage-Equality Justices Should Be Impeached

and ya’ still wanna fill my inbox with that “they’re all the same” shit?

“This Isn’t The Time …”

The Trump campaign just sent out this e-mail to fundraise from the Las Vegas shootings …

So, Donnie Bad Touch, let me get this straight …
This isn’t the time to talk about guns and gun regulations … but, it’s the perfect time to raise money off of a mass shooting.
Right, got it.
That’s how you pull the country together in a time of grief.






Bat Shit Crazy This Week …

Just when you though that the GOP had hit absolute rock bottom, GOP Congressman, full time white nationalist, traitor and paid Russian agent Dana Rohrabacher shows up and says “Hey everybody, watch this! Hold my beer Donnie.”

In another sign of just how untethered to reality the right wing has become, a Republican representative said on Thursday that the Charlottesville white supremacist march was just a “set up” by liberals to make Donald Trump look bad.
In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher called the events in Charlottesville “all baloney.”
With a tin foil hat firmly planted on his head, the Republican claimed that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporters rounded up a bunch of Civil War re-enactors to pretend they cared about protecting Confederate statues.
“It was a setup for these dumb Civil War re-enactors,” Rohrabacher said. “It was left-wingers who were manipulating them in order to have this confrontation.”
The GOP representative said liberals just wanted to “put our president on the spot.”

and he’s not alone …
it really has been quite the week for the ever rabid right …

we had Billo the clown tossing his bile in the pot with:
Bill O’Reilly: The Left Is Using Confederate Statues As ‘A Wayside’ To Destroying The Constitution

everyone’s favorite, melon calved hate monger with his version of I hate everyone:
Steve King Demands That Any DACA Deal Include End Of Birthright Citizenship
which works for me, Adios Melania! … or should I say “Zbogom Melanija!” ( I know how much you and the hubby hate all that Hispanic stuff)

of course the Coultergeist makes an, as always, hideous appearance …
Ann Coulter Says College Students Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Vote
okay lady, you had yer’ say, now back under yer’ rock!

how about and oldy moldy?
Jim Bakker: ‘I Could Be Shot’ For Wearing A Christian Hat In Public
I wonder if he ever hears fro Tammy Fae any more?

and a few words from a guy who has a lotta shots to the head over the years, so he should get what goes on in Bad Touch Donnie’s head …
Floyd Mayweather Jr Defends Trump’s ‘Locker Room Talk’: He Speaks Like a ‘Real Man’
– plain and simple, “Fuck off Floyd, and stay fucked off, and take that fat, boorish, childish, orange sack of shit with ya’.”

Alex Jones: Globalist Cyborgs Are Coming
I got nothing, the fucking title says it all …this man is as mentally unbalanced as his buddy Donnie Bad Touch.

and maybe scariest of all …
Christians in the U.S. military “serve Satan” if they tolerate other religions, an Air Force chaplain says.

Jesus, it’s like all the d-bag of the week winners were in a cage match and this is the playoffs or something …
Fuck me Mabel, NONE of these kids are right in the head.

It’s THAT Time Again

Yup, it’s THAT time of the year again …
It’s time for the gang over at Faux Noise to start up with the whole “war on Christmas” bullshit … and now we’ve got the Trump Trans team yakking it up, saying that now that the Velveeta Raccoon is Petulant Erect, everyone can once again say “Merry Christmas” without some liberal ruining it all with a Happy Holidays” or a “Season’s Greetings” .. Jesus, what a load … so …

”The War On Christmas”
”How I Learned To Say ‘Happy Holidays’, You Self Righteous, Redneck Motherfuckers!“

happy holidays by hip is everything

Okay, so why is it every time i turn on my t.v. expecting to catch a little news these days, all i get is one of those left/right roundtable discussions, or should i say “nah nah boo boo” anger management therapy spats, where someone from the right is whining about how Obama and the left are trying to destroy Christmas and Christianity as a whole because they sent out Christmas cards with “happy holidays” on it instead of “merry Christmas”, and then that is followed by some long winded diatribe about how the right is missing the point that the world is full of all kinds of different people and happy holidays is “less offensive” to atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, etc. …
Jesus, people … Left and right … Get the fuck over it people, there are far more important things to be wasting oxygen on …
We’ve got guys running through malls with assault rifles, tsunamis, earthquakes, more bad shit than you can shake a stick at going on in Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan and 29 other locales, fiscal problems up the proverbial whazoo, massive poverty, hunger, disease and unemployment, and war everywhere you look, DONALD FUCKING TRUMP is president elect, and you motherfuckers are arguing about what Christmas greeting to use …
Wow …
Now, I’m no Christian by any stretch of the imagination, in fact i tend to have some doubts about anyone who puts much stock or faith in imaginary beings, magical books and “celestial retribution”, but i would think that that guy they say they believe in, and blather on about so much, (you know the dark skinned, long haired, middle eastern guy with the Mexican name) would be horrified to learn that his followers were spending any time at all on this shit …
especially with all this other bad shit that seriously needs tending to …
I also have my doubts that he’d be very impressed with the so called “religious right” and their obsession with cutting help to the “least among us” at every opportunity, the bigotry and racism, or the never-ending lust for power and money that seems to be the “religious right’s” modus operandi these days, but hey I’ll get to that stuff and my opinions on it the rest of the year.
So, back to the “crisis of the moment” …
You know, the “war on Christmas” debate, and the manufactured faux outrage that seems to be gripping the faux noise/bagger crowd …
Seems to me that this pretend issue started a few years back with fox news and a few on the right who, upon realizing that they were losing the “demographics war” as they like to call it decided that they needed to whip up the base …
Why is everything about “war” with these so called “Christians”? … ( I said “so-called” so easy Louise, no emails) …
The “war” on women, the “war” on Christmas”, the “war” on “illegals”, the “war” on the middle class …
How about we do something that remotely resembles Christian behavior and have a “war” on war? …
You know, stop having them and funding them …
I know, that’s just crazy talk, right? …
Or maybe, just maybe, we show about a little “good will towards men”, and work on a little “peace on earth”? …
And how about we make that “good will” extend to ALL men …
Everywhere …
Just an idea …
In the end, what the hell does it matter whether someone says “merry Christmas”, “happy holidays”, “happy Hanukkah”, “season’s greetings”, “joyeux noël”, “gesëende kersfees”, “nollaig shona dhuit”, “buon natale”, “feliz navidad”, “sung tan chuk ha” or “have a rockin’ fuckin’ Kwanzaa bro” as long as what is meant is “have a peaceful and happy time my friend” … So pick one ya’ like … one that rolls off of your tongue with ease and comfort …
Happy holidays works for me … or any of the others for that matter …
it really doesn’t matter at all … really … not at all …
Maybe if everyone stops trying to push their particular belief system and dogma on everyone else, it would actually be a merry Christmas … or a happy holidays … or a peaceful, happy time … So, get over it people and fix something that matters …
There really isn’t any “war” on Christmas going on …
It’s just a bunch of assholes trying to whip up some outrage … and ratings and profits …
How very Christian of them all eh? …
So to them i say, get over yourselves, you self righteous, redneck motherfuckers … and get over the whole bullshit, faux outrage and fake debate … and “have a happy holidays!” …
just sayin’ …

from inside the bubble

a mid-week roundup of just a few of the right wing bat shit crazy moments so far this week …

Michelle Bachmann: There will be ‘even more sexual assaults’ if Hillary Clinton wins in November

Secret Service Bans Cellphone Cameras To Protect Hillary From Seizures

Trump Surrogate Tomi Lahren warns BLM and Muslim Brotherhood conspiring to ‘burn our cities and topple our government’

Trump: ISIS Will ‘Take Over This Country’ If Hillary Clinton Wins

Louie Gohmert: Child Abuse ‘Universally’ Turns Boys Gay
Dave Daubenmire: ‘We Cannot Vote For Hillary Clinton Because Women Are Not To Have Authority Over Men’
Jim Bakker: Hillary And Obama Support Globalism, Just Like The Antichrist
Proof Hillary Is Possessed By Pepe The Frog

African-American man kicked out of Hillary rally for wearing Bill Clinton RAPE t-shirt: Why is Hillary’s security assaulting black people at her rallies?

and my own personal fave this week …

Hillary Caught On Tape Birthing Alien Life Form

and you wonder why these people are so confused by reality …

fyi …

I’ll be quitting this whole blogging thing forever …

It is with my deepest regrets that I must announce that I’ll be quitting this whole blogging thing forever … I coughed yesterday, and apparently that’s a sign that you’re at death’s door and will be dead before November 8th … so I guess it’s only a matter of time now …
It’s been an honor, and really nice knowing you all …
Take care one and all.
<cough, cough>
I need a priest … fast

Actually, just kidding, I already died from a previous cough and now all my posts are written by a ghostwriter  ***

***  insert a comic rim shot followed by a sad trombone here

the week so far in wtfville

the week so far in wtfville … a couple of headlines that cause me to break out in uncontrollable and repetitive “fuck yous”, proving that yes, I am indeed allergic to this nonsense and bullshit from the right …

Fox’s Dr. Ablow: Freud Would Have Given Trump A Standing Ovation For Boasting About His Penis Size

Fox News’ crackpot psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Ablow, thinks Donald Trump’s debate boast about the size of his hands and genitalia showed such “psychological strength,” Freud would have been “standing up, like applauding, standing ovation.” Seriously.      Read more here …

Michael Savage: Obama Will Steal The Election From Trump

Michael Savage expressed outrage yesterday over reports that the Department of Homeland Security is trying to work with states to combat potential security risks, which the conservative radio host said amounts to “an absolute coup.” He alleged that President Obama is addicted to criminal …      Read more here …

Alex Jones And Jerome Corsi Warn Of ‘October Surprise False Flag Attacks’

Confident of Donald Trump’s imminent victory, Alex Jones speculated wildly yesterday about “October Surprise false flags” meant to dislodge Trump and put Hillary Clinton in the White House. Jerome Corsi, a right-wing author and vocal promoter of the birther conspiracy theory, warne …       Read more here …

Anti-Semitic Preacher Hopes Trump Will Be God’s Instrument To Finally Destroy The Jews

Among the anti-Semites and white supremacists rallying behind Donald Trump is Christian writer and conspiracy theorist Texe Marrs, who declared on a radio program recently that Trump just might be God’s instrument for finally destroying Israel and the Jews. While speaking with Jeff Rense, a fel l…      Read more here …

Bachmann: Obama Has ‘Sanctioned’ Violence Against Conservatives, White People

On Sunday, ex-Rep. Michele Bachmann spoke with Breitbart News about the protests outside of a Donald Trump campaign stop in Minneapolis, claiming that the protesters acted violently toward Trump supporters. Bachmann argued that President Obama has “sanctioned” violence, as long as it protects the “people favorable to the Obama position, politically.” She insisted that the president is sending “a signal to Donald Trump supporters: Don’t attend Donald Trump events because you could be physically assaulted.”      Read more here …

Michele Bachmann: ‘God raised up’ Trump to be GOP nominee

(CNN)Former Rep. Michele Bachmann believes God picked Donald Trump to be the Republican Party’s nominee, she told the Christian Broadcasting Network. “I actually supported Ted Cruz. I thought he was fabulous, but I also see that at the end of the day, God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump who was going to be the nominee in this election,” the Minnesota Republican said in the interview, which was released Tuesday. “I don’t think God sits things out. He’s a sovereign God. Donald Trump became our nominee.” Bachmann, who ran for president herself in 2012, also predicted that Trump will win the general election against Hillary Clinton. “Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know,” she said. “But I do know that the Bible is true and that Daniel teaches the Most High God, which is one of God’s names, is the one who lifts up who he will and takes down who he will.” Bachmann currently serves as an adviser on Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board.       Read more here …

and my personal fave so far this week … Trump’s buddy and fellow whack job, conspiracist Alex ‘the Screamer’ Jones the king of the tin foil hat brigade  …

Special Report: Alex Jones Asks Hillary Clinton Not to Kill Him

and to beautifully sum up the other right wing faux poutrage episode of the week …



and there’s still Friday and the weekend to go … buckle up …

it worked so well the first time …

well, here we go again … after having their asses busted yesterday for using fake pictures to make it look like GOP presidential candidate Tang Ridiculous has way better turnout to his rally than was actually true (see here: excuse me sir, but your pants seem to have combusted), those Trump humpin’ freeper d-bags over at brietbart.CON are gunna give it another try today … jesus, these people are actually dumber than they think we all are …
here’s today’s attempt at ‘journalism’ from these grifters …


and here’s the original shot … same pic, different city, different day, different event …



these people are what’s wrong with our society … just sayin’ …

excuse me sir, but your pants seem to have combusted

speaking of liars …

LOL … Okay, whatever you say guys …

nice pic, very impressive crowd for the Velveeta Raccoon …
but …alas, it turns out the pic is, as usual, just more Breitbart bullshit …
the real pic is below …
wow, not even the same city … you clueless assholes …
you really thought peeps wouldn’t notice??? …


it really is amazing how many people did attend the Trump rally …
below is a picture from the same gathering …


seriously peeps??!!?

in yet more “fuck me Mabel” moments the right goes full bat shit crazy … again still …

Genius!! Glenn Beck Explains Why God is Dragging Out the GOP nomination race
Chuck Norris Gets Behind The Chemtrails Conspiracy Theory
Donald Trump Once Again Fearmongers About Muslims
Liberty Counsel President: I’m Taking My Glock .45 To Target To Protect Against Trans People
Ted Cruz Doesn’t Want Any Transgender People In Any Bathroom Anywhere
Look who is going to bat for Dennis Hastert

d-bag of the week – bat shit fever

golden d-bag of the week award by hip is everything

because the douchebaggery has not abated in any way since our last d-bag award, and all the sliminess and slithering that passes for sentient behavior in the so-called corridors of power still seem to be as rampant as ever, it must be time to single out our d-bag of the week … and, as all good deeds truly deserve some kind of reward, it’s that time again …
and (insert favorite deity here) knows, we certainly did have another week chock bloody full of scheming, lying politicians, incoherent, ass kissing, dog whistle blowing, incessantly blathering, windbag broadcasters, greedy, glamour glomming grifters and pointless, prevaricating and pontificating pricks …
so, it’s time to answer the question that seemingly needs to be answered kids …
just who took their act to the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the slimiest of the slimy, the doucheyist of the douchey? … are those even freakin’ words? …
they are now i guess … lol …
who was the king or queen of douchebaggery in the last seven days? …
who was the grandest douche rocket of the bunch? …
it was, as always, a week that was, full of some of the slimiest, sleaziest, slithering, scuzzball serpents the world of poll pandering, petulant and pithy partisan politics, fanatical, frenzied, far fetched faith freaks, and the exorbitant, exaggerated and exuberant elitist acquisitiveness, avarice and avidity that the preening power pricks(aka politics, religion and corporatocracy) has to offer …
and this week was as bad as every other lately, the norm these days it seems, with more than it’s fair share of despicable, degenerate douche bag dancing, misogynistic, mean-minded and mendacious maneuvers, slimy, sickening, sleaze-ball slithering, repugnant, reprehensible, repulsive and revolting rantings and railings, and an out and out torrent of treasonous talk and treacherous temper tantrums …
especially by the so-called “family values” gang over on the right and their bat shit crazy, bullshit bellowing, ideologically inane, greedy and groveling, greasy grifters and their prevaricating, petulant, pompous and pointlessly pious proponents …
in the end, as we always do, we found our winner …
and a rather deserving one, if I do say so myself …
and even though this week’s douche-off was not without a copiously crammed cornucopia of conniving, classless, clueless, crass and cretinous challengers to that majestic mantle of  mediocrity, mendacity, meandering mindlessness and missteps we like to call the ‘d-bag of the week’, we do have a distinct winner …
and who kids is the doucheyist of ‘em all this week? …
the envelope please … 

our winner of  the always deserved, rarely accepted d-bag of the week is …
that draft-dodging pedophile and musical has-been …
the man who deliberately shit his pants and didn’t change them so as to avoid the draft …
the ‘all talk, no walk’ loser from Detroit …
Ted ‘the Splooge’ Nugent
i bet he shits his pants again if destiny calls …
just sayin’ …

nugent all mouth no ballsTed Nugent Calls for Hanging Clinton and Obama After Seeing ’13 Hours’

Source: Mediaite
Ted Nugent has a lot of ideas and he has never been afraid to express them, even when they are violent and border on murderous threats. This morning, Nugent logged into Facebook to express to his 2 million followers how the new, floppy Michael Bay film, 13 Hours, made him feel.

Our unholy rotten soulless criminal America destroying government killed 4 Americans in Banghazi. Period! What sort of chimpass punk would deny security, turn down 61 requests for security, then tell US forces to STAND DOWN when they were ready to kickass on the allapukes & save American lives! Obama & Clinton, thats who. They should be tried for treason & hung. Our entire fkdup gvt must be cleansed asap.

If you don’t have time to read the whole thing — which is primarily a New York Times article by Kenneth Timmerman that Nugent copied and pasted without credit, later editing the post to include Timmerman’s name
Read more: HERE …

I’m not even going to start on the myriad of bullshit and false premises/statements made by Bay in his new film …
I don’t have nearly enough space here to cover that …
Ted, you ignorant, ill informed, prevaricating prick and hate monger …
YOU truly and deservedly are the D-Bag of the week …
wango tango this asshole!
hip is everything salute
NOTE: Didn’t this waste of skin promise to kill himself if Obama won in 2012? …
I guess he couldn’t get the bow and arrow to shoot backwards …
And, Mr. Bay –
I am sure you are hard at work making a movie about each of these attacks also … right Mr. Bay?
a few facts for Mr. Bay:
FACT: There is No Evidence That Clinton Personally Signed Off On A Cable Reducing Security in Benghazi. (in fact it was a GOP congress that cut the funding to embassy safety – repeatedly)
FACT: Hillary Clinton Was Not Unaccounted For During The Attacks: She Was In Continuous Contact With Administration Officials.
FACT: The State Department Did Not Watch The Benghazi Attacks Unfold In Real Time.
FACT: Contrary To Conservative Conspiracies, Clinton Missed A Scheduled Benghazi Hearing After being Injured.
FACT: Clinton’s, “What Difference At This Point Does It Make” Comment Was referring To The Administration’s Post Attack Talking Points, Not Tragic Consequences Of Attack.
FACT: Intelligence Community, The Suspected Attackers, And Eyewitnesses All Linked The Inflammatory Anti-Islam Video To The Attacks.

and … one final fact for the Tedophile …
“Threatening the President of the United States is a class E felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871”

word salad: the klondike kardashian edition

word salad by hip is everything

word salad is a “confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases”, most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from it. from wikipedia

taking a moment to pay tribute to those among us who seem to have a problem answering a simple question …
or who just blather on and on about nothing really, all the while trying desperately to sound intelligent and serious …
generally, while attacking their ‘enemies’ with talking points handed to them by some other idiot who seems to not have a secure handle on things like reality or facts …
or common sense …
or integrity …
the nonsense and drivel that pours forth from the blathering and bloviating pie-holes of these morons is often priceless and would be hilarious if not for the fact that these baggerese and truthiness speakers are usually in some sort of power position in our society …
still, they do deserve to be honored for their attempts at the language …
or, called out for it … (i guess it all depends on how you view it)
you’ve all heard it …
like babs “crazy eyes” bachmann absolutely every time she opens her orifice o’ lies …
or, if yer’ really in a depressed, masochistic, self flagellating mood, head on over to faux noise and catch as many minutes as you can stomach of “faux and friends” …
(a health and safety warning really should come with this one though)
it’s a veritable olympic games of far right talking points and fact free nonsense covered in a deep layer of bullshit and propaganda inspired, vile and bile soaked spewage and fear mongering …
and today’s champion of cheap shots, craziness and crap is …
the queen of drivel herself …
the failin’ palin …
the klondike kardashian …
alaskan barbie …
the one, the only, sister sarah no clue

Palin’s Response to Elizabeth Warren’s Progressive Commandments**

listen closely, i think it’s trying to communicate …

someone please punch john mccain in the face, okay? …
NOTE: this clip isn’t a blooper outtake, but actually part of the edited, finished video from sarah’s new ‘pay 4 view’ site …


[in-koh-heer-uh-nt, -her-] adjective

1. without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling: an incoherent sentence.
2. characterized by such thought or
language, as a person:incoherent with rage.
3. not
coherent or cohering: an incoherent mixture.
4. lacking physical cohesion; loose: incoherent dust.
5. lacking unity or harmony of elements: an incoherent public.

** and just as a point of reference the 11 tenets Warren listed were:

– “We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we’re willing to fight for it.”
– “We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth.”
– “We believe that the Internet shouldn’t be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality.”
– “We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage.”
– “We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them.”
– “We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt.”
– “We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions.”
– “We believe—I can’t believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work.”
– “We believe that equal means equal, and that’s true in marriage, it’s true in the workplace, it’s true in all of America.”
– “We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform.”
– “And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!”

Finally, the main tenet of conservatives’ philosophy, according to Warren is “I got mine. The rest of you are on your own.”
(thanks to christopher foxx for the list)

cost of ignorance

tidbits from the grey matter …

they say it’s good to get this shit out …
and seeing as November is just around the corner, some shit ya’ just may wanna ponder …
On Republicans and their ‘talking points’ – Life inside the bubble …
tidbitz by hip is everything
1. The GOP are the party of and for fiscal responsibility …
which hasn’t been true since Dwight D. Eisenhower … He was the last Republican president to actually balance the budget – in the 1950′s … and as long as they aren’t in the mood for a couple of un-paid for wars, tax breaks for billionaires, tax breaks for big oil and coal, or big pharma, or corporations (‘cos theys peeps too ya’ know), or pretty much anyone with enough money to fund one of these prick’s election campaigns …
2. They’re pro-life … as long as you’re talking about a fetus … After that, you’re on yer’ own pal, so grab yer’ bootstraps and start a pullin’ … Otherwise, they cut programs that help the poor, cut education, fight safety and environmental regulations at every opportunity, oppose universal health care (so people can maybe live a little longer), (pills for women – BAD, pills for woodies – essential medicine) … cut off benefits to veterans and 911 First Responders, and get big ole’ Cialis induced hard-ons bragging about the number of executions their particular state performs each year …
Oh, and they love guns. You know, the tools largely responsible for around 10,000 homicides in the country each and every year (the one thing that America definitely is number one in … year after year, and getting worse … “USA, USA, USA!!!) …
Oh and it’s always ‘instant chubbies’ all around if there’s a war to be had …
3. They’re for small government – “Big government is BAD!” … until it comes time to restrict ‘The Gays’ from having equal rights, or blocking a woman’s constitutionally protected right to have an abortion, or letting minorities of any kind vote, or keeping out the immigrants and ‘illegals’, or enforcing unnecessary voter suppression laws, or fattening up the military industrial complex’s bank accounts …
then yuppirs bucko, they love them some big government.
4. The support the troops … by sending over 4,000 of them to die in a war based on blatant lies and hubris (and let’s not forget oil and profits) …  And by blocking veterans bills for the ones who do manage to make it home alive … And by cutting off funding to the families that those same troops leave back at home need to survive, while they fight and die for the personal profits of some rich, white, fat, aging billionaire back home … or blocking any progress in fixing or funding properly the Veterans Administration Agency …
5. They’re for Constitutional rights … until someone with which they disagree is given rights they don’t think they should have, then they can’t stand the Constitution … I don’t actually believe for a split second that any one of these douchebags has even read the Constitution …
6. They stand for religious freedom … for Christians … and ONLY certain types of Christians at that …  More specifically, conservative Evangelical Christians …  Because if you’re a liberal church that wants to marry a gay couple in a state which currently still has a ban in place on gay marriage, then suddenly conservatives don’t care at all about that church’s “religious freedom.” (this one also constantly proves my theory that none of them have actually read the constitution, instead like that other manuscript that they love to wave around so much, the Bible, they tend to just cherry pick the parts that serve their purpose at the time) …
7. The Second Amendment says our right to bear arms shall not be in any way  infringed … always ignoring the entire first part of the Second Amendment that refers to “a well regulated militia” …
8. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican … yup, true dat … but let’s get out the history books here and maybe even look at some facts (a scary concept for this herd) … Pretty much every state that fought with the Confederacy also opposed a woman’s right to vote, desegregation and the Civil Rights act.  Those states are to this day almost all “strongly Republican” states, and many are STILL pushing for these same bigoted ideals … Racism and discrimination that’s spanned nearly 200 years and passed on through several generations is still so prevalent that it has become the ‘policy du jour’ in many of these states …
Did these guys conveniently forget about the Southern Strategy? …
Or all the voter suppression actions the last few years? …
9. You can’t trust the “lame-stream” media … said by the very same factually bereft, science denying’, low information sheep who worship Fox News, ‘the most watched cable news channel on television’ … being the “most watched” pretty much defines what it means to be “mainstream” guys … so …. just sayin’ …
10. The government is corrupt and inefficient … said by the very same people who continue to elect politicians who run on the premise that the government is corrupt and inefficient, and once elected do their best to see that it is. (see: Boehner Congress; McConnell Senate; Do Nothing Congress; gridlock; filibuster; Ted Cruz, et al) …
11. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people … yes they do, and they tend to kill one another far more often when guns are easily accessible within a society … plus, unless you put said gun in the hands of said ‘people’ no-one gets hurt in the making of this lie …
sooo… it stands to reason that if maybe, just maybe, we take those same guns out of the hands of those same people, less people will get killed …??? … ya’ think? …sorta like every other civilized democracy in the world does (who pretty much all have a much lower rate of deaths by gun) … just sayin’ … it’s just plain physics/math kids … oh yeah, I forgot, you guys don’t believe in science, or math, or facts …
12. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun … I’m pretty fucking sure that the victims that the “bad guy with a gun” killed or injured before the “good guy with a gun” showed up and shot him feel differently …
13. This nation was founded on Christianity … then why aren’t the words “Christian” or “Christianity” written in the Constitution even once? … hmmm, odd eh? …
14. There is no such thing as ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’ … fuck me Mabel, I’m not even doing this one … like gramps used to say, “You can’t teach a duck to play guitar, they don’t have the smarts, and it just pisses ‘em off – waste of everyone’s time” …
15. Evolution is a lie! … again, follow above advice from Gramps …
16. The whole “Job Creators” line of bullshit … see: the real job creators

pop the gop bubble by hip is everything

whoaaa! and down the slope we go … again

slipperyIn the wake of the Supreme Court’s historic decision in the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case, Gordon College President D. Michael Lindsay joined a group of other Christian leaders who sent a letter to President Barack Obama insisting that their “sincerely held religious beliefs” compel them to demand exemption from federal nondiscrimination laws.
Gordon College, Lindsay argued, is “an explicitly Christian institution,” and as such, should be allowed to fire or to refuse to hire individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Some students and faculty reacted angrily, saying that Lindsay was making their school sound bigoted and backward. The New England Association of Schools and Colleges announced earlier this week that it is considering pulling Gordon College’s academic accreditation over its insistence on adhering to discriminatory policies, regardless of their religious foundations.
Then came the city of Salem’s decision to cut all contractual ties with the college until its rules match the federal government’s.
Pundit Glenn Beck’s website The Blaze and other right-leaning media outlets reacted to the city’s decision with outrage, exhorting conservatives to call the city and vent their anger at public officials over the decision.
“Apparently, Glenn Beck is not happy about the City’s stance terminating our contract with Gordon College,” wrote Mayor Driscoll on Facebook.
“(T)oday we had over 50 phone calls from ‘friends’ in Texas, Georgia and similar locales looking to connect with ‘the Mayor’ about this issue,” she said, noting that “Many of the callers began the conversation seeking to speak with the Mayor by asking if ‘he’ was available.”
As a result of the flood of calls, Driscoll announced that the city will donate five dollars per angry caller to the North Shore Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth.
“Feel free to join in on the pledge if you like!” she wrote.
reposted from raw story

Just a thought …
If that college really were “an explicitly Christian institution” would they not then, by definition, extend love and forgiveness to every human being, no matter what the person’s situation?…
At least that is what I think I remember reading in that book they like so much to wave around while bleating about ‘their religious right‘ to force everyone else to live by ‘their’ rules…
Maybe they are a business that just pretends to be Christian for the bucks …
Hmmm …
Just a thought …
p.s. …
and before any of the usual suspects waste any of their time writing to me that they agree with this college’s discriminatory ideology and that I am conducting my own personal ‘war on Christians’, let me first remind you that:
1. by definition, writing that missive only proves what a bunch of fucking hypocrites you really, truly are …
2. you probably really haven’t read that book you so like to wave at me when you compose (decompose?) the above mentioned emails …
3. threatening me with that same, tired, old fairy tale about ‘rotting for an eternity in Hell’ because I believe that ALL people are EQUAL, a woman, and only a woman has the right to decide on what’s right for her with regards to her body and that a person’s sexuality is NOT to be determined by law or the church, and equal rights under the law should be guaranteed for ALL people regardless of their skin tone, religious beliefs or preference in a marriage partner is a complete waste of your time AND mine … in fact even if your threat were to come true I’d still spend eternity in a place where you people weren’t, so hallelujah! bring it on! …
plus, then I could say ‘Hi’ to yer’ so called bud Jesus, because by your standards he’ll be there too …
(tl;dr: fuck you hypocrites!)
anyways … peace, have a good one …

and the war on women continues …

Senate Republicans Block Bill To Reverse Hobby Lobby Decision

war_on_womenSenate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a bill that would have required all for-profit employers to include the full range of contraceptives in their health insurance plans, in effect overriding the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.
The Senate voted 56 to 43 to proceed to debate on the bill, falling short of the 60 votes needed to move forward. Three Republicans– Sens. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) — voted with Senate Democrats to proceed.
The bill, sponsored by Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.), would have barred for-profit companies from opting out of federal law based on the religious beliefs of their owners. The Supreme Court ruled earlier this month that Hobby Lobby, a craft supply chain owned by Evangelical Christians, could legally refuse to cover the four kinds of contraception that its owners believe are akin to abortion.
Supporters of the Democrats’ bill used the Twitter hashtag #NotMyBossBusiness to express their opposition to the idea of employers getting to pick and choose what kinds of health coverage their female employees receive based on their own religious beliefs.
“While some are saying this case has nothing to do with access to birth control, that is simply not true,” Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) said during debate over the bill on Wednesday. “For most working families, affordability is access. A third of women in America say they have struggled with the cost of birth control at some point in their lives. For a working family getting by month to month, often paycheck to paycheck, these costs — though they might be dismissed by Washington pundits — these costs add up, and they can put contraception out of reach.”
Republicans opposed the bill because they said it infringes upon the religious liberty of employers.
The SCOTUS/Hobby Lobby decision does NOT only affect contraception, and maybe, just maybe the big picture here is way more important …
NO-ONE was forcing anyone to use any form of contraception they do not believe in, and yet, the latest SCOTUS decision forces the beliefs of a minority on the majority …
That is NOT religious freedom … that, by definition, is theocratic bullying at the least and theocratic totalitarianism at worst …
And as for the ‘religiously minded’ employer ‘having’ to pay for contraception, anyone who cares to actually look at the ACA would see that there already was ways to avoid making that ‘payment’ …
The SCOUTUS decision was ALL about opening the doors for corporations to ignore laws they do not wish to abide by, and the truth be told, the so-called ‘religious’ and ‘evangelical’ communities have been used again for the benefit of the corporate elite …

also worth a read:
like sharia law, but american, so it’s okay …
well, that didn’t take long eh?
zealots 1, women 0 … scotus sets the ‘zealot precedent’ … game on!

d-bag roundup … and it’s only tuesday

dbag roundup
and it’s only Tuesday … sheesh … face palm …

Fox News ‘Girls Gone Mild’ segment warns women not to raise voices: ‘Don’t talk too much’
By David Edwards
srslyA Fox & Friends segment on Monday warned women looking to succeed in business “not to raise their voices” and not to talk too much.
Fox News host Steve Doocy introduced Sylvia Ann Hewlett’s book, Executive Presence, by advising that women should wear “well-cut jeans with a colorful top,” while an on-screen graphic told them “not to raise their voices.”
Co-host Anna Kooiman, however, argued that “women shouldn’t be so focused on what we look like, and what we’re wearing, but what our mind can do.”
“Also a little thing that you think is important is your presentation and your voice,” co-host Brian Kilmeade added. “Keep it low, don’t speak loud.”
“For women,” Doocy emphasized.
read more here …
Anti-government citizen militia groups want to ‘secure the border’ in Texas
By Kolten Parker | July 7, 2014

Facebook groups share the "Operation Secure Our Border" call to action. Photo: Facebook
Photo from Facebook 

SAN ANTONIO – A slew of anti-government groups — many of which participated in the standoff at Cliven Bundy’s Nevada ranch — are recruiting armed volunteers to travel to the Texas-Mexico border as a citizen militia to participate in “Operation Secure Our Border,” which aims to stop the surge of immigrants into the country.
The groups, who identify themselves as “Patriots,” “Oathkeepers” and “Three Percenters,” are using social media, blogs and a 24-hour hotline to recruit and mobilize volunteers that will travel to Laredo, carry firearms and attempt to assist law enforcement agencies on the border.
However, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said they do not “endorse or support any private group or organization from taking matters into their own hands as it could have disastrous personal and public safety consequences.”
Chris Davis, a 37-year-old truck driver listed as commander for the militia group, told the San Antonio Express-News he believes law enforcement agencies welcome the help.
“Everybody realizes something has to be done and we are here to look out for our fellow man while ensuring our national sovereignty,” said Davis, who served in the Army and National Guard and has been involved in Open Carry Texas events including last year’s rally at the Alamo.

Sen. Brandon Smith goes to Mars
Congress May Spend More On The Benghazi Panel Than On The Veterans Affairs Committee
The Huffington Post  | By Mollie Reilly
gop-tears-impotent-rageHouse Republicans have requested nearly $3.3 million to operate the select committee investigating Benghazi, which gives the GOP-launched committee a bigger budget than that granted to the committee overseeing the troubled Department of Veterans Affairs.
According to a committee document provided to USA Today by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) office, the budget provides about $2.2 million for the seven Republican lawmakers on the panel and a little over $1 million for the five Democrats. In contrast, the House Veterans Affairs Committee and Ethics Committee were each granted budgets of $3 million in 2014.
A spokesperson for committee chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) told USA Today that the number is a “high end estimate,” and comes from previously appropriated funds.
Despite the high-profile allegations of long wait times and fudged records at the VA, the congressional committees overseeing the agency remain some of the least politically powerful on Capitol Hill. Since Veterans Affairs offers few opportunities to reap the benefits of sitting on other, high-powered panels (i.e., Financial Services), the committee is almost entirely populated by rookie lawmakers with little leverage.
The Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim reported last month: Because the committee has so few senior members, it has little access to congressional leadership, cable news, the White House or the various levers of power in Washington. It should be little surprise then that a powerless committee has found itself powerless to oversee the VA.
miss lindsey has the vapors yet again by hip is everything
The panel members’ lack of experience also makes them less effective. “You have green and inattentive members on the committee, very few who are willing to conduct systematic oversight,” said Cooper. “Most couldn’t name senior officials below the secretary level. Most don’t know how [the VA system] works. The warnings were not heeded.”
The Benghazi panel, which was proposed by lawmakers earlier this year with no set budget, will investigate the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya. While the committee was formed in May, Gowdy says the panel has just begun its preliminary investigation work and is still in the process of hiring around 30 staffers to work on the committee.
“Obviously, going from not existing to fully functioning takes some time,” Gowdy told Politico of the committee’s slow start. “Hiring staff is widely important but not always terribly exciting from a reader’s or viewer’s standpoint. …. You have to do that before you can fully constitute a committee and start work.”
Conservatives Credit End Of Benefits For Declining Unemployment Rate
boehner lvl 99 douchebag by hip is everyrhhing
Responding to good news about the economy last week, influential conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer declared conservatives had won the debate over long-term unemployment insurance.
Congressional Republicans have stifled opportunities to renew the benefits, which expired in December. On Fox News’ “Special Report,” Krauthammer said he thinks it’s been the right call.
The past six months saw “the largest six-month decline in the length of unemployment ever measured,” he said. “The debate on that extension is over, and the conservatives were right.”
A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), whose refusal to entertain a Senate-passed bill has prevented Democrats from reviving the benefits, echoed the sentiment shortly after the Labor Department announced the unemployment rate fell to 6.1 percent in June.
“More unemployment checks won’t create less unemployment,” Boehner spokesman Matt Wolking wrote on Thursday. “In fact, the evidence suggests they create more.”
read more here …

Christie defends refusal to meet with Sandy Hook parents
Source: Philadelphia Magazine
christie by hip is everything
Gov. Chris Christie on Monday defended his decision to veto legislation that would have imposed stricter limits on gun ammunition magazines in the state. Speaking at an unrelated press conference, the Republican governor slammed the bill, which would have reduced the legal magazine capacity in the state from 15 rounds to 10.
assholeChristie said he had already signed the veto by the time the family members had arrived, and said he thought it would have been “hypocritical” for him to sit down with them at that point. “I understand their argument. I’ve heard their argument. I don’t agree with their argument,” he said, making the case that “the logical conclusion of their argument” would be to ban guns completely.
read more here …
Woman’s Attempt To Troll Liberals Backfires When Someone Notices This Disturbing Similarity
Posted by Jameson Parker
Holly Fisher, a conservative Christian, has been getting insane amounts of attention recently by trolling liberals on social media over the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision.
Unfortunately, she tried to up the ante one too many times and now she has unintentionally become the living symbol of how fundamentalism, no matter in what religion, looks disturbingly similar.
After gaining internet fame for posing for a “conservative hat trick” by standing in front of a Hobby Lobby wearing a pro-life t-shirt and drinking out of a Chick-fil-a cup, Fisher wanted to find her next big political statement. Fisher’s fans had apparently been telling her that just standing in front of Hobby Lobby wasn’t good enough. The astute patriots noted that the most important aspects of being an American – guns, the Bible and the American flag – were conspicuously absent. Assuming she could get a further rise out of the liberals she hates so much, Fisher quickly tweeted a new photo to prove just how patriotic she was.
While many of her followers fawned over the latest “suck it, Liberals!” tweet, one user noticed how creepy the photo was if you stopped to think about it.

@EricSilverUSA this obsession with guns and religion. If @HollyRFisher had a Quran and the same gun she’d look like she was a part of ISIS
— John Williams (@willj1508) July 4, 2014

This prompted someone to post the obvious comparison: Fisher’s picture next to an almost identical picture of a young woman holding a similar rifle, in front of a Islamic flag and clutching the Quran. Even their crooked smiles are exactly the same. It’s uncanny.

read more here …

and it’s only Tuesday kids …

tears of impotent rage … thursday edition

BREAKING: U.S. Jobless Rate Falls to 6.1% (Lowest Since Sept. 2008), June Payrolls Rise 288,000

US Trade Deficit Falls 5.6% to $44.4 Billion as Exports Hit Record High

Dow Jones Industrial Average Rises Above 17,000 for First Time

Stocks close at all-time highs as hiring surges

Blocking Medicaid expansion will cost Florida 63,000 jobs

And the gop/TP response will be:
In 3, 2, 1 …
That damned Obama !!! …
Obama is Killing the economy with his leftist, liberal Socialism !!!
OMG! What will ever become of the poor job creators ?!?!
Obama’s destroying our country!
We must take back America !!!
Obama’s the worst president in history !!!
Obama’s trying to destroy America !!!

There, now you don’t have to bother with the news today …
Go watch the World Cup …
Or, go help out yer’ neighbor or something …
Enjoy yer’ long weekend …
Peace, and safe journeys …


you know, it would be funny if it wasn’t so true …

sigh …
welcome to politics today …


“A cable access show has a character called ‘Dick Smart’ and it was a talking penis, trying to tell kids about contraception. A court of appeals has laid down the law that you cannot have a talking penis on the TV. Fox News has reacted immediately and fired Sean Hannity.”
-Bill Maher

tidbits from the grey matter

tidbitz by hip is everything

1. So, everybody’s favorite horse’s ass, ‘Cantor the Ranter’ got pwned like a level 2 noob on a dell 486 with 4 megs of ram last night and now he’s gotta head back to d-bag central to seek out some other way to feed off the public trough and fluff up his overwhelming narcissistic pathology in the future …
Part of me cheered this when I first heard the news …
After all the bagger who beat his ass should be easy to beat, even in the reddest of states in the upcoming general election (providing people in that district actually vote FOR their best interests for a change – then again, I’m not holding my breath on that one) …
And it is great that the same pompous prevaricating prick who told his own constituents on more than one occasion that they would not be getting financial assistance after mother nature reared up and destroyed a couple of towns (and many, many lives) unless he could hold the president hostage for a few bucks and some political favor with the far right d-bags that the gop holds so dear these days, is finally gonna be outta work …
Part of me went “oh fuck me tender Mabel!” when I realized that his district is so red that it makes the Taliban look like the gang over at…
Just what America needs, another bagger zealot with a hard on for whatever far right idiocy and conspiracy theories he can muster up from within his bigoted, factually bereft mind to make his base foam and lather, whose sole mission in the House will be to gum up the works and do his best to cripple the economy, voting rights, women’s rights, etc. …
Yikes! … again Mabel, again …
p.s.  was it just me, or did anyone else notice that the guy who took Cantor’s job looks just like Cantor? … it’s like the “stepford dudes” … weird … and just a little bit creepy …
p.p.s. Eric Cantor’s re-election campaign had him with a 34-point lead over primary opponent David Brat … he must have been using Mittens Romney’s pollsters …

2. Did ya’ catch the ‘lady’, and I do use that term VERY loosely, that went viral on the youtubez last week for her racist rant in front of her kids outside some giant box store because some dude (of color) “started his car and scared her children”? (who she as she so awesomely proved during said rant just how much she really did care for) …
And have ya’ caught some on the right jumping up to defend her with the usual “free speech” diatribes? … Maybe they know the all the cops she so proudly proclaimed she has “stripped for” and are just sticking up for their buds … I dunno …
Even better when she then later calls up a local radio station to explain that she’s not racist because the “N” word is not a racist term … according to her it actually means ‘ignorant’ and has nothing to do with race, so it’s okay to use it …
Stay close Mabel, it’s gonna be a long day …

3. Or, how about one Mr. Scott Esk, Tea Party candidate for Oklahoma State House District 91. Esk, on his political website, who believes that our rights come from God, and not from government, and is a big proponent of state rights. And he offers the usual Tea Party platform, being 100% pro-gun, pro-family, pro-life and low taxes.
Esk first claims that Leviticus 20:13 gives people the right to judge others, and goes on to claim that it is man’s role to put others to death for homosexuality. Then he goes on to claim that if we don’t start killing homosexuals that God may send a series of “calamities”
And then it gets worse …
When asked if he indeed believes that homosexuals should be put to death, and he responds,“I think we would totally be in the right to do it.” and responded that because it was done in the Old Testament, and it “came from God,” that it must be A-OK. And when pressed further, Esk admitted that he would not have a problem with a law that would make it legal to stone homosexuals to death.
Scott seems to have conveniently forgotten Romans 2:1 – when you judge someone for something you are considered to be guilty of the same thing … funny how that happens …
just sayin’, seeing as we’re throwin’ the biblical quotes around …

4. Yet another school shooting … no other civilized country in the world would tolerate this shit any longer, yet Mr. Lapierre and his cronies in congress and over at Faux Noise are still beating the “second amendment” drums … have any of these pricks actually stopped and read the second amendment? … seems like they haven’t … more of that selective quoting to me …
When will enough be enough? …
Come on America, it’s time for some of that ‘American exceptionalism’ you keep yakking about all the time …
74 School shootings since Sandy Hook

5. A new poll shows that the ‘Do Nothing’ Boehner congress that is now less popular than syphilis … enough said on that one right there …

6. The owner of the largest independent coal producer in the U.S. is threatening to sue the Environmental Protection Agency over its new regulations on carbon emissions from existing coal plants, saying the agency has been lying about the existence of global warming, and that the earth is actually getting colder …
Yeah that explains those melting ice caps dude … sheesh …
In an extended profile published last month, Murray Energy Corp. founder Robert Murray told WV Executive that the EPA’s claims that climate change exists violates the federal Data Quality Act, which requires agencies to rely on quality, objective information to inform its decisions. “Under the act, they are obligated to tell the truth, and they are not telling the truth about global warming,” Murray reportedly said.

7. Why is anyone named Kardashian on T.V.? … Can someone please explain this to me? …

8. And why is the Klondike Kardashian, Sarah Payme still in the news???? …

just some shit that’s running through my ever aging noggin …
later …
peace …

the swift boating of sgt. bowe bergdahl … tears of impotent rage, part 9743 …

I have no idea what kind of guy Sgt. Bergdahl is, or how he wound up in the hands of Taliban sympathizers, but I do know a smear job/swift-boating when I see one, and I find the right wing’s attempt to smear Mr. Bergdahl absolutely disgusting …
Whether he deserted or not is for the military to sort out …
and what the hell ever happened to “innocent until proven guilty”? …
How about everyone just does the old stfu dance for a little bit and we all wait for the facts on this whole matter first? …
P.S. to Chris Matthews …hey Tweety, I caught yer’ over the top, frothing at the mouth, take on this last couple of days … shame on you sir, you turned into one the same zealots who are perpetrating this whole ‘swift-boating’ venture … the same crowd you make your living at calling out … shame on you … and Chris, considering how much time you spend trying to look young and hip on your “news” show by your constant pop culture references to EVERY story, you really did just came off looking like an angry old white guy … maybe you should just stick to your usual self aggrandizing, name dropping and book selling … it’s actually, hard as that is to watch, much more flattering to you … and maybe, just maybe, as a good reporter, you should wait for the facts before pronouncing a verdict upon Mr. Bergdahl … just sayin’ …
P.P.S. … also worth the read … Ronald Reagan Gave Iran 1,500 Missiles for Hostages. Obama Trades Five Guys? GOP Heads Explode. or Politicians Delete Digital Praise of Bowe Bergdahl Release or The right’s unhinged Bergdahl hypocrisy: The ultimate way to savage Obama

Forward: from: Slate
… The first point is politically important. Many columnists and congressmen make a big point that America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists. Well, sometimes America does, but the key thing here is that the Taliban delegates, with whom U.S. officials have been negotiating in Qatar over the fate of Sgt. Bergdahl, are not terrorists. They represent a political faction and a military force in Afghanistan; they are combatants in a war that the United States is fighting. In other words, Bergdahl was not a “hostage” (another erroneous term uttered by Rogers). He was a prisoner of war, and what happened on May 31 was an exchange of POWs.The United States and practically every other nation that’s ever fought a war have made these sorts of exchanges for centuries. In recent years, American officers have turned over hundreds of detainees to the Afghan government, which in turn freed them in exchange for favors of one sort or another from the Taliban. During the Iraq war, American commanders frequently made similar swaps. The Israeli government (which can’t be considered soft on terror) trades prisoners with Hamas and Hezbollah all the time. In the most dramatic case, Gilad Shalit, an Army private abducted by Hamas, was traded for 1,027 Palestinian and Arab prisoners, 280 of whom had been serving life sentences for terrorist attacks against Israel.

The following repost from Stonekettle Station is maybe the best response to the right wing’s latest ‘attack Obama’ (“Bergdahlhazi”) campaign I have seen yet, and is definitely worth reading and sharing …
And while I don’t agree with every word he chooses in his piece, I do agree wholeheartedly with his assessment of what has taken place …

Negotiating With Terrorists
Are we really going to do this?
Is this what it’s finally come down to, is it really?
Look at yourselves, you silly selfish bastards.
Look. At. Yourselves.
Go on, do it, find a mirror and look into your own dead zombie eyes and see the empty void looking back. This revolting, disgusting display of hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy, is this what we’ve finally become?
Are we now so filled with foul bilious hatred, are we now so consumed with soul-destroying fear, do we now despise our own selves so much that we would actually protest the return of one of our own? Is that it?
Is that what we’ve become?
If so, then the sooner America collapses of its own maggot-ridden gangrenous rot, the better.
No. No, don’t you dare look away. Don’t roll your eyes and dismiss the question. Don’t change the subject. Don’t click on to another story you find more palatable. You started this. You look into your own rotten soul and you answer the question.
Is this who we are?
Because the utter unmitigated, unhinged, unbounded yellow-eyed hypocrisy that defines this sick twisted morally bankrupt philosophy has finally, today, reached its zenith.  There is nowhere left to go.
I didn’t think these people could dishonor the spirit of this country any more than they already had, but I was wrong.
Oh, I get it. I understand that frightened people become more and more irrational, especially when they are allowed, encouraged, to feed incestuously on each other’s fear. And I get that they are afraid. I can see it in their faces, I can hear it in their voices. I get that they’re afraid of change. I get that they’re afraid of the future. I get that they’re afraid of the past. And I get that they’re afraid of the present. I get that they’re afraid of losing power and privilege and prestige. I get that they’re afraid of their capricious and childishly vengeful god. I get that they’re afraid of different races and different cultures and different accents and different religions and different sexual orientations and different viewpoints and different politics. I get it, they’ve screamed their small fears over and over and only a dead man could possibly miss it.
I get that they are so consumed with rage and so filled with naked hate and so programmed with their diseased ideology that it poisons their minds like a computer chip submerged in acid.
I get that they are so utterly terrified of the world that they piss themselves in abject fear at the mere thought of going to the grocery store without a goddamned gun stuck in their pants like an extra oversized prick.
More than anything, I get that they are afraid of Barack Obama, everything about him, every single thing about the president terrifies them. Obama stalks their feverish nightmares and he is the very symbol of their shameful impotence – so much so that they’ve written him into their precious bible, in a starring role as the devil, the destroyer of worlds.
I get it.
And I get that it’s an uncontrollable mindless tic, a raging xenophobia, a political PTSD, and they know that it’s wrong but they can’t seem to do anything about it.
It’s just how their crippled minds work.
I know that I’m supposed to cut these people some slack. I know that an objective person would try to empathize. I know I should try and see the world through their eyes, to meet them halfway, to treat them as if their gibbering insanity is, if not okay, at least reasonable. Understandable. Sane. And I try, with varying and limited degrees of success, but I try because I understand they are afraid and they just can’t help themselves.
But this? This, right here, this is the limit of my patience.
With this, they can no longer claim that it’s a difference in political philosophy, or a clash of competing economic theories, or the debate between big government and small, or civil rights, or taxes or the national debt or jobs or gay marriage or abortion or any of the bullshit excuses they’ve used to justify their unhinged rage for the last five years.
No, it’s hate pure and simple.
It’s hate for hate’s sake, hate driven by unreasoned selfish fear and nothing more.
When these capering lunatics stand in front of the nation, the world, and without a single shred of decency, without the tiniest modicum of self-conscious shame, without any apparent awareness of their own boundless hypocrisy, and loudly protest the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from the clutches of our sworn enemies, I have to say no more.
I’ve reached the limit of what little tolerance I have for this insane hatred.
They say it’s because Bergdahl is a deserter, that he could be a traitor.And maybe he is. Maybe he’s both.
And maybe he isn’t.
We don’t know. No one knows, except for Bergdahl himself.
And Bergdahl has neither admitted his guilt nor proclaimed his innocence as yet. There’s been no Article 32 hearing, no trial, no court martial. The military and the intelligence agencies haven’t even begun his debriefing. All we know for certain is that an American soldier was taken captive by the enemy, held for years, and returned as part of a prisoner exchange.  That’s it. That’s what we know. We don’t know what events led to his capture, not all of them, not yet. We don’t know the details of his captivity. We don’t know the particulars of his release beyond the broad details that have been published in the press.
Nevertheless, Bergdahl has been condemned by the popular media, by social networks, by pundits and politicians, not because they know more about the situation than you or I do, but solely because they hate the president. If Obama was behind Bergdahl’s release, then Bergdahl is a traitor, Q.E.D. because the president must never, ever, be allowed even the slightest acknowledgement of patriotism.
This condemnation isn’t about Bergdahl, it’s about Obama.
Certainly, some of Bergdahl’s fellow soldiers say he deserted. That he was disillusioned with the war, with America, that he left his guard post and walked away into the desert in some foolish and quixotic attempt to reach China.  They say that men, good men, real heroes, died searching for Bergdahl after he disappeared.
And those soldiers, they’d probably know, wouldn’t they?
And, yeah, if I was one of them I’d be damned resentful too and I have no doubt whatsoever that I’d use this blog to protest those who would attempt to paint Bergdahl as a hero – if I knew for certain that he deserted, if I’d lost friends searching for him.
I don’t begrudge those soldiers one iota of their resentment, they earned it with their own blood.
And let’s say it’s true.
Let’s say for the sake of argument that Bergdahl is indeed a deserter, that his capture by the Taliban was a result of his own cowardly actions.
So what?
Last time I checked, the punishment specified for violation of UCMJ Article 85 (or Article 86 depending on Bergdahl’s intentions) isn’t to throw him to our enemies!
Ultimately, Bergdahl will have to face his accusers, and if the allegations of desertion are proven true then he will answer for the crime of desertion as specified under the Uniform Code of Military Justice – which technically could include the death penalty since the desertion is alleged to have occurred during time of war and in the face of the enemy. Far more likely, of course, if Bergdahl is convicted of desertion he’ll probably get little more than a bad conduct discharge and forfeiture of any benefits. It’s unlikely that he’d see prison time – and, really, how would that even be a punishment compared to what he’s already been through?  Likely he won’t ever face a hearing and he’ll be administratively separated from the service at the Army’s earliest possible convenience.
But, and here’s the thing so pay attention, even if Bergdahl is tried and found guilty of desertion, even if he’s found guilty of treason as some would have it, he’ll go to prison – we won’t give him back to the Taliban.
There is no crime so great that leaving him in the hands of our enemies is the indicated punishment.
He was, he is, one of ours. Period.
For better or for worse, he’s one of ours, and we don’t leave our people behind – not even the deserters.
We Americans sent him into the meat grinder and it is our sacred obligation to get him home, no matter what.
Even if he was dead.
We’ve been digging through the jungles of Southeast Asia for the better part of four decades, trying to make good on that promise for the men we left there.  We’ve spared no expense to return home little more than tiny moldering pieces of bone.  Some of those dead men were heroes, some were hardened professionals, and some were just soldiers doing their duty, who came when called and who did their best to survive a horrible conflict they couldn’t understand and wanted no part of. Some were steadfast and some were cowards and some were fools. But they were, each and every one, ours. And we have done our best to bring them home.
And what? We should do any less for Sgt. Bergdahl?
The staggering hypocrisy of this becomes immediately apparent when you realize that the very same folks who would grant an unconditional pardon to the traitorous Edward Snowden, a man who provably and self-admittedly gave aid and comfort to our adversaries during time of war and who continues to do so to this very day, these same people would proclaim Snowden a hero and leave Bergdahl to die unlamented in a Taliban cave – solely because they despise Barack Obama and for no other reason.
For the last two years, these very same people have been screaming for Obama’s impeachment, because the President ordered the targeted killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American who publicly renounced his citizenship, declared his allegiance to our sworn enemies, and who then actively took up arms against the United States and loudly encouraged others to do so as well.  These same people would sacrifice untold numbers of American soldiers to capture a self-declared terrorist and give him a trial because they simply cannot and will not acknowledge that the president did the right thing, but these very same people would condemn Bergdahl and leave him to rot in Afghanistan without so much as an Article 32 hearing, solely to further their blind hatred of Barack Obama.
For the last eighteen months these very same people have been screaming for Obama’s impeachment. Impeachment? Hell, some of these silly sons of bitches, including sitting members of Congress and members of the military, have marched on the White House demanding the actual overthrow of the United States government and the imprisonment or death of the President, because four Americans died in Benghazi, Libya. They are outraged, outraged beyond logic, beyond prudence, beyond reason, because they believe Obama didn’t do absolutely everything possible up to and including an armed military invasion to save those men.  But these same people, these very same people, would leave an American soldier to die at the hands of the Taliban and they refuse to cheer his safe return, solely because they hate Barack Obama beyond all rational bounds and they will not allow this administration any victory no matter how small – even when they themselves have been condemning Obama for leaving an American serviceman in the hands of our enemies.
For them, Bergdahl be he a captive or a free man, is nothing more just another way to attack the president and they can spin their hypocrisy in any fashion necessary.
They are angered by Bowe Bergdahl’s release, because they say we don’t negotiate with terrorists.
But what they conveniently fail to mention are those pictures of Cheney and Rumsfeld with Saddam Hussein, back when we were giving the murderous Iraqi despot money and guns in his war against Iran and which he later used to invade Kuwait.  Or that part where we armed Osama bin Laden with Stinger missiles and all the guns he and the Mujahidin could carry into Afghanistan. Or that part where these people’s beloved patron saint, one Ronald Reagan, sold arms to our mortal enemies in Iran, a nation the US Congress and that very same President had publicly labeled a terrorist state, the very same terrorist rat bastards who took our entire embassy staff hostage and held them for over a year.  Or that part where that very same administration took the profits from that arms deal with terrorists and used it to finance still more terrorists in the jungles of Central America. And the really, really amusing part is that the same people who are right now shouting “we don’t negotiate with terrorists!” are some of the very same people, name for name, who were personally negotiating with terrorists in Iran, in Iraq, in Libya, in Afghanistan, in Colombia, in Nicaragua, in Somalia, and in Beirut.
We don’t negotiate with terrorists?
Jesus Haploid Christ, we do business with terrorists on a daily basis and have all the way back to WWII when we contracted with the Mafia to run arms into occupied Sicily.
We don’t negotiate with terrorists, what a fucking joke.
Answer me a question, if we can sell arms to terrorists, to our own enemies, then you tell me why we can’t negotiate with those same terrorists for the return of our own people.
If our people aren’t worth it, if they aren’t worth more than the value we place on arm sales and political maneuvering, then you go right on and tell me what all the shouting is about over Benghazi. Go on, I’ll wait.
If our people aren’t worth four or five terrorists sitting in a Gitmo prison cell, then you tell me why we’ve spent the last twelve years in two wars, why we traded the lives of six thousand servicemen and why we killed hundreds of thousands Iraqis and Afghans to avenge three thousand Americans. Go on, tell me why it was okay for the previous administration take a hundred enemy lives for every one of ours, but it’s not acceptable for the current administration to trade five terrorists for the life of one American soldier – especially when we gave six American lives as a down payment looking for him after his disappearance.  Why were the Americans who died on 911 any more valuable than Bowe Bergdahl?
And if Bergdahl is guilty of desertion, then don’t we owe it to those six dead soldiers to bring him home and make him account for his cowardice?
These people are so eaten up with hatred, their souls are so corrupted by their poisonous worldview, that instead of satisfaction at the return of their fellow countryman they feel only loathing – because they simply cannot stand to see Obama with a joyous Jani and Bob Bergdahl, announcing the safe repatriation of their son.
The staggering hypocrisy of John McCain continues unabated, the man is a disgrace to the uniform he once wore and the honor he swore to uphold. McCain, more than any other living American, should know what it’s like when governments value politics over their own citizens. Navy Lieutenant John McCain, if he still exists inside that wretched bitter old man, that John McCain more than any other should remember what it’s like to come home as a POW under a cloud of doubt and suspicion. But Vietnam was a long, long time ago and John McCain is a rich man now and more than willing to condemn others for his own sins.
Ted Cruz, a man who wants to be President of the United States, who wants to be the Commander in Chief, is the very epitome of these intractable sons of bitches. No other American embodies every horrible facet of the moral bankruptcy that is this corrupt selfish philosophy – unless it’s his father, the turd-blossom didn’t fall far from the horse’s ass in the Cruz family.
Cruz said, “What does this tell the terrorists? That if you capture a U.S. soldier, you can trade that soldier for five terrorists?”
Cruz went on to say the prisoner swap was “very disturbing.”
What does it tell the terrorists?
This, this right here, is where we as a nation, need to say no more.
We need to stand up and say we’ve had enough. That not only are we sick and tired of being afraid of terrorists, but we’re even more tired of listening to the fearful cries of the other terrorists, the ones who practice being terrified as a political philosophy.
This madness, this crippling unreasoning fear, must be dragged into the heat of the sun and cauterized, before it kills us all.
What does it tell the terrorists?
Fourteen years we’ve been killing these cockroaches, we’ve killed thousands of them, we’ve killed their families, we’ve destroyed their country, we rooted them out of their strongholds, we hunted down their leader and shot him in the head and dumped his body into the sea.
And for what? So we can still be afraid?
All of this, all of these lost lives, all of the terrible terrible cost, all is for naught because we were willing to trade prisoners, because we’re the kind of people who would care enough about our own to want him back? Is that it?
What the hell have we been fighting for?
What were all those lives traded for?
If we can’t bring one American home alive.
Why do we have the mightiest military in the world? In the history of the world, if we have to live in fear of what the goddamned terrorists think?
If we have to live in terror all of the time.
If we can’t even go to the goddamned grocery store without a gun?
Here’s the really disturbing question: What does Ted Cruz’s statement tell the US Military?What does it tell the terrorists? Who cares. The real question is what does it tell America?
That under a Tea Party administration if you’re captured by terrorists, well fuck you, Soldier. We don’t negotiate with terrorists. Our vaunted principles, our inflexible ideology, our unbending politics and our sound-bite simple-minded doctrine is worth more than your life. We don’t negotiate with terrorists (even though we really do, don’t we? Pretty much all of the time). Besides, you’re probably a traitor anyway.
Think about that.
Think about it real hard.
Think about it real hard, especially if you’re the parent of a soldier-age son or daughter.
And then be glad, goddamned glad, that you have a president who was willing to do what it takes to get Bowe Bergdahl home.
Dead or alive, we get our people home, whatever the cost, that’s the one promise that must never be broken.
The day we forget that, the day the fear of “what will the terrorists think” becomes more important to us than that sacred obligation, that’sthe day America dies.
Whether or not Bowe Bergdahl is a hero or a deserter or just a hapless fool who screwed up under the enormous pressures of war, he’s still an American.
He’s one of ours and and there’s only one thing to say:
Welcome home, Soldier.
Welcome home.
Jim Wright
reposted from Stonekettle Station

tears of impotent rage … take 7,639 … the daily outrage

after watching all the blathering, bloviating, blustering, bullshit, baying,barking and bleating from the right last night over the fact that the prez dared to shake raul castro’s hand at the mandela memorial yesterday, i was gonna go off on a rant, then, i read this …
so i will just step aside and let the rude one takeover …
i couldn’t possibly put it any better …

The Rude Pundit: Obama Doesn’t Murder Raul Castro at Mandela Memorial; Conservatives Outraged
Admit it. The second you heard that President Obama shook hands with Cuba’s Raul Castro at the memorial for Nelson Mandela, you got nauseous. Oh, not because you think there’s any problem with two world leaders not currently at or near war exchanging pleasantries or some such nonsense. No, you felt your gut twist because you knew the shitstorm that was about to rain its fecal self down all over the internets. There was no way that this gesture was going to go uncondemned by the fucknuts of the right. And, indeed, you were correct because fucknuts will be fucknuts.
There’s America’s angriest shelf-elf, John McCain, saying, weirdly, “Why should you shake hands with someone who’s keeping Americans in prison? I mean, what’s the point? Neville Chamberlain shook hands with Hitler.”
Mona Charen, who apparently writes things, said on the National Review online, “(T)o witness the handshake between Obama and Raúl Castro makes the stomach turn.” And she’s been alone in a room with Newt
Marco Rubio, in his continuing performance art piece, “Marco Rubio Hasn’t Turned Invisible,” smacked, “If the president was going to shake his hand, he should have asked him about those basic freedoms Mandela was associated with that are denied in Cuba.” He then added, sadly, slowly, “No, really, I’m still here. Hello?”
At a fucking congressional hearing today, Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of, yeah, Florida, told Secretary of State John Kerry, “(W)hen the leader of the free world shakes the bloody hand of a ruthless dictator like Raul Castro, it becomes a propaganda coup for the tyrant.” Kerry wanted to roll his eyes, but those muscles have long since succumbed to the Botox.
From Breitbart to Rush Limbaugh, from the halls of Congress to the microphones of CNN, a loud, long fart of manufactured outrage was heard echoing around the nation. What a fine day for freedom and compassion. Frankly, there’s a chance that the Cuban people are gonna be pissed that Castro shook hands with the dude who drone bombs the fuck out of innocent people.
Let’s give the last word here to another conservative, John Podhoretz, who wrote, sanely, “There’s plenty to attack Obama for. Attacking him for shaking someone’s hand at a funeral begins to descend into self-parody.” The only thing to argue about there is the word “begins.”
more rude here …

after all, who could forget john “i’m a fuckin’ war hero ya’ know” mccain’s own “pallin’ around with terrorists” moments …
mccain khadaffi

Warmonger McCain Meets with Terrorists in Syria While Journalist Killed by their Snipers
by Scott Creighton
Pure warmonger for the global elite John McCain went to Syria yesterday to hobnob with our mercenary terrorists who are running a proxy war on our behalf around the same time a journalist from Syria was being killed by the very same faction McCain was meeting with.


or this little ditty …

so in closing i’d just like to say to john mccain, hannity the manatee, the factually starved gang over at cnn (the crap news network), bill hemmer over at faux noise and all the other d-bags who lined up yesterday to take yet another impotent, small dicked pot shot at the prez …
shut the fuck up, go do something productive …
like shutting the fuck up …
and to johnny in particular, “blow me, you senile old p.o.s.” …
on second thought, no, don’t, just go away, far away
just sayin’ …

gop congress 2013 … jobs, jobs, jobortions! & onward! in the war on women

bat shit crazy dept by hip is everything
the war on women is not ebbing, it is growing stronger …
how long do you really think it will be before we hear of a bill that denies women the right to vote? …
no shit, ya’ know they would do it the second they thought that they could get away with it …
burkas soon? … it’s how the american taliban rolls …
a quote from a wise man: “Republicans stand for raw, unbridled evil and greed and ignorance smothered in balloons and ribbons.” … Frank Zappa …
yup, ‘bout sums it up …

20-Week Abortion Bill Advanced By All-Male Congressional Panel
d-bag alert by hip is everythingRepublicans in the House Judiciary subcommittee voted on Tuesday to expand Rep. Trent Franks’ (R-Ariz.) proposed D.C. abortion bill to apply to the whole country and advanced the bill favorably to the full committee. The bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy in the United States in all cases except those in which the mother’s life is in danger.
All four Democrats on the panel voted against advancing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, arguing that it is unconstitutional and allows no exceptions for rape victims, incest victims, women whose health is endangered by a pregnancy, and cases of severe fetal anomalies. The 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade protects women’s ability to have an abortion up until the fetus is viable outside the womb, which is usually believed to occur around the 24th week of pregnancy.
Reps. John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) said they objected to the fact that all of the lawmakers debating the abortion bill are men and that none are doctors. “It is totally out of order for us to determine a medical question like this under the guise of acting as members of the very vital House Judiciary Committee,” Conyers said. “No good has ever come from an all-male committee deciding the law about a woman’s body. This is not appropriate.”
Deutch said that watching “a group of men” make medical decisions on behalf of women is “hard for people to take.”
from huffpo … read more here …todays gop knows by hip is everything
Sen. Chambliss blames “nature” for military women being raped!
ass clown by hip is everythingThe Georgia Republican recalled that “several years ago when we had the first females go out on an aircraft carrier, when they returned to port, a significant percentage of those females were pregnant.”
“Was any investigation made by the Navy following that incident to determine whether or not all of those pregnancies occurred as a result of consensual acts?” he asked Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert.
The admiral replied that he did not have details of the incident immediately available, but he pledged to follow up.
Chambliss noted that Democratic proposals to modify the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and take sexual assault reporting outside of the victim’s chain of command might not work because young servicemen were being driven by their “nature.”
“The young folks coming in to each of your services are anywhere from 17 to 22 or 23,” he pointed out. “Gee-whiz, the hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur. So, we’ve got to be very careful on our side.”
read more here …

Marsha Blackburn: Women ‘Don’t Want’ Equal Pay Laws
ass clown by hip is everythingRepublican congresswoman Marsha Blackburn said on Sunday that women “don’t want” equal pay laws.
During a roundtable discussion on NBC’s Meet The Press, former White House advisor David Axelrod asked if the Tennessee lawmaker would support a law promoting workplace gender equality. Blackburn responded: “I think that more important than that is making certain that women are recognized by those companies. You know, I’ve always said that I didn’t want to be given a job because I was a female, I wanted it because I was the most well-qualified person for the job. And making certain that companies are going to move forward in that vein, that is what women want. They don’t want the decisions made in Washington. They want to be able to have the power and the control and the ability to make those decisions for themselves.”
Blackburn voted against the 2009 Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, a landmark bill for women’s rights in the workplace. The law makes it easier for women to file wage discrimination suits against employers. She also voted against the Paycheck Fairness Act of 2009.
Blackburn is hardly the only female politician to oppose laws aimed at discouraging the gender wage gap. In 2012, a new Paycheck Fairness Act failed in the Senate after receiving nay votes from Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Susan Collins (R-Maine).
The gender pay gap has expanded in recent years. In 2012, women earned approximately 80.9% of what men earned. According to a recent analysis, the average U.S. woman now stands to lose out on $443,000 over 40 years.
gop taking you back by hip is everything

it couldn’t happen! … to a nicer person

michele bachmann new home by hip is everything
that diva of deception, distortion and duplicity herself has now become embroiled in her own “scandal” …
and all i can say is “it couldn’t happen! … to a nicer person” …
finally, after months, nay years, of gop ranting and roiling about the “scandal” that is washington we finally have a real scandal …
some real crimes to investigate …
finally a real case that shows the corruption in d.c. …
one with facts and stuff …
not the usual made up, overblown faux noise talking points and magical thinking that the pixie dust crowd on the far right is famous for and has been using for years to cover the fact that they have done everything they possibly can to thwart any and all efforts to make america a better and more equitable place to dwell …
not the same old billo the clown, hannity the manatee, rush limpballs blather, bloviating, bullshit and bluster that has become somehow mistaken for fact and “news” by the low information, “who needs truth?”, race-baiting, “facts schmacts” gang of idiots who dwell in baggerland u.s.a. …
of course, this will be treated as just “one more example” of  “the heathen liberal media” attacking some poor innocent on the right because she’s a christian or something like that, but facts is facts kids …
1. bitch be crazy …
2. she be crooked as a dog’s hind leg near a hydrant … and,
3. she got caught …
and yeah, the right will jump up and down screaming like banshees that this is somehow obama’s fault …
and, hannity the manatee and the idiots three at faux and fiends will no doubt run “expose” after lie filled “expose” on how this is just one more example of why and how the president hates america, and is desperately and ruthlessly trying to destroy it …
they’ll probably even find some incoherent, obtuse, bizarre way to tie his daughters and wife michelle into the mix somehow …
glenn beck and alex jones will probably completely lose what little is left of their fear and loathing addled minds and scream (and in the case of the beckster, weep) that this is an elitist, illuminati inspired new world order conspiracy to finally round up the “christians” and herd them into their final resting place deep inside some “fema run prison camp in northern montana” …
(aha!!! … this must be why the obama administration has been buying all those bullets, and why he “wants your guns!!!”)
i’m sure even failin’ palin will muster up one of her usual incoherent, word salad tweets that “she knew it all along” and that “this is PROOF that obama really is a socialist, fascist, communist, radical usurper and manchurian candidate from kenya who is out to turn america into a spiritual and religious wasteland ruled by muslim extremism inspired rhetoric and sharia law” …
and no doubt she’ll misspell at least 5 or 6 words in that tweet …
donald trump and his  “pseudo-hair that is blown by unseen winds” may even manage to muster up an appearance or two over at faux noise and demand the president’s driving records or something …
it should be quite the spectacle for the next few weeks …
and hopefully, when all is said and done, and when all the pissing, moaning, mewling and puking is finally done on the right, justice will truly prevail and old crazy eyes will be indicted …
hoisted on her own petard …
that would be justice …
a case of the old “her dogma got run over by her own karma” thing …
fingers crossed …
now imma go get me some popcorn and a cold drink …
this should be good …

FBI has now been given sworn testimony and documents alleging Bachmann approved secret payments
While Congresswoman Michele Bachmann was announcing her retirement to much fanfare in the media, according to information given exclusively to Take Action News, the FBI was busy collecting potentially damaging evidence against her from two former campaign aides.
According to sources close to the criminal investigation of Bachmann’s presidential campaign, the FBI has now been given sworn testimony and documents alleging Bachmann approved secret payments to Iowa state Senator Kent Sorenson in exchange for his help and support in that state’s 2012 Presidential caucuses. Ethics rules explicitly prohibit Iowa lawmakers from accepting payments from Presidential campaigns or PACs. Investigation sources tell Take Action News the FBI is examining money laundering allegations against Bachmann, as well as possible wire fraud and mail fraud.
As detailed on nationally syndicated radio and YouTube show Take Action News this past Saturday, the key claims against Bachmann are coming from two of her former campaign insiders — former Congressional chief of staff Andy Parrish and former national field coordinator Pete Waldron. Waldron has filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission, alleging the payments to State Senator Sorenson were improper. Parrish has provided an affidavit to investigators, confirming Bachmann knew of and approved the payments.
read more here …

the latest gop jobs plan … impeachment

and guess who the new job would go to? …

a quick reminder to the right-wingers, baggers, birthers, ditto heads and low info faux noise blatherers:
if you are so freaking sure that you want to impeach president obama, then at least stop for a second and remember who would succeed him as commander in chief …
oh yeah … THIS GUY!

joe biden by hip is everything
keep in mind, you bat shit crazy right-wingers, the next time you want to make a “big fucking deal” out of benghazi and want to talk about impeaching obama …
then you would have a man in office who, among other things:
came out and supported gay marriage BEFORE president obama did …
has had an “F” rating from the nra throughout his years in public office …
is currently spearheading the effort for gun control …
(after voting in 1994 for the assault weapons ban)
had a 100% rating from NARAL, Pro-Choice America …
authored the “Violence Against Women Act” …
blocked robert bork from the supreme court, as head of the judiciary committee …
believes in a single payer health care system …
stood strongly against ronald ray-gun’s star wars initiative …
voted against the gulf war in 1991 and afghanistan in 2001 …
was instrumental in the passage of “obamacare” …
also instrumental in the first recovery act and oversaw the implementation …(considering how much money was spent and how little we have heard with respect to corruption – that’s amazing)
a key and pivotal player in laying down the groundwork for the repeal of DADT …
worked with the senate in approving the nuclear treaties with russia …
kicked lyin’ ryan’s ass on national television in front of millions of people …
and he’s against Keystone XL! …
oh yeah, and did i mention that the peeps just LOVE this guy …

this is really all about hillary in 2016 …
if they can demonize benghazi, they demonize hillary …
and they’re in that mode right now, believing that if they say it enough times people will believe their lies about benghazi …

they impeached clinton over a blow job and they’re trying to impeach obama on an alex jones/glenn beck inspired conspiracy theory …
and yet, not a fucking whisper about impeaching little dick and the shrub for lying america into two illegal, immoral wars that cost the lives of thousands of troops, countless civilians, bankrupted the economy and eroded america’s status internationally? …
get real, gop …
fuck off …
where’s that “jobs plan” you guys have been spewing on about the last 3 years? …

and let’s not forget crazy eyes bachman, queen of the bagger doucherocket patrol, in all this …

“9/11, Benghazi Were God’s ‘Judgment, So We Must Hold Day Of Prayer On Sept. 11”
“It’s no secret that our nation may very well be experiencing the hand of judgment. It is no secret that we all are concerned that our nation may be in a time of decline. If that is in fact so, what is the answer?” Bachmann asked. “The answer is what we are doing here today: humbling ourselves before an almighty God, crying out to an almighty God, saying not of ourselves but you, would you save us oh God? We repent of our sins, we turn away from them, we seek you, we seek your ways.”…

fuck me, it’s great(?!?) to be back …
the holiday was great, even managed to slay a few dragons and stalk the mighty chinchompa while the chimp and i took our little hiatus, but there’s d-bags to debunk (as always), so it’s back to work …
cya tomorrow …
and yes, the “d-bag of the week” AND the “ass clown of the month” awards are right around the corner



d-bag honorable mention by hip is everythingIssa: ‘An Act Of Terror Is Different Than A Terrorist Attack’

(TPM) House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) on Monday disputed President Barack Obama’s assertion that he attributed last year’s deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya to terrorists, arguing that an “act of terror” is a different characterization than “a terrorist attack.”
“The President sent a letter to the president of Libya were he didn’t call it a terrorist attack even when in real time the president of Libya was calling this a pre-planned Sept. 11 terrorist attack,” Issa said during an interview with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly. “So I think when you look at official correspondence from the President through the acting ambassador to the president of Libya, which came out in our hearing and was testified to under oath, the words that are being used carefully — like you just said, act of terror — an act of terror is different than a terrorist attack.

“daddy will you still love me?”

This video is a spoof of anti-gay marriage ad. It’s pretty apparent at the end of the video, but just in case you don’t watch the whole thing, we’re letting you know now.
Found on NonRandomNonSense’s YouTube channel/

gop rep admits gun is penis replacement … film at 11

Illinois Republican Legislator Compares Gun Regulations To Castration

In a rant on the floor of the Illinois House of Representatives Tuesday, State Rep. Jim Sacia (R) objected to state-wide gun violence prevention efforts comparing them to castration.
As the right-wing Red Alert Politics reported, Sacia screamed that the bill was being forced by Chicago legislators because they have a “runaway gun problem.”
SACIA: Don’t blame the rest of us. This isn’t about Democrats, it’s not about Republicans. It’s because Chicago wants a warm fuzzy. “Let’s pass a bill that will eliminate assault rifles.” Last year, there were more people killed with hammers than with assault rifles. Here’s an analogy folks, I ask you to think of this: You folks in Chicago, want me to get castrated because you’re families are having too many kids. It spells out exactly what is happening here! You want us to get rid of guns. … You bet I used Chicago as an example, because you’re the folks that want this craziness.”
from think progress … read more here …
this “hammer” crap has been repeated endlessly by the lemming class of right-wing nra devotees, but it has absolutely no basis in fact …
of course, that doesn’t stop them from repeating it endlessly …
”there were more people killed with hammers”? …
really? …
NOPE! and here’s the proof …